the real collusion investigation.

Neil deGrasse Tyson
They bribed Tyson to donate

what language is this ?
it surely isn't English

paying someone a bribe for something means they got paid
equally to bribing someone.
a bribe is inherently illegal

where as employing someone or paying them appearance money is not illegal.

TV companys pay people to appear on them in the usa as a corner stone of capitalism
the essence of publicity to make profit sits at the very heart in usa culture
this is part of the reasoning why lobbyists are legal

are you trying to align Neil to be a political lobbyist for fox news ?
You seem to have a low opinion of Neil deGrasse Tyson.
No, I don't.

And that would be irrelevant to the thread, of course. If I did seen to have a low opinion of Tyson, for any reason, nothing would change in the arena of Fox trying to sell the "real collusion investigation" via their standard bs tactics.

So your motives in posting that are immediately on the table.

But there's no surprise in such a post, from anyone who thinks Fox "earns" its asscovering pretensions to respectability by throwing money at benign causes, paying money to be associated with earned respectability, etc.
a bribe is inherently illegal
Bribes are not "inherently" illegal. Some bribes are illegal, because legislatures passed have laws against them. The rest have of course been labeled as "inherently" dubious on moral or ethical grounds - the word is a pejorative - but that's a subjective opinion; people sometimes describe tips as bribes for service, for example, and if it's something like hospital emergency room care on the line the description may be reasonable, but seldom otherwise.
the essence of publicity to make profit sits at the very heart in usa culture
this is part of the reasoning why lobbyists are legal
Lobbyists seldom favor publicity for their efforts, and normally deny any profit motive - to avoid prosecution, if for no other reason.
are you trying to align Neil to be a political lobbyist for fox news ?
As the world turns - - - -
As the world turns - - - -
soo... Neil is being talked about on faux pews...
that follows their misogynist core loony viewers who think equal rights is a leftist plot to take away the 2nd amendment for men and give their guns to women to be made in to sewing machines for their sewing clubs.

i could not see any actual comments by Neil
he is probably under legal advice to wait for the "investigation" to finish.

your comment seems to be without any actual links to outline what occurred in this instance.

could you please post a link so i know what your referring to ?

a bride is an illegal payment to acquire a service or product or get a preferred position toward some type of financial or political gain.
a bride is an illegal payment to acquire a service or product or get a preferred position toward some type of financial or political gain.
Sometimes. And sometimes it isn't. The language is English. There is a dictionary, if you are genuinely confused.
soo... Neil is being talked about on faux pews...
Irrelevant, if true. His program was mentioned in Sculptor's post, with the intention of obscuring the nature of Fox television, is all.

Sculptor was trying to bothsides the propaganda operation that is Fox television

which came up because it is the major source of the bullshit "real collusion" topic, the OP

to justify his own tolerance of Republican governance and its voting base, his gullibility in the face of Republican propaganda, without incurring the accountability of actual argument or declarative statement. He operates by innuendo, much like Fox itself.

That is his standard tactic on this forum, in a variety of circumstances in which the Republican Party line and physical or historical reality diverge too much to risk clear endorsement on a forum like this.

For example: his "like" of this silly mistake you are posting - he can hardly share your confusion about my reply to his post, after all, but if he knew you were posting garbage why do you suppose he hit the "like" button?
And why do you suppose that instead of dealing with the content of my posting he tried to suggest I had a "low opinion" of Tyson himself - despite my explicit refusal to "blame" Tyson, and my making an argument based the good name and respectability of Tyson?
As a combination of deflection via personal attack and erosion by Fox innuendo of an argument he does not want to confront, that post makes sense. Otherwise, it doesn't.
your comment seems to be without any actual links to outline what occurred in this instance.
I quoted Sculptor's post, which is right in front of you on this thread. The quote included a link to the complete posting, in context. I posted a linked and labeled quote directly above every "comment" I have made in this digression - whichever one you are talking about. There's no way you can miss them, when you reread to catch up.
i could not see any actual comments by Neil
Try "Arts and Culture". Maybe somebody has a thread on the topic.

Meanwhile: a fairly obvious and direct example of the street level workings of this propaganda operation we are not supposed to label "fascist" for some reason. "The real collusion investigation" ? - - - the Republican Party is lost, base and leadership and media and financing all. They cannot be compromised with, and collaboration with them is a collaboration with fascism - best think long and hard before shaking hands on that bargain.
Mueller is about to be hung as the creator of everything evil ever conceived. I hope he is listening to me intently.
MI6(steele) seems to have been trying to influence our elections?
(It ain't the damned ruskies, it's the damned brits)
(It ain't the damned ruskies, it's the damned brits)
It's both, of course.
These days primarily the Russians, Israelis, and Saudis, with traditional and ceremonial room for the Brits, and the Chinese entering the sweepstakes more recently with sheer power on their side (the suspension of the rule of law in these matters was noticed immediately by all interested and computer savvy foreigners, but the Chinese have more of a racial bigotry handicap).

And on the US side, providing welcome mats and open pockets and cooperation of all kinds including apparent treason: the Republican Party, and Trump's administration in particular, racing to stuff the Federal Judiciary and Appeals Courts with ideological allies before the dozens of cases and indictments work their way up.
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Except the evidence that was supposed to be used against the president has backfired.
Remember this thread? Ironically, it turns out that the Russian collusion story is . . . quite valid.

Trump's campaign manager, Paul Manafort, was found guilty of conspiring against the United States with a Russian intelligence agent, Konstantin Kilimnik. He used Kilimnik to both intimidate witnesses and to provide a channel so Manafort could send confidential election data to the Russians.

A while back, Alexander Smirnov appeared in the US with a story about how Burisma, a Ukrainan energy company, was bribing the Bidens for favors. He immediately became the foundation for all the republican claims about the "Biden crime family" taking bribes from foreigners. Turns out that not only was Smirnov lying, he was supported in his efforts by the very same Russian intelligence organization - and Smirnov now faces charges of trying to interfere with a US election. He is now being held without bail, since there is evidence that he is an "ongoing conduit for Russian intelligence" attempting to interfere with US democracy.

Unsurprisingly, republicans are now frantically scrubbing his name from all their impeachment attempts, hoping no one will notice the deception.

So two very clear cases of republicans colluding with Russia to influence an election.
Remember this thread? Ironically, it turns out that the Russian collusion story is . . . quite valid.

Some morbid comedy: There's a story circulating about an episode in Speaker Johnson's political career establishing a conspiracy-wall string-line between Russian oligarchs and the Speaker of the House, and, y'know, whatever, if it's significant that will become apparent. But, still, think about the idea that I refer to the Russian 88s because reports suggest owned eighty-eight percent of the American company that donated to Mike Johnson, and then consider that the story of Russia and the GOP is so keystone slapstick that I might have even a moment to wonder if they're trolling us with that ownership stake.

But I also think back to the time Kevin McCarthy accused Rohrbacher and Trump of being on Putin's payroll, and wonder how that would have played out if a member of the Democratic House leadership had said that about Tulsi Gabbard and Joe Biden. And, with this thread waking, it just seems, in reflecting on the past several years, that if this was a question of Democrats being bought off, we would not have seen such willingness to abide arbitrary skepticism. And, sure, maybe it was MTG in the twitfeed with the brick this week, but if members of Congress intend to complain that people keep talking about Russia, it would probably be helpful if Russians with notorious connections didn't keep turning up. Which, of course, brings us back to Smirnov and House Republicans. The questions about who knew what and when did they know it↗ are yet another layer of what just can't help but look like a collusion story.