The relation of hair whorls to brain development

MaxG--Appropriate intervention

I am only concerned about trying to help my son with the appropriate therapies for his delays. I am not sure how old your daughter is. My son is 21 months this week and still not walking or talking. He is in all kinds of therapies. The PT can't get him walking on his own. Have you had any luck addressing your daughter's motor delays with therapy? I hope she is making grreat progress.
I am only concerned about trying to help my son with the appropriate therapies for his delays. I am not sure how old your daughter is. My son is 21 months this week and still not walking or talking. He is in all kinds of therapies. The PT can't get him walking on his own. Have you had any luck addressing your daughter's motor delays with therapy? I hope she is making grreat progress.

Sarah is 19 months old. She talks some (about 10 words, mostly starting with "b") but her receptive language skills are better than her expressive.

I think (and her therapists agree) that a lot of her problems are related to lack of muscle control (her muscles will go from extremely rigid to extremely flacid without much in between). For instance with language, it sounds like she's trying to put words together but can't always form the sounds. She also has lazy eyes, still isn't standing on her own or walking, can't sit on her own for long, etc. She has made progress though. While she can only crawl a few inches at a time, she has figured out how to move across the floor using pivoting and rolling. None of the tests (MRI, genetic testing, etc.) have shown any recognized problem other than signs of a "developmental delay," which we already knew.

Her therapists (2 for PT and 2 for occupational therapy) consider her smart and she's also very social with both other kids and adults and is a remarkably happy baby who very rarely cries but laughs quite often. I guess at this point we just need to wait and see how she develops. My wife didn't walk until she was 2 and her grandfather (who had what was diagnosed in those days--circa 1900--as Ricketts) took even longer. In our case, it was actually the geneticist who drew attention to the double hair whorl but I don't know what, if any, significance it has (obviously some people here think none).

I hope your son is doing well otherwise.
MaxG--Sounds a lot like Andrew..

Sounds like we both have socially happy, laughing kiddos that struggle with muscle issues. I believe my husband and I can relate to taking our child to neurologists, geneticists, developmental peds, and oh yes, all the therapists. Andrew's only diagnosis has been benign congenital hypotonia. Some question if this really is a diagnosis or just a "holding pen" for a diagnosis. Andrew has been cruising and crawling since 13 months and recently has taken to getting onto coffee tables, adult chairs, and at 20 months, up a child-sized slide the wrong way. This has been his main strength. We keep hearing that he will walk when his trunk muscles are strong enough to compensate for his low tone. He can walk with one hand support, but not on his own. He was stood a few times when he did not realize he was standing, but does not seek out to stand. We also hear that he might have motor planning problems (apraxia) that could be contributing to his motor related delays, including speech (we only hear mama, dada, bahl (ball), gamma (grandma), dat (for what we think is "that"--perhaps we are hearing things), moo, and random mostly vowels sounds). He seems to understand one-step directions and can point to requested items (ie. where is your hair?). We are currently battling the worst double middle ear infection he has had. I don't believe this is any way connected to the double crown :). He is still a trooper, even breaking some smiles thru it all.

Oh yeah--in terms of the double hair whorl, I don't really seem to care which hand he eventually decides to write with at this point. The goal is to get him scribbling with a crayon! Off to get some sleep before another day of antibiotics and ear drops.

Thank you again for sharing Sarah's story. Looks like we both have kids that keep us on our toes. I wish Sarah much continued progress.
I've 2 hair whorls too

Actually having 2 or multiple hair whorls is not a concrete evidence on it's own.
I have done Qi test and got an average above 160 , a range for genius.
You should do check on your child and check his handedness at young age. Most of the case people with multiple hair whorls are left-handed. If such is the case like I, check that you child have LLRTM1 gene- a gene associated with intelligence. Actually left handed person have more chance to have this gene.

Normally left handed people with multiple hair whorls are highly gifted as genius..developing photographic memory, high graded intuitive memory and well structured long term memory, quick thinking and learning capabilities..
they should have reversed brain hemispheres with the left-side larger than the right side.. as to what my doctor said on my kinds

Gifted persons tend to develop multiple abilities and become polivalent. They tend to develop an inbound affinity for creativity and logistic effortlessly..
learning art and music easily , logistic course like programming and thourough thinking are most ideal for us.

on the drawback:
dyslexia, schysophrenia, brain cancer and other mental diseases, n possible viral disease bent more risk towards us...I'm myself affected by UNIS due to hook position we lefties tend to adopt while writing..I do suffer a lot while writing yet my brain works alot..I hate taking note for that reason and thus as used to prefer memorizing them ..People say that I can think quick..

Also be warned..people with 2 whorls might necessarily be genius , they can also develop mental delays and other traumic disease like autism..

One good advice is to cater for such kid..wish my parents had knew earlier I were a gifted one
"Normally left handed people with multiple hair whorls are highly gifted as genius"

woo hoo. thank you, i only recently noticed that i, myself, have multiple whorls. AND i am left handed too, AND my grandma used to slap my hand with a ruler to get me to stop writing with my left hand but there was no way i was gong to stop writing with my left hand. NEVER.
hair crown

hi there, i have just been searching the net to find out meanings regarding hair crowns/whorls , my dd (5) has 3 or 4 crowns in her hair, she has one crown right at the front of her hair......i am slightly psychic and always feel she was supposed to be a twin( no idea why) but i wondered if the crown was realted to that .i have 3 children and she is by far the brightest, she has always spoke early, and really clearly (better than me-she's almost posh), where as my other (single crowned) children were much more delayed....she could write perfectly with both left and right hands up until about age 3 and a half, she now favors her right hand.......the only prob i have with her (not sure if its just a girl thing) she is very emotional, she worries about getting into trouble at school (worries silly) when she is a really good girl...she cries alot when she doesnt get her own way ...very stubborn.......:shrug:

I have three crowns on my head.
I have ALOT of hair !!!
one on the left back going anti clockwise,
one on the right back going clockwise,
and one in the centre back also going anti clockwise.

I find all of this quite interesting, and never knew that there was relevance with the Crowns to brain development.

I am an artistic person, who is really not very good at maths or science. Its almost like my brain just cant function, and make sence of it. Is this linked at all ?

I also find that I'm an emotional person, and i get upset quite easily.

Emily x
I also find that I'm an emotional person, and i get upset quite easily.

Quick leave now.

I do like a chance to rediscover an old thread where the posters actually had
more than 3 brain cells to rub together.

I also have three whorls. I am a nutcase and I do keep my whorls apart.
hello all

To read positive feedback about people with multiple crown that they are associated with genius and intelligence make me less worry now.

I have a 3 months old son and he have multiple hair whorl, double on the middle of his head, 1 on the middle of his forehead and 1 on the left of his head below his ear. A total of 4. He didn't have that much hair and the swirl is good looking. He appear to be developing normally like any babies and he like to baby talk a lot. My only concern is his temper. His father is a hot tempered person.
Hey guys.,
Im 15 yrs old,
And i have a double crown.
Only found out a couple of weeks ago,
It interesting what you say about intelligence.
Im right handed.
I am actually quite intelligent.
I was a gifted and talented student from k-6
I can play music by ear, Maths to me, is like counting sheep.
I have very good hand-eye co-ordination from what ive been told
Started my apprenticeship in hairdressing when i was 14 which is a very young age to be a hairdresser.
Umm theres really nothing else that i can think of.
But im very talented, i can do alot of stuff with computers.
But im like satans daughter
Everyone thinks im evil.
Hmm an evil genious, sounds good. haha
Autism Dysmorphology Measure (ADM) Training Manual, Page 9
Hair Growth Patterns — Significance & embryology
Scalp hair distribution provides important clues to early development. The hair bulb forms at 14 weeks and the growth of the scalp, which is strongly influenced by brain growth, stretches the hair shaft from its original perpendicular orientation to more vertical, so the hair “lies down” and doesn’t “stand on end”. Brain growth doesn’t exert a uniform pull on the skin and the most rapidly growing area, between 16 to 19 weeks, is capped by the posterior hair whorl. Generally it is off center and back at around the position of the posterior fontanel. The third influence is the suppression of hair growth in a circle around the face, around the ears and less distinctly along the back of the neck. Finally, the posterior hair line is influenced by growth of the neck or neck edema. This is commonly observed in Turner syndrome where prenatal swelling of the neck occurs due to dysplasia of the lymphatics which usually recovers by the end of gestation. The result is a wide neck, a low posterior hair line and upsweep of the hair line. Examination technique:
Look at the child from the front, the back and from above, noting the hair lines, hair whorls and cowlicks.

a. The position of the posterior hair whorl is not exact, but multiple hair whorls, widely spaced (>3cm) double hair whorls, markedly displaced hair whorls or no posterior hair whorl are abnormal.
b. A frontal cowlick is an accessory hair whorl and though relatively common it indicates a subtle alteration in fetal brain growth. A marked upsweep, especially in conjunction with other hair growth pattern abnormalities is abnormal.
c. A low anterior hairline especially approaching the lateral eyebrows is abnormal.
d. A widow’s peak is seen in patients with hypertelorism and reflects a lack of hair suppression around the eyes as they are laterally displaced. A marked widow’s peak is abnormal.
e. Upsweeps of the posterior hair line or slightly low posterior hair lines are common and if not pronounced are considered normal variants.

Normal variants
a. A central hair whorl which occurs in 5% is a normal variant.
b. A mild frontal upsweep which occurs in 15% of people is a normal variant.

So, it's the brain's growth that stretches the scalp which can affect/produce hair whorls. I have also read that in utero exposure to alcohol can cause various facial and head abnormalities, including the hirsuitism and whorl abnormalities.
I did a few minutes of research but wasn't able to find anything credible that linked double crowns to intelligence or handedness.
my 2 year old son has 4 whorls and seems to be normal but i would like to know the significance of it.
My wife & I took our daughter Sarah to see a geneticist and neurologist a few months back (she has a delay in motor skills but not speech or cognitive abilities, if that's relevant) and the geneticist noticed that Sarah has a double hair whorl (i.e., her hair grows out of her head in two circular patterns as opposed to the usual one--also one pattern goes clockwise and the other counter-clockwise).

The geneticist suggested that this was associated with higher rates of developmental delays, but from what I've read that seems to be far from accepted and in fact there are some people who suggest that this pattern is associated with gifted children.

What does appear to be more widely accepted is that this pattern is associated with handedness and that with this particular pattern my daughter has a 50% chance of being left-handed (much higher than the general population).

I'm curious what the reason might be for associating hair patterns with handedness or cognitive development and whether any of you who know more about genetics might have more information on the subject.

I don't know , but something you said made Me think there was a relationship of characteristics that insinuated that cause Me to believe Gifted might be it . I have had several gifted children in my life and one thing is for sure " when they are young" they ain't that coordinated. They can develop coordination in there own way and excel beyond normal capabilities, but they have a tendency to think in a different manner than Non Gifted Children . On thing I might add on a personal level is to let them be social with other kids close there own age. It has been my experience if they form bonds with there peers they will lift the other kids interest in life in general . Every one benefits in a community is my personal take and I believe if a community promotes gifted programs as much as ( I won't say it ) the community as a whole benefits. Gifted Kids can be lost in society and go down paths in life some dare to tread . Society loose , mainly when they slip off into states of depression and hopelessness. If you child is gifted keep a close eye on depressive states of being. They have to be challenged, or better said inspired . It is there nature . If they are not , well watch for the signs . I think from my limited knowledge of you and your child " GIFTED yeah !!!
Personal observations from a layman with lots of kids going through American school systems of churnem and burnem ..................
I am only concerned about trying to help my son with the appropriate therapies for his delays. I am not sure how old your daughter is. My son is 21 months this week and still not walking or talking. He is in all kinds of therapies. The PT can't get him walking on his own. Have you had any luck addressing your daughter's motor delays with therapy? I hope she is making grreat progress.
My kids couldn't get it together until late either . I didn't worry about it as I my self was a a late walker . My Daughter could not talk until she was 2 a full 24 months and maybe more . She did make gibberish noises, when she was about 2 and 1/2 She was looking at a news paper and jabbering and I realized she was reading the news paper and I could now understand her. Talk about being floored . She learned how to read from sesame street I believe . Hell I don't know one of those freaky things in nature . She had an Autistic cousin that taught him self to read at 2 though and some how I think heredity played a big roll. Weird by my standards of reality