The Purpose of Life

death of the ego or personal I...perhaps?
Well, I would call it death of a personal I (a self-aware sentience), due to total oblivion inside a non-functional brain. "Nothing there to be afraid of, nothing at all"..... (Anil Seth)
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This world can be extremely cruel, harsh and dangerous so no there is probably no purpose to life.

Also there isn't any scientific evidence for a purpose to life except trying to survive as long as you can.
This world can be extremely cruel, harsh and dangerous so no there is probably no purpose to life.
Also there isn't any scientific evidence for a purpose to life except trying to survive as long as you can.
Well, there's your purpose then.
To survive in a harsh, cruel and dangerous world.
The purpose of life is the wish to be.
I would ask how a 'wish' can be a 'purpose' - I mean, once you make the wish - is your purpose is fulfilled? If you made that wish right now, could you die, knowing you'd fulfilled your purpose? Does it matter whether the wish is fulfilled or not (or would have been, had you lived)? - but I know you don't have an answer. What you'll do is modify it, to make it another deepity - which you could have just posted in the first place, if you had thought this through.
I would ask how a 'wish' can be a 'purpose' - I mean, once you make the wish - is your purpose is fulfilled? If you made that wish right now, could you die, knowing you'd fulfilled your purpose? Does it matter whether the wish is fulfilled or not (or would have been, had you lived)? - but I know you don't have an answer. What you'll do is modify it, to make it another deepity - which you could have just posted in the first place, if you had thought this through.

You have this wish, its never made or granted it, it just is.
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I'm gonna write a book. "In the land of IS".
Holds promise for a fantastical landscape with outlandish ISMs and a population of ISEMITES, no?

I'm gonna write a book. "In the land of IS".
Holds promise for a fantastical landscape with outlandish ISMs and a population of ISEMITES, no?


To IS, or not to be IS, that is the question
Wether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
Or to take Arms against a Sea of Scifotums post,
And by opposing end the post: to die, to sleep
No more; and by not post sleep, to say we end
The heart-ache, and the thousand natural questions

Sorry Bill
