The sayings of the Prophets and Saints.

A man who doesn't even believe ther eis such a thing as a real prophet. comes to defend a false prophet just out of spite of me.
You clown
Again you're projecting.
Agreed I don't believe there is such a thing as a "real prophet". But at least I apply my criteria equally.
You, for some strange reason, tend to be selective. Is that not unreasonable?
How do you know that YOUR prophet is real and this one isn't?

It's a simple question.
What I did was that I let every man express his opinion like Christ and the Lord commanded of man and Christ have done.

Those teachings have been corrupted dont you know this? Jesus peace be upon him was no sissy, when he saw transgressors he wasnt polite to them. he called whores whores and gentiles gentiles and infidels infidels.

He smashed temples when he saw them selling goods and merchanting in the house of god, he threw out the people too and smashed the tables.

What about the diciples of jesus peace be upon him? they carried swords. "Peter lower your sword"

Jesus is a warrior! you think he is some kind of hippy? no way he is a true warrior what do you think he is comming back for a tea party?. you think he is going to arrange a civil armageddon?. where we will engage in pillow fights witht he anti christ and his followers?.

No he is going to slay them, you think our prophets and saints are some kind of weaklings?. Mohhamed was a fierce warrior, Moses was a man of the sword too. and what about the infamous companion Khalid ibn walid? he was the greatest warrior who ever lived a saint and companion of the prophet.

Dont take us for weaklings i dont know about your mormon church but when WW3 kicks off us muslims are ready and on our deen believe that.
Those teachings have been corrupted dont you know this?

You have to provide evidence that they are, what I believe is what I believe. I believe in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Jesus peace be upon him was no sissy, when he saw transgressors he wasnt polite to them. he called whores whores and gentiles gentiles and infidels infidels.

He smashed temples when he saw them selling goods and merchanting in the house of god, he threw out the people too and smashed the tables.

What about the diciples of jesus peace be upon him? they carried swords. "Peter lower your sword"

Jesus is a warrior! you think he is some kind of hippy? no way he is a true warrior what do you think he is comming back for a tea party?. you think he is going to arrange a civil armageddon?. where we will engage in pillow fights witht he anti christ and his followers?.

No he is going to slay them, you think our prophets and saints are some kind of weaklings?. Mohhamed was a fierce warrior, Moses was a man of the sword too. and what about the infamous companion Khalid ibn walid? he was the greatest warrior who ever lived a saint and companion of the prophet.

Dont take us for weaklings i dont know about your mormon church but when WW3 kicks off us muslims are ready and on our deen believe that.

He is the Son of God, he is entitled to judge, us as man ( we are children of God I believe, but spiritual children and have sinned ). I am not, I can't do that, you see, I am not entitled to what the Son of God is entitled to do. It is not like D called for death to all Christians or something of that nature. You seem very selective in the word of the Lord.

Ah, you are saying you promote preaching by force?

When WW3 kicks off ( hopefully by then, I will be at least a RMC cadet, and got a staff or command job ), I will defend freedom and what I believe to be divine rights, and constitutional rights and freedoms of Canada.
You have to provide evidence that they are, what I believe is what I believe. I believe in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

He is the Son of God, he is entitled to judge, us as man ( we are children of God I believe, but spiritual children and have sinned ). I am not, I can't do that, you see, I am not entitled to what the Son of God is entitled to do. It is not like D called for death to all Christians or something of that nature. You seem very selective in the word of the Lord.

Ah, you are saying you promote preaching by force?

When WW3 kicks off ( hopefully by then, I will be at least a RMC cadet, and got a staff or command job ), I will defend freedom and what I believe to be divine rights, and constitutional rights and freedoms of Canada.

Wait your joining a US armed forces? The americans are waging war ont he holy land. Ugh your like the perfect little Dajjal follower. they have you wrapped perfectly.

got you believing in shirk polytheism. claiming jesus is equad if not higher than god himself. saying jesus is the judge? NBo God is the judge and Alpha. a mere man and creation you actualy associate with god and acredit him a partnership.

You idolize only jesus and don't even pay attention to allt he other prophets. What did moses teach about monotheism> and idol worship what did abraham teach about monotheism and idol worship? what did mohhamad teach about monotheism and idol worship? Peace be upon them all.

Your like one of them new agers they put a battery on your back liek a toy soldier gave you a corrupted book and sent you off to commit blashemy. now you even befriend the enemies of god the ones who insult him you are no loyal servant of god. you even look down on the muslims you obviously watch american news netweorks and have been effected by the media. the way you talk about muslim extreamists.

Listen yeah have you even studied the other books and religions of moses abraham and mohhamad peace be upon them?. You don't sound liek you have any understanding of the fundementals of the pure form of the religion. you christians havent even been taught how to pray properly because of your churches. you just turn up on a sunday once a week maybe twice and listen tos ome guy talk crap for a few hours. Why dont you pray like the jews and the muslims and the Essenes did?

You break basic rules of abrahamic faith , you worship idols, god forbid you wear cross with dead prophet on your neck. you associate partners with god! you are a new ager polutheist who claims to be the followers of Hazrat Isa pbuh. you dont follow jesus you just idolize him as some kind of god. he told you pray tot he father not to him, you guys eat pork too, what kind of crap is that?. you dont even eat kosher or halal meat your the worst followers of any of the prophets.

Provide you evidence the bible has been corrupted? why don;t you ask your atheist pals they are usualy the first ones to spout this about the bible being perverted and changed and corrupted . You seriously didn;t know the bibles have been changed? you think they are in pure form?
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Dyw lets see how honest you are then. why don't you tell your buddy here about the bibles being corrupted? you know they are but lets see if you will out of spite back him up instead of the truth.

And PS Mr "Shogun" who has probably never practised bushido either or any samurai art. probably hasnt even read hagakure, If you want to read a pure bible then read the dead sea scrolls. and the torah.

Your new test has been corrupted many times and this is a known fact that is verified.
Canada != USA.

Whats the difference? you telling me canada Are not allies of the USA? and dont send our troops alongsaide them ever?/

thats like saying the british army is serperate from the american. Do you know what NATO is whats the difference? ever heard of the north atlantic treaty organization??????
Dyw lets see how honest you are then. why don't you tell your buddy here about the bibles being corrupted? you know they are but lets see if you will out of spite back him up instead of the truth.
Why should I tell him?
I'm sure he's as aware as I am that there have been selective alterations.

And PS Mr "Shogun" who has probably never practised bushido either or any samurai art. probably hasnt even read hagakure
Yeah, blah blah blah, Mr Martial Artist... :rolleyes:
FYI Bushido isn't a "samurai art".
Are we not allowed to fight in the Middle East? Did Al Quida not attack us? Did the Taliban not harbor them?
Why should I tell him?
I'm sure he's as aware as I am that there have been selective alterations.

Yeah, blah blah blah, Mr Martial Artist... :rolleyes:
FYI Bushido isn't a "samurai art".

No it seems he thinks his bible is the perfect un adultered edition it was 2000 years ago. I know you won't tell him because your a pack animal and he is your ally for now. I don't have allies here i have god and my word.

Well I am a man of the martial arts and when somebody dubs himself Shogun that is quite the title.
Er, the British Army IS separate from the US Army.

And your point would be...?

As if the british army is seperate since Nato formed there is no difference, i must admit the british are much better trained though and make the US troops look like rookies but thats not the point here.

They still mobilize as a single force and do joint attacks.
No it seems he thinks his bible is the perfect un adultered edition it was 2000 years ago.
You think.

I know you won't tell him because your a pack animal and he is your ally for now.
Er, didn't I just say so in my previous post?

I don't have allies here i have god and my word.
Oh yes. Your word. We've all seen how much that's worth.

Well I am a man of the martial arts and when somebody dubs himself Shogun that is quite the title.
Maybe you should pick on "Saint" too.
Or any other poster with a name that means something. :rolleyes:
You think.

Er, didn't I just say so in my previous post?

Oh yes. Your word. We've all seen how much that's worth.

Maybe you should pick on "Saint" too.
Or any other poster with a name that means something. :rolleyes:

Well im not a saint but i am a student of martial arts and i have studied the bushido way and the hagakure, I am also a trained swordsmen. I don't really want to discuss his name in great detail I said it once.

If I were a Saint then I might have an expressed opinion about Saint's name.

Like I am a jew and I express my opinion on people using the term Anti-Semite because i think i have the right to speak about it with some autority as i am a jew myself.

do you have a problem with me commenting on "Shoguns" name?