The Purpose of Life

No, I'm just planting seeds.

"The himog is only visible in so far as He is imperfect," Perdurabo↱ explained, but worry not, it is a Lie.

He also said↱, "Now and again Travellers cross the desert; they come from the Great Sea, and to the Great Sea they go. As they go they spill water; one day they will irrigate the desert, till it flower." This, too, is a Lie.

After all, "Nor did He mean what He said", and that↱, also, is a Lie.
"The himog is only visible in so far as He is imperfect," Perdurabo↱ explained, but worry not, it is a Lie.

He also said↱, "Now and again Travellers cross the desert; they come from the Great Sea, and to the Great Sea they go. As they go they spill water; one day they will irrigate the desert, till it flower." This, too, is a Lie.

After all, "Nor did He mean what He said", and that↱, also, is a Lie.

I'll just water them seeds and hope I ease someone's mind.
Why does there need to be a purpose to life? After all, if life was created to please some cosmic creator Agency what was the purpose of that Agency to create life to begin with, and its turtles all the way down.
Personally, I like Hellstrom's observation that; "Life must take life in the interest of life itself".

It is clear that life is not sacred. "Everything that has ever lived is dead and everything that is alive today is going to die, so where does the sacred part come in?" (Carlin).

Does an ant in an ant-farm have a purpose in life?
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It is clear that life is not sacred. "Everything that has ever lived is dead and everything that is alive today is going to die, so where does the sacred part come in?" (Carlin).
What definition of sacred is being used here?
Does something have to be immortal to be sacred?

Generally, if something were sacred, one would treat it as precious, and not wantonly cause it harm; but that doesn't mean it's gonna live forever.
In fact, the fragility of life is oft regarded as on the of things that causes us to treat it as sacred.
What definition of sacred is being used here?
Does something have to be immortal to be sacred?
Sacred as in the life of an unborn fetus is more important than the life of the mother. In the US, the Republican-led States are passing draconian laws against abortion, presumably on the religious (not medical) tenet that life is "inviolabe". Daddy rapes 12 year old, she must have that baby.

The Sacredness of Life: An Overview of the Beginning
All human life — from the moment of conception and through all subsequent stages —is sacred, because human life is created in the image and likeness of God. Nothing surpasses the greatness or dignity of a human person.
ARTICLE 37. RIGHT TO LIFE The right to life is inviolable from conception to death. The death penalty cannot be established, pronounced or applied, in any case.
In a special way, believers in Christ must defend and promote this right, aware as they are of the wonderful truth recalled by the Second Vatican Council: "By his incarnation the Son of God has united himself in some fashion with every human being".[2] This saving event reveals to humanity not only the boundless love of God who "so loved the world that he gave his only Son" (Jn 3:16), but also the incomparable value of every human person.
Generally, if something were sacred, one would treat it as precious, and not wantonly cause it harm; but that doesn't mean it's gonna live forever.
In fact, the fragility of life is oft regarded as one the of things that causes us to treat it as sacred.
Except several states have the death penalty and and "sacredness is based on the principle that the life of an unborn child must be protected at all cost, but if it grows up to be a gynecologist, we may just have to kill it" (Carlin).

If you follow US politics , you will see that "the life of the unborn is sacred, but once you are born your life is worthless.
Buy an AR15 and "shoot'em up". Person comes to your door, you just shoot them and claim you were in fear of your life.
Black kid wants to pick up his younger sister from the babysitter, but goes to wrong house. Shoot him dead and claim self-defense.

White lives are sacred, all other life is expendable or good for the military or slavery.
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Sacred as in the life of an unborn fetus is more important than the life of the mother. In the US, the Republican-led States are passing draconian laws against abortion, presumably on the religious (not medical) tenet that life is "inviolabe". Daddy rapes 12 year old, she must have that baby.

The Sacredness of Life: An Overview of the Beginning

Except several states have the death penalty and and "sacredness is based on the principle that the life of an unborn child must be protected at all cost, but if it grows up to be a gynecologist, we may just have to kill it" (Carlin).

If you follow US politics , you will see that "the life of the unborn is sacred, but once you are born your life is worthless.
Buy an AR15 and "shoot'em up". Person comes to your door, you just shoot them and claim you were in fear of your life.
Black kid wants to pick up his younger sister from the babysitter, but goes to wrong house. Shoot him dead and claim self-defense.

White lives are sacred, all other life is expendable or good for the military or slavery.

How does any of that inform the subject?

The premise of Carlin's quip is that: because things die (of natural causes, being that they are not immortal), it somehow follows that life is not sacred.

That's just silly. (It's OK; he;s a comedian. His ideas don't have to makes sense.)

But more to the point: talking about murder, abortion and other forms of deliberate death has nothing to do with the above. Neither mother nor newborn fetus are immortal, and therefore will eventually die. Sacredness is orthogonal to that.

This appears to be another case where you have been triggered by some keywords and flood the thread with vaguely connected concepts (in quotes containing the keywords) that don't actually inform the discussion. I joke at calling you a bot, but this is exactly what (older, unsophisticated ) bots do. I don't think you are actually grasping what you are posting.
How does any of that inform the subject?
This appears to be another case where you have been triggered by some keywords and flood the thread with vaguely connected concepts (in quotes containing the keywords) that don't actually inform the discussion. I joke at calling you a bot, but this is exactly what (older, unsophisticated ) bots do. I don't think you are actually grasping what you are posting.
It just shows that we use terms like "sacred" without having any standard attached to it at all.
Are you claiming that the death penalty for having abortion is an example of holding life sacred?
Try and think some of this through before you come to some kneejerk condemnation of my use of English language. This is a philosophy thread, not literature.
It just shows that we use terms like "sacred" without having any standard attached to it at all.
Are you claiming that the death penalty for having abortion is an example of holding life sacred?
Try and think some of this through before you come to some kneejerk condemnation of my use of English language. This is a philosophy thread, not literature.
You didn't "use" the English language, you just spammed a bunch of quotes you found that have the relevant keyword in them. They have no relationship to Carlin's quote beyond the keyword that triggered them. It's like your goal is high word count or high post count.
Yes, keyword; relevant quote.
Seems like your purpose in life is to play the "clever" linguistic spoiler. I don't expect much from you anymore.
But then I guess you belong to the "establishment cabal" (James R).

There is no discussion, just endless arguments about trivia. It's becoming really boring.
Wait, could that establishment provide us with the meaning of life?
Genesis 9:8-10
The Voice

All life is sacred. Human life is especially so. Protecting it is of utmost importance to God. He takes this so seriously and personally because He made humanity to reflect Him. We are His earthly representatives, made in His image. To murder another person is to mount an attack on the One who created him.
8 But God was not finished. Read more ..... 9:8-10&version=VOICE
It's something I really want to know.
You want to know? We made the whole thing up!

This will explain in no uncertain terms.
(warning crude language)
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Wait, could that establishment provide us with the meaning of life?

It's something I really want to know.

I am of the view there is no meaning of life or even a meaning to life

At rock bottom life is a group of chemicals which self replicate

After watching the whole set of through the wormhole I have this question:

"What is the purpose of Life?"

Knowing as a spirit we live for eternity and knowing that there are 10+1 dimensions...what are we doing here? I know I need to stay close to my Family and Friends in here and in spirit...but then what is going on for the next 10 million years or more....

Family is first...but then why the Family...that is what is the Purpose over eternity?

Any good answers please provide. Then I can check that with channel people....that are connected to entities with 5 Billion years of life....

As per Buddha...

"The Buddhist sūtras and tantras do not speak about "the meaning of life" or "the purpose of life", but about the potential of human life to end suffering, for example through embracing (not suppressing or denying) cravings and conceptual attachments. Attaining and perfecting dispassion is a process of many levels that ultimately results in the state of Nirvana. Nirvana means freedom from both suffering and rebirth."

That means I have no idea....

I also saw this too:

Thank you....

When your love for another is so great that you cry with joy, you have found your heart and the meaning of life.

The purpose of life is life itself, because it's a blast, stup.

Since most suffering is self inflicted by mankind, it is within his grasp to end manmade suffering.
As an individual, unique from everyone else, I suggest for myself (not necessarily you) that I should define my own meaning in life, as it would best suit me as an individual, being that I am unique from everyone else.
I am of the view there is no meaning of life or even a meaning to life

At rock bottom life is a group of chemicals which self replicate


The bottom has a rocky reputation and at the surface talk is cheap, or so says Joe. Anyway, I'm not in disagreement, but I may be in disagreement that rock bottomers have no meaning. It may be undefined, but not unattainable.

My rock bottom entailed losing important people, at which point I chose to define my meaning via losing a sober mind. Since then, I have rearranged my definition. That was entirely up to me. Not that my current definition trumps the old, it's just that my current definition of meaning at least offers a sense self of worth, which tastes pretty good as an individual who never had much of that sort of thing.
offers a sense self of worth,
From that aspect you are defining a life

LIFE as reproducing bunch of chemicals - different box of jim-jams

You could consider the human box of jim-jams with the ability to self create "a sense self of worth" a feed back loop

Nothing in the loop however creates an external meaning for any form of life

From that aspect you are defining a life

LIFE as reproducing bunch of chemicals - different box of jim-jams

You could consider the human box of jim-jams with the ability to self create "a sense self of worth" a feed back loop

Nothing in the loop however creates an external meaning for any form of life


I'll disagree with the loopers not creating meaning for other forms of life, unless you mean life is life and the many varieties of are just other parts of the bigger being of life itself, but even then even stray dogs create a need for action by other lifeforms.
Well, I didn't read through all 15 pages, lol, but for me, the purpose of life is very simple and can be summed up in one word. Experience.
Well, I didn't read through all 15 pages, lol, but for me, the purpose of life is very simple and can be summed up in one word. Experience.
That's not a sentence; it doesn't really answer the question asked.
If it were to form a sentence, it would say "The Purpose of Life is Experience".

But even that is ambiguous.
Perhaps what you mean is "The Purpose of Life is to gain experience"?
Or possibly "The Purpose of Life is to have experience(s)"?

Not very simple after all.
That's not a sentence; it doesn't really answer the question asked.
If it were to form a sentence, it would say "The Purpose of Life is Experience".

But even that is ambiguous.
Perhaps what you mean is "The Purpose of Life is to gain experience"?
Or possibly "The Purpose of Life is to have experience(s)"?

Not very simple after all.

Oh, my bad. I only read the OP. I didn't realize it had to be in sentence form, lol. There's really nothing ambiguous about "experience". Experience is just experience. It really is just that simple. There's really nothing complicated about it.