It really does't, though. You can say that there are other aspirations and approaches, but they're never enumerated by the seeker/believer.
On the contrary, you can
say that there are no other aspirations and approaches, but they are enumerated by numerous theists along with a recorded historical discourse of discussion on precisely this subject in numerous books that you haven't, can't and no doubt won't read.
"God" is always about emotional or philosophical desires, nothing more.
Its just when you try to say such emotion is relegated to materialistic/reductionist events and causes that you run into problems ... or to say the least, it requires that you step outside the very materialistic/reductionist paradigms you are trying to establish as paramount, so in any event you make your case null at the onset.
That's not contrary to what I said. I never argued that there's anything more than the material to atheism.
And that's precisely the problem.
You simply don't have recourse to anything than what atheism has to offer ... although, ironically, when you try to establish that there is
nothing other than matter it then becomes a metaphysical claim (or a "matter of the gaps" argument) ... unless of course you want to try and argue a point from the position of an absence of evidence
/grabs popcorn
What I said was that theism is as well.
and what I said was :
All (you) are doing is extrapolating (your) own limited experience to situations that are beyond it.
In order to affect otherwise, the theist must make unsupportable claims like the one you've made here, in asserting that the atheist or unbeliever is somehow "limited."
The problem is that you are already making unsupportable claims by insisting that there be material verification for everything.
If you disagree, please feel free to evidence how all phenomena comprises of matter, or alternatively, discuss ontology without breaching any metaphysical issues.
/grabs more popcorn
No it doesn't
Every religious dilemma is either explicitly material or can be boiled down to primitive material fears and desires (Do you want life or death? Do you want to be enlightened or ignorant? Do you want pain or comfort? And so on). Claims to values beyond these are either without substance or themselves expressly material.
People commonly eat food because they prefer life over death. Similarly there are many universities offering education. Also they see doctors in order to deal with pain.
None of these are spiritual, despite how much someone may value them (although a key quality for terming such endeavors material is that they are unable to deal with the problems in any ultimate fashion - hence despite eating, one eventually dies, despite getting educated, one succumbs to ignorance and despite seeing doctors, pain manifest itself)
Hence the previous quote about how there are 4 types of pious people who begin to approach god (since its the nature of material existence to award situations for which there is no material solution).
And as already mentioned, it uses the word
begin, since, if it is advocated that there is a sphere of existence bereft of the frailties oh-so-common to material existence (ie, an existence that is not tainted by materialism) there must be some other sphere of activity (aside from battling ignorance, attaining wealth, avoiding distress and so on) to go on.
Or to say it another way, after all one's problems are solved, what would one do afterwards (assuming part of the problem solving package also involves having the intelligence not to create new ones ... and also assuming that departing from the aperture of mental speculation licensible to the field of atheistic ideas of the universe doesn't automatically cause one to implode into non-existence)?
But which one is omnimax?
Kind of like asking which nose is your real nose.
As I've said already, you have so many different myths, and so many myths which make claims of exclusivity, they can't all be right. And yet there are people of all walks who would lay claim to the kind of awareness you speak of.
We have already discussed this several times before, but just to humour you (and eat more popcorn) what precisely is this mutual exclusivity between claims and also what is this kind of awareness I am speaking of?
/munch munch