The of begining life on earth

The scientific method proceeds on the basis of a naturalistic mechanism behind observed phenomena and data. If there are gaps in scientific knowledge or science cannot explain something (which is certainly true of our understanding of abiogenesis), science does not throw its hands up and declare that ‘it must have been God’. If you want to speculate on the role of God or a ‘creator’ then you are no longer being scientific and I will move the thread to a non-science forum. (Note: depending on the nature of the conversation, this may be the Cesspool where threads are automatically locked.)
according to nature science is neutral on the concept of god.
for you, or anyone else, to say someone is wrong you will have to prove you are right.
so far this proof hasn't been forthcoming. lot's of ideas though.
the only thing science knows about the subject is life comes from life.
according to nature science is neutral on the concept of god.
for you, or anyone else, to say someone is wrong you will have to prove you are right.
so far this proof hasn't been forthcoming. lot's of ideas though.
the only thing science knows about the subject is life comes from life.

Scientists are not SCIENCE.

And SCIENCE knows an abundence about life as well as its possible origins.
Scientists are not SCIENCE.

And SCIENCE knows an abundence about life as well as its possible origins.

I am looking for possible origin . So far so good , There is a lot of hand waving but I am keep looking , you can look also , and let me know , and let analyze the proposals :)
yaracuy said:
How would I answer this question to my children?
What's wrong with the truth: "I don't know." Your children need to understand that there are unsolved mysteries in the universe. They should not grow up believing that every question has an answer, because when they eventually find out that it does not, they will lose all faith in the people who taught them that: you, in this case!

My wife says the reason religions are always invented by men is that we're too chicken-shit to answer a question honestly with "I don't know." We act as though there's something dishonorable about not knowing everything. When in fact the true dishonor is in lying.
What's wrong with the truth: "I don't know." Your children need to understand that there are unsolved mysteries in the universe. They should not grow up believing that every question has an answer, because when they eventually find out that it does not, they will lose all faith in the people who taught them that: you, in this case!

My wife says the reason religions are always invented by men is that we're too chicken-shit to answer a question honestly with "I don't know." We act as though there's something dishonorable about not knowing everything. When in fact the true dishonor is in lying.

I vote this the best answer in 6 pages!