The Right to kill

So, according to you, a person who flies a couple of planes into a couple of skyscrapers acquires a taste for it? hmm, interesting.

A person Fly's a couple of planes, into a couple of skyscrapers, and acquires a taste for it?

Who is this Guy? Superman?

Thats consequence, and unforseen. What I'm asking about is the initial initiative. I am going to an army recruitment center to sign up. I know at some point this will involve me with gun ot trigger button in hand and dead person at another. I choose to do this. Why?

Why are you a Moslem? when you answer that you will have answered your own question.
Its very rare to find an armed citizen in India. Even most criminals prefer knives. I personally do not know even a single person in my circle who owns a gun. I think it is the culture. We associate nonviolence with satyagraha and independence, violence with partition and destruction.

If a criminal is carrying a Knife he is armed, what don't you understand about that?

There are several strike points with a knife that are absolutely fatal.

He has a claw that is superior to your bare hands, a gun is superior to his claw.
For some people I think at least when it comes to enlisting in the armed forces to some extent don't do just to kill others, but for various other reasons that they have in order to make themselves feel worthy or like my father enlisted because he felt like it was the only thing he was in complete control of as an 18 year old and his parents had no say didn't have much to do with killing others, but later he said that you are trained to feel anything towards the people you kill their lives and families don't concern you you are to do as ordered. You don't get to have personal feelings. At least that what he told me. And to be honest he doesn't seem to have been too adversly affected by the time he spent in the Marines. Although he is very distrustful of anything the government does and doesn't believe in supporting the growth of the military.
So do all soldiers hunt for pleasure? Is it a blood lust kind of thing?
So, according to you, a person who flies a couple of planes into a couple of skyscrapers acquires a taste for it? hmm, interesting

As expected, you were unable to comprehend or unable to respond to what was written and decided to put your own words in my mouth.

When Islamic fundies decide to go on a killing spree in order to reap the rewards of martyrdom, it gives others cause to kill those fundies, as reason and rationale were supplanted in the minds of those fundies with cult doctrines, hence the fundies will do nothing but fight as their holy books support and entice and incite.
So what makes them different from soldiers who bomb cities at 40,000 feet? What makes one right and the other wrong?
Liberals think it is ok to kill, because remember, "people should be free to do what makes them happy"
what a load of crap norse. You are DELIBRATLY ignoring the last part of that, ie AS LONG AS IT DOESNT CAUSE HARM TO SOMEONE WHO DOESNT CONCENT, or the intent is to result in death. That being said i do surport ethuanasia which is a special case
It is universally considered justifiable when the other person is trying to kill you.
No it is not. It is universally considered never justified to take another human life no matter what the circumstance. That's basic ethics.
Sure, someone who favors extreme individual liberty without respects to cultural conformity.

I have no idea what that is but it's not liberalism... which consequently is the notion that society should protect the individual and opportunity. There is of course a classical liberalism which stresses individual freedom and limited government, but that's not something you really see in the US and our society is far too retarded to function in that capacity regardless.