The Purpose of Life

The purpose of life is to experience fully the condition of a real living being, so as to be able to have mercy the day we will encounter some little being, experiencing himself the same problem we have already encounter.

There is surely many levels of reality for a living being and we dont need to experience all the problems of life, but we will at least have to experience one problem (or there is no use to live).

There is NO purpose to LIFE, it just occurred. No grand plan, no goal to achieve

It (LIFE) cane into being because physics allows certain chemical reactions to occur. These chemical reactions have the ability to become self sustaining

Self sustaining chemicals have the ability to morph into self replicating entities

Self replicating entities have the ability to become aware they self replicating entities and tend to carry on the process of producing more self replicating entities because the process has become a form of pleasure

None of the above is in any way shape or form devine or miraculous. Cannot even be said unlikely to occur, since it did / has occured

So no god(s) required, no grand plan, no goal to achieve. You, yes all of yous, are here at the end of accumulated occurrences

The sum of those accumulated occurrences will propel you through YOUR life happenings. Some of the situations yous will encounter yous might have control over

But yous frequently will encounter the nagging doubt "if only"

Welcome to reality

And where the reality is coming from ?
What is the purpose of reality ?

Came from, or more precise, produced by the process of physics

Reality has no purpose

Not a single atom quark or anything to do with the Universe has any purpose

Came from, or more precise, produced by the process of physics

Came from ?...
So you think that the process of physics HAS created reality.
And now, the reality ... do it have any use of the physics anymore ?

Reality has no purpose

This is your opinion.

Not a single atom quark or anything to do with the Universe has any purpose

This is your opinion...
But i would be more precise.
Not a single atom quark or anything we know using physic IS the reality.

A quark is a physical object invented by physicist using the physic discipline.
This PHYSICAL REPRESENTATION do not come from nowhere : This representation is A POINT OF VIEW using the reality (nobody know what reality is, we only know it is the source of every observation).
So reality is what?

Why do you need me to repeat every time the same ?

This PHYSICAL REPRESENTATION do not come from nowhere : This representation is A POINT OF VIEW using the reality (nobody know what reality is, we only know it is the source of every observation).

We can not do better : It is the source.

Some theorist think indeed that doing an infinity of different points of view, would be the same as knowing what reality is.
But practicaly, this is not possible, so we have to accept that reality cant be known : We say => reality is inexhaustible.
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What is the purpose of happy clouds and why are they happy?

To make money, because they want money.
Because they have happy customers.

There is no purpose without "somenone" having some will.
If you think there is no creator (with his free will), you must logicaly admit that reality has no purpose.
If you think there is no creator (with his free will), you must logicaly admit that reality has no purpose.
And that is so well put and correct. ✅

"Well done. Do you want elephant or giraffe stamps on the back of your hands? That was so well put you can have both"

To make money, because they want money.
Because they have happy customers.

There is no purpose without "somenone" having some will.
If you think there is no creator (with his free will), you must logicaly admit that reality has no purpose.
I do agree that there is no purpose
There is no objective purpose.

We all get to decide what our personal purpose shall be. And it can change.

Obviously. Or I guess it isn't obvious to all. It's like Dorothy learned, in the Wizard of Oz, tap your feet together 3 times and you can return to Kansas at any time. You always had the power.

You don't need "God" to provide purpose. You always had it within yourself to provide your own purpose.

Dicart can always return to Kansas, just tap your feet together 3 times...
You don't need "God" to provide purpose.

No, you need free will.

But it is silly to think that because you have free will you can create the reality.
You also need to be the creator for this particular task.

If there is no creator, like per example you replace him by "nature" (we all know that scientificaly speaking nature has no will), nature can not have any purpose too.
If nature has created the reality, then this reality is here for no purpose.

But if the reality has been created by some "creator", and it is what i know (i am sure of that for some reason), then the reality is necessary created by purpose,
because the creator has free will (and he created us in his image, so it is why we have free will too).
This is why we can do things by purpose, like the creator (and this why we are also responsible for our actions).

Dicart can always return to Kansas, just tap your feet together 3 times...
No, because be able to create someting by purpose is not what permit to do miracles.
To do such "miracles" or supernatural things (relativ to other feeble beings) you need power.

The purpose of life can for this reason, if created by some creator, be anything the creator wanted.
Perhaps he like making living creatures suffer, or he need entertainments, or etc, etc.
Concerning this specific point, i have already answered it within my first post.

The reality is here to permit living creatures to evolve.
The more they evolve in the direction the creator like (according to his will), and the more the creator give them power over the other creatures.
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But if the reality has been created by some "creator", and it is what i know (i am sure of that for some reason)...
Knowing and being sure are not the same thing. Many people are very sure of things that are false.
Knowing and being sure are not the same thing. Many people are very sure of things that are false.
Not here.
I can not deny the fact for some "supernatural reason", this is even stronger than just knowing, but this is not the topic.

Here we discuss about the reasoning that leads to some or some conclusion, not saying this is the truth or not.
Like would do Spinoza.

Concerning my position, i only wanted to make clear what was my preference (i do not want to show my creator (his angels in fact) that i dismiss him and that i would lead someone to the wrong path, because i know they are around everytime, evaluating everything (and they can not read into the mind) : So i have to explain clearly my own position, but it is not adressed to you).
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Here we discuss about the reasoning that leads to some or some conclusion, not saying this is the truth or not.
Indeed, but saying you "know" when you're only sure is like calling an elephant a giraffe. It won't impress anybody that you "know" what you're talking about.
Indeed, but saying you "know" when you're only sure is like calling an elephant a giraffe. It won't impress anybody that you "know" what you're talking about.

I repeat, it is not for you...
Just forget this sentence, and try to understand the other sentences.

I will help you :

But if the reality has been created by some "creator", then the reality is necessary created by purpose, because the creator has free will (and he created us in his image, so it is why we have free will too).
This is why we can do things by purpose, like the creator (and this why we are also responsible for our actions).