THE REAL [GOD] = ALLAH ...... join here you all need to know

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qwerty mob said:
Hound them til they Shitzu their Boxers, and run for Sheltie ... :eek:

Doggonit, that was good! Very good. I bow wow to your skills. You are the mastiff of pugnacious puns.

gotta Pointer out your mad skillz, Super- can't out-Fox you; You don't Toy around!
Mythbuster said:
My chiwawa can bite Qorl Saint Bernard's balls.

If your chiwawa is she, she could, she could... do a good job, you know a balloon when you blow on a job :m:
superluminal said:
On second thought Qorl, I think your avatar could swallow mine whole. Although I'll bet mine is faster.

Saint Bernard's are like Leos, you know lazy but smart. He doesn't bark for nothing the same as run. Labradors are good for blind people. If you are ''blind'' how do you see on a monitor :eek: :p ;)
A FOXY is beautiful.
Did she ever had a male, male, male :)
Well on the matters of hypocrisy and contradiction of Moslem doctrine, practice, and scripture I would rather not address until later in this, but I would like to start this off by addressing the authority and dominion of Jesus the Anointed, and His office pertaining to His greatness which far exceeds what Muhammad is thought to be.
First off I would like to help clarify to you as to what a prophet is. Most people think a prophet is someone who foretells the future, but a true prophet does not tell the future of his own device but speaks the words of God, as God foretells the future among other things. I would like you to understand this so you will understand the reason for this whole argument. But if you wish to think it is one who just tells the future, so be it -the argument and examples I give still stand.
Anyway is Muhammad a prophet? So is Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, and so on ( …and much better and accurate ones). Now I say these things not to insult you, but to establish the possible office of Muhammad. Now to start my point Muhammad could have been a prophet, and according to Moslem doctrine gods best, best-est, prophet *100. Ok now to my point:

I will start this with (John 1:1); “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” ,also (Revelation 19:11-13); “And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war. His eyes a flame of fire, and on His head many diadems; and He has a name written which no one knows except Himself. clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and HIS NAME IS CALLED THE WORD OF GOD.” So the first thing ever created by the Father was “words” Gods Words, (Col 1:15-16); “He is the image of the invisible God, the FIRSTBORN OF ALL CREATION. For BY HIM all things were created, in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities--all things have been CREATED THROUGH HIM and for Him.”

So my first point Jesus the Anointed is the first of Creation, and the Living Word of God. Now if He is the Living word of God, how can He be the “Son of God”? Easy, (John 1:14); “And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of THE ONLY BEGOTTEN FROM THE FATHER, full of grace and truth.” So by this we understand that the Father sees His Word as BEGOTTEN from Him. The Greek word for “begotten” means ‘single of its kind, or only generated’. (John 10:38); “ …so that you may know and understand that the Father is IN Me, and I IN the Father." (John 12:44-45); "He who believes in Me, does not believe in Me but in Him who SENT Me. He who sees Me sees the One who SENT Me.” Also (John 14:24); "He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the WORD which you hear IS NOT MINE, but the Father's who SENT ME.” And if you still don’t understand, Jesus gave a good quick analogy in, (John 15:1); "I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser.” Now if you start to see now, you know why it says in (John 5:23); “ …He who does not HONOR THE SON, does not HONOR THE FATHER WHO SENT HIM.” And to amplify your understanding notice what Jesus says in (John 6:45); "It is written in the prophets, 'AND THEY SHALL ALL BE TAUGHT OF GOD.' Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father, COMES TO ME.” So more or less when you reject Gods Word, you might as well just be rejecting the Father. It is the same with people you cant be friends with anyone and say, “everything my friend says is stupid”, and ignore him, it just don’t work.

Now as for Jesus calling Himself the “Son of Man”, He was and is because He was born of a woman, but also if you look at the title “Son of Man” and notice that in the Hebrew “sons of men” in the genealogies were referred to as “the seed of” a particular man, so you could think of the title “Son of Man” should really be referred to as the “Seed of Man”. Now to use scripture to verify this, as to what should be sown into man using what you have already learned, look at what Jesus said in (Matthew 13:31); “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard SEED, which a man took and SOWED in his field” also notice (Matthew 13:23); “And the one on whom SEED WAS SOWN on the good soil, this is the man who HEARS THE WORD and understands it; who indeed bears fruit and brings forth, some a hundredfold, some sixty, and some thirty."

So now to my closing argument; If Muhammad was a prophet …which I highly doubt, but hypothetically speaking, if he was, was he not speaking ‘that’ which was lord over him, the WORD of God which, hypothetically governed his own actions, and also these hypothetical WORDS govern others as well? So if he was speaking Gods Words, God intended for His Words to have the Power, the Authority, and Dominion. Right? Let me answer that question for you …Yes! So in other words if Isaiah prophesied by speaking the Words of God, people did not bow down and fear Isaiah did they? No, but they feared, and obeyed Gods Word. So if Muhammad was a prophet, that which came before him Jesus the Anointed was far more greater, and if your understanding is now clear, even before heaven and earth! This is the testimony of John the Baptist in (John 1:15); “This was He of whom I said, ‘He who comes AFTER me, has BECOME BEFORE me, FOR HE EXISTED BEFORE ME.” Also Jesus said in (John 8:58); “Truly, truly, I say to you, BEFORE ABRAHAM WAS BORN, I AM.”

I tell you these things not to hurt you, but point you to the One who is of the Truth! Jesus said in (Matthew 7:15); “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.” Also in (Matthew 24:11); “Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many.” And sadly I say, even with those who count themselves among the Christian cohort, among them are many false prophets, and many follow them. Jesus said in (John 14:6-7); “ I am the WAY, and the TRUTH, and the LIFE; no one comes to the Father BUT THROUGH ME. If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; from now on you know Him, and have seen Him.” And I urge you do not reject Him.

Now as for the other things, which really don’t matter, about contradictions and hypocrisy. The point made above is far greater, and I think this is enough for now. I have much information on these things concerning Islam so at the request of anyone who wishes to know these things I will gladly post them upon request. I pray that the covering over your eyes be lifted, and that workers of the harvest come and minister these things to you. To Yah be the praise, glory, and dominion forever and ever, Amen. Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees!
Jesus never existed.

"Eunuch" Jesus caught with naked Man in the Act

Cannabis and the Christ: Jesus used Marijuana

Mohammad The Pedophile
PEDOPHILIA : [NL] (1906): sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object.
[Scriptural Evidence] Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64: Sahih Bukhari [the most venerated and authentic Islamic source]
Narrated 'Aisha: that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death). click

Damn seems to me, one existed but was no prophet but a pedophile, and the other is questionable if existed at all.

For someone that believes in no god you sure believe allot of other stupid things. You believe in what you want to believe and whatever fits what you want, you believe it, no matter how dumb it may seem. You insult those whom you refer to as “Theist” and yet you insult yourself in just the same way.
I don't believe in shit!. I just demonstrated evidence of the latter, wether you believe what I showed you to be factual or not does not make one bit of fucking difference, it is fact, or is not. You have to determine that. You have no evidence for your christ, no evidence for your sky daddy, nada! So present evidence of exstence of christ, present evidence that he was not gay,present evidence that to be "anoited" does not mean to be bathe in marijuana oil, or shut the fuck up!!.

Now as for Jesus calling Himself the “Son of Man”, He was and is because He was born of a woman, but also if you look at the title “Son of Man” and notice that in the Hebrew “sons of men” in the genealogies were referred to as “the seed of” a particular man, so you could think of the title “Son of Man” should really be referred to as the “Seed of Man”.

Actually, the title He used as "The Son of Man" refered to Him being a prophet.
It is the title of an office, and not to be confussed with the pre-flood "sons of men", which were the offspring of Cain, who was a product of the Serpent and Eve....
The pre-flood "Sons of God" were the true children of Adam and Eve, through Seth's linage.
This speaks of what really happened in the garden, Eve is called the mother of all living, but no where in scripture is Adam called Father of all living.
Cain it's said, is of His father the wicked one.
Adam was not the "Wicked one", neither was he Cains father, the serpent was.. an animal so close to man it could mix with and father a child, but yet still pure animal capable of being possessed by Satan as the swine in Gardenea.
Cain's recorded wrath and actions toward God to His face are beyond even what we have on record of Satan talking to God.

Throughout the old testament if you'll look all the prophets were called by God " Son of Man".
It is the title of the office of a prophet, even though Jesus was God, to fulfill the scriptures he had to come as a prophet.
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For someone that believes in no god you sure believe allot of other stupid things. You believe in what you want to believe and whatever fits what you want, you believe it, no matter how dumb it may seem.

If you've lived your life following fantasies, it would seem impossible to understand the rational mind. The rational mind doesn't simply "believe" - it must digest information in terms of evidence and form a conclusion.

Now as for the other things, which really don’t matter, about contradictions and hypocrisy.

Yes, they do matter. If everything you believe can be shown to be contradictory or hypocritical, how can you continue believing it?

Your entire argument boils down to your fantasy being more credible than someone elses fantasy. Neither are credible - they are both merely fantasies.
(Q) your problem is your blind, and you want to sin, you dont want to repent of the wicked things you have done, you have sinned against the One who gives you life and despite your reviling He has shown much mercy upon you. Their are many here who practice foolishness I among them, but to reject so great a salvation, is not good, and stupid. You say you lived following fantasies, I agree Jesus said "you call ME TEACHER, and Lord and you say well for so I AM" I’ve tried to tell you just like I have told many others in here many times they were being lead by blind guides, and their fruits are YOU, those who have fallen into the pit, they devoured you and left you naked. REPENT!, if anything at least do so from the heart, Learn from the Word, not these blind guides on T.V. these reputable people in the houses of prayer in your area, spit out there leaven, its crap and grow up and Honor the God who gave you life, and even more so gives you a chance to dwell in His Tent forever and ever, Glorify Your Name Father, for you have glorified your Word according to all your Name. Amen
JeffTheLearner said:
(Q) your problem is your blind, and you want to sin, you dont want to repent of the wicked things you have done, you have sinned against the One who gives you life and despite your reviling He has shown much mercy upon you. Their are many here who practice foolishness I among them, but to reject so great a salvation, is not good, and stupid. You say you lived following fantasies, I agree Jesus said "you call ME TEACHER, and Lord and you say well for so I AM" I’ve tried to tell you just like I have told many others in here many times they were being lead by blind guides, and their fruits are YOU, those who have fallen into the pit, they devoured you and left you naked. REPENT!, if anything at least do so from the heart, Learn from the Word, not these blind guides on T.V. these reputable people in the houses of prayer in your area, spit out there leaven, its crap and grow up and Honor the God who gave you life, and even more so gives you a chance to dwell in His Tent forever and ever, Glorify Your Name Father, for you have glorified your Word according to all your Name. Amen

M*W: Please stop the friggin preaching. Why do you people come to a scientific forum when you're blathering christians? It's bad enough that you preach, but you show your goddamn stupidity doing it. This is NOT a house of prayer. No one here wants to be saved. You're wasting our time and yours. Go to some other forum where you will be accepted.
(Q) your problem is your blind, and you want to sin, you dont want to repent of the wicked things you have done, you have sinned against the One who gives you life and despite your reviling He has shown much mercy upon you.

If Q had been blind, he would have not seen through the BS that is christianity, your problem is that you like to live in your delusion, not only that, you arrogance is thinking that some supreme diety who created everything that exists, really gives a flying fuck about you! :rolleyes:

Their are many here who practice foolishness I among them

At least your honest, howeve I wouldn't call what your doing "foolishness" but stupidity! ;)

You say you lived following fantasies, I agree Jesus said "you call ME TEACHER, and Lord and you say well for so I AM"

That's Paul's words putting words in Jesus' mouth. You literally don't know your own bible do you? Jesus was an illiterate, most of everything supposedly jesus said was written by Paul. Paul is a liar, manipulator, and a scoundrel.

(Q) your problem is your blind, and you want to sin, you dont want to repent of the wicked things you have done, you have sinned against the One who gives you life and despite your reviling He has shown much mercy upon you.

To "sin" is something theists do. Sins have no meaning to me.

What 'wicked things' have I done? Explain?

The one who gave me life was my mother, just like you.

You say you lived following fantasies

Prehaps your synthesis is lacking somewhat, I did not say I follow fantasies, theists do.

REPENT!, if anything at least do so from the heart, Learn from the Word, not these blind guides on T.V.

There is no difference between televangelists and the church - they both peddle lies.

Get used to it.
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