The Simpleton Notion of ‘God’ is Unveiled Here

But if the mistake was god's (allowing Lucifer to rebel and become the devil) then why should we suffer?

He didn't allow it, it happened. And again, its possible its all part of the plan so tribulation can take place.
The tangent mattered to me, otherwise why start the thread at all? I was learning from it. I even changed a few points of my own philosophy because of it. Because I believe in the Christian God, I must be unintelligent, therefore my viewpoints don't matter? Well, that's giving Christians just too much credit. I like to think I am fair. The least I could do was level the playing field.

Do tangents really matter if the Creator cannot be identified as existing? Could it be that going on "as if" and building more upon the vacancy is an attempt to somehow solidify it by layering structure all around it. It's OK to say that this is a human tendency.

We know that in outside life people will go around believing; it's just that on forums we try to get to the bottom of things, so there is a stricter accounting and more looking into the psychological nature of belief.

I think you are posting well, in that your gender is not really apparent but for "What's a girl to do" kinds of statements.
He didn't allow it, it happened [the Devil]. And again, its possible its all part of the plan so tribulation can take place.

Ah, again, consumed by the layering on to the initial unproven notion, inventing devils and saying how and why and just really only imagining.

We might as well make up that there is a main Devil called Satan and he is kept in a block of ice in the center of another made up place called Hell.

Should we then create threads to explore this and other avenues that come from just "I believe, but cannot show"?
Ah, again, consumed by the layering on to the initial unproven notion, inventing devils and saying how and why and just really only imagining.

We might as well make up that there is a main Devil called Satan and he is kept in a block of ice in the center of another made up place called Hell.

Should we then create threads to explore this?

What are you talking about? This is all speculative nonsense on both sides.
He didn't allow it, it happened.
So we're back to god being incompetent again.

And again, its possible its all part of the plan so tribulation can take place.
And back again to you not being able to make up your mind.
If it's part of the plan then, by definition, god DID allow (or, more accurately intend) it.
So we're back to god being incompetent again.

And back again to you not being able to make up your mind.
If it's part of the plan then, by definition, god DID allow (or, more accurately intend) it.

Maybe he knew Lucifer would rebel, but plain and simple in Christian lure God banished the beast out of Heaven if o facto taking care of the problem.
What are you talking about? This is all speculative nonsense on both sides.

And, then, um, Satan broke out of the ice and began bothering everyone by whispering bad thoughts to them.

As now, as too in the mythical ages, there are all kind of good and evil spirits proposed and it is the nature of people to go on and on about all of the further invented specifics about them and discuss them as if they were so.

Getting deeply mired into doing this, they forget there was nothing to it in the first place but superstition.
Maybe he knew Lucifer would rebel, but plain and simple in Christian lure God banished the beast out of Heaven if o facto taking care of the problem.
And let him loose to mess about with us.
Part of the plan? Then god's a sadist.
Not part of the plan? Then god's incompetent.
The Simpleton Notion of ‘God’ is Unveiled Here

Believers obtain a template from nowhere that says forms can’t just be here on their own, and so they go one level up, not down, and then instantly halt and throw their template away by saying that an even Higher Form—God—exists on its own, and even that it is First and Fundamental.

Not only is this notion a simpleton ‘analysis’, contradictory, and even compounding the supposed correct template, but it goes in the complete wrong direction—to the more complex, rather than to the simpler and simpler.

It gets worse, for they then dishonestly say that the unestablished ‘God’ is truth and fact.

Worse yet, they want to convert other people to their concept, and then further label anyone contrary as ‘evil’ and unsaved, which causes wars, even agains other religions, for the mere existence of other views appears to lessen their own credibility, and so that concept must be protected.

This is not even to mention more fabrications that are freely layered onto the scheme, such as the holy spirit, devils, angels, souls, and heavens and hells, etc.

They will often not even take in information, the emotion of their strong belief causing the neglect of it, so we continue to see all kinds of unbacked claims amounting to “God did it”.

And the notion that you're kind of a jerk is unveiled as well.

Sci writer says,"Hey several billion people (currently not counting history) you're stupid for believing what you believe, I'm the genius here can't you see that?"

Happy trollers trolling.
Or a test to man kind

You are still onto maybe this, maybe that… all born of an initial superstition.

When a superstition is referenced, the adherents might say that it’s not a superstition, but a true happening, but then cannot show. So, something is going on here in human nature about people fooling themselves.

Could it be that strong emotion has a direct pathway into consciousness, bypassing the logical and the rational areas of the brain?
What is Man (and Wo-man) but Sapiens Supreme

Oh Man! What a piece of work, the mind; what noble deeds done and undone in kind. What Rube Goldberg inventions heaped upon—in the layers of brains the mind is made upon. What is this sapiens mammal animal, but of some slime and of brutish law. Let us ‘neglect’ this state of affairing on the grounds that it is unappealing.

So, then… we are spun of the Eternal Golden Braid, those windings of Truth, Love, and Beauty made from the Goodness of Purity Immortal—the Theory of Everything’s singular portal.

What is Man but the special chosen species for which all the plants grow and the waters reach, for which the Earth turns ‘round, and orbits a nuclear furnace spreading Love’s energy, enabling us to thrive above any and all creation.

What is Man but the only bloom for which all the 13.7 billions years of evolution and love have occurred in a predetermined random yeast to form and flower such a vainglorious beast.

It’s ever on forever’s edge that we meet our destiny, that in our temporary parentheses of Eternity we would flourish for just a moment, bidden as the blossoms of Perfection’s Flower Garden.

A hundred trillion stars and countless shores were built to light our universal nights explored; forty million other lower species, too, the All-Might placed about our world, merely for our delight.

Our name is Writ Large on the Heaven’s marquee, in the supernovae stardust showered from Thee. From Nothing not You came, but, of a naught our own universe was made and ever wrought.

A starring role we play in this reality show, every atom spinning fine just for us to know, our ancestors rising/falling for us to stand upon, oh man! They lived and died for our lone promise!

Every shaft of light shines with us in mind; thus, it beams forth our beginning and our end—in and of God’s hidden and Heavenly Shrine. Oh life! We cherish being, that of yours and mine.

We do so much deserve reward beyond this role—and so it is that one’s immortal spirit-soul, that angelic vapour that drives a living being, shall go forth to glory on behind the scene.

We are not merely some mammally organic luck, but purposely evolved on this planet, near a star, in that intended long and winding mindless ‘birth’ of slowly drifting time, dust, and selection by death that ever sifted the best from the rest: Sapiens!

(Now why is the soul so ‘true’ and so far with it faith goes? It is only because one so much wishes it to be what knows.)
Signal, what do you think of this derivation?

Something and/or Nothing

Nothing forever cannot be, obviously. Something forever has no source, for it was never made, so this cannot be; yet, there is something, and it has certain properties, so, something is made of nothing, which can only be distributed as ‘sum-things’; so, we look for a symmetric balance, and there it is: pairs, opposite in charge and matter state. There is both something and nothing at the same time.
I see no reason to. I have my faith

OK, will not really expect anything known to be shown, as 'faith' concerns the unknown.

We could have a party, though, so I am inviting the females, Signal and Slidesandscaffolds, to join the guys here and have some fun amid the serious stuff.
OK, will not really expect anything known to be shown, as 'faith' concerns the unknown.

We could have a party, though, so I am inviting the females, Signal and Slidesandscaffolds, to join the guys here and have some fun amid the serious stuff.

Shit just got weird :p