The Structural analysis

And that is exactly what the OP continues to do.
All right, if don't want, that I here discussed the mathematician, prompt on what other site to me to leave, where there are more than people.
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All right, if don't want, that I here discussed the mathematician, prompt on what other site to me to leave, where there are more than people.
More than people? Like robots?

You've spoken to at least 3 PhDs in maths or physics in this thread and convinced none of them. You're making a mistake someone aged 16 shouldn't make.
All right, if don't want, that I here discussed the mathematician, prompt on what other site to me to leave, where there are more than people.
Are you, perchance, using Google translate (or another automated translation service) for your posts? Because, frankly, this gibberish is painful to 'read'.
int dx =/= x+C


0->$$t$$ - Axis of abscisses,

{A} - Mobile point, therefore $$x=|OA|$$ - a variable,


' the Structural analysis ' approves, that record of the mathematical analysis $$\displaystyle\int dx=x+C$$ makes no sense, since in it actually three are laid various integral:

1. If $$\displaystyle t=x+C$$,

$$\displaystyle\frac{dt}{dt} = \frac {d (x+C)}{d (x+C)}=1.$$

$$|OB|=\displaystyle\int \limits _{0}^{t}dt=t = \int\limits_{0}^{x+C}d(x+C) = \int\limits_{0}^{x+C}dt=\int d(x+C)=x+C.$$

2. Special case $$\displaystyle t=x+C$$ at $$\displaystyle C=0 $$

$$|OA|=|OB|=\displaystyle\frac{dt}{dt} = \frac{dx}{dx}=1.$$

$$\displaystyle\int\limits_{0}^{t}dt$$ $$ (t=x) $$ $$\displaystyle = \int \limits_{0}^{x}dx= \int dx=x.$$

3. $$\displaystyle\frac{dt}{d(t-C)}=\frac{dt}{dx} = \frac{d (x+C)}{dx} = \frac {dx}{dx} =1.$$

$$|OA|=\displaystyle\int\limits_{0}^{t-C} dt= \int \limits_{0}^{x}dt=x$$.

$$\displaystyle\int dx\not=x+C$$, because $$\displaystyle\int dx=|OA|$$, $$\displaystyle x+C=|OB|$$.

The uncertain integral is limited by an integration variable. The certain integral is limited by two values of a variable of integration.

Geometrical interpretation of formula $$\displaystyle U\cdot V=\int UdV+\int VdU$$ for the elementary functions shows that both uncertain integrals are limited by arguments $$V$$ and $$U$$, therefore sum $$\displaystyle\int UdV+\int VdU$$ is equal to the area of rectangle $$\displaystyle U\cdot V.$$
Guys I really think he's onto something this time.
In unrelated news, my lotobomy was a success success.
Structural analysis ' approves, that record of the mathematical analysis $$\displaystyle\int dx=x+C$$ makes no sense, since in it actually three are laid various integral:


Your "discoveries" are getting worse and worse. Leibnitz is turning in his grave.
This guys a waste of bandwidth. If he wants to fail high school algebra let him do it somewhere else.
The uncertain integral is limited by an integration variable. The certain integral is limited by two values of a variable of integration.
My "mishin05 : Powered by Google Translate" hypothesis is growing stronger with each post.
Error of an official science that on the basis: $$ \frac {dt} {dx} = \frac {dx} {dx} =1 $$ the conclusion that $$ x=t $$, because actually $$ t=x+C $$ has been drawn.
It only one of many errors of an official science. I develop "the Structural analysis" which cleans all errors!