The television, and Licenses

It is illegal to drink water that has not been paid for in the UK,the water Co owns all the water that has ever fallen on this land.

do they check your weight before and fter swimming?

Re: By the way

Originally posted by odin
It is illegal to drink water that has not been paid for in the UK

Not entirely true. According to UN resolutions everyone has the right to free access to clean drinking water. Denial of that right is a major breach of human freedoms and rights and can result in major fines. What our water companies charge for is sewerage.

But in principle you are right, don't pay your bills and they cut you off. This has yet to be contended in the courts that I know of.
Hmmm. Stryder, I wonder why in your letter , you state "I am not going to bother to write a letter" :D

Did you get caught by one of those detector vans?

Who needs a TV anyway?
While in principle I agree with you, Stryder. You can bet this avenue has been tried somewhere before. As much as I would love to say you are right, this one point of direction will be sewed up by legalities that allow enforcement. Else no one would pay. The only thing I can say is get ready for bad news. I truely wish it were otherwise.
(What our water companies charge for is sewerage. )

Well,that's funny as there was a documentry on the TV sometime ago,where a farmer wanted to drill a well on his own land to water his cows.He had to pay the water they own all the water!
There was also a case in the newspaper a few years ago where a horse trainer was paying the water Co.for the right to take water from a river at the bottom of his property,& they sued him for taking more than he had paid for.

(nightfall) We have public drinking fountains,but the water in them is paid for by the local council.

Just in case it comes up.A company that I worked at years ago had a genorator that they used during power cuts,they were orderd not to use it by the Electricaty Co.or they would be fined.

your governemnt is mad there in UK. somebody to pay for washing the horses in Latvia???:D tht would never work out here. there's a better chance a civil war starts here thn tht people pay for tht.
I'm happy and in love with the place I live although most forigners don't understand how can I live in a hole (supposedly for them) like this.

Seems I'm not the only one that think this law should be amended.

When you look at the facts:

The BBC and government had this instated from its start to fun the costs and startup of the venture.
Over the years they have grown from one humble state station to a corporation, But should the populous suffer a corporation tax?

The BBC can now fund itself via Merchandising and Phone polls, so why the need for a license? Is it not just milking the citizenship too far?

Okay the fee might seem small to some, £150 per year. But that £150 could be put back in the pocket of people (and could possibly be used as Spacer for more tax increases)

The BBC doesn't have to lose staff over "Detection" as it can now move onto piracy of Satellite/Digital Cards. Which is more like the crime that they are trying to fit me for. In that case somebody is stealing, in my case I'm not and wasn't.

In fact I didn't declare in the letter that the television is not owned by me, I don't rent the property, The television has to be retuned if power is supplied to it (so as standing a picture can not be received) and even it if was tuned there is a problem with the contrast control, so the picture is too unviewable. (too dark)

It was just the fact that I'm living in a a place that happens to be storing (since I don't watch it) a telly.

I think I will get them on appeal.
Maybe the British Gov wants a station that they can dictate to if the need arrives!


your home sounds nice to me!are foreigners allowed to own property & live there?
how did they catch you not paying your tv license?
the government controls you. you do not control the government.
Actually they came round to check on a television I didn't own in a flat I do not rent. In fact... I shouldn't even be fined because it's not mine. (And I'm not just making an excuse up just stating the fact, that of course I'm sure the detector man didn't scribble down)
As more of the situation comes to light, you make a very good case, Stryder. I am not familiar with UK law but surely laws are reasonably based. It is hard for me to understand that a TV, not hooked up, not yours, in a place you do not own, is your responsibility to pay for usage on. Surely the fee is based upon usability and intent to use. By it not being hooked up I would think that demonstrates intent not to use. If there is no way for info to reach the set from the outside, just what is the fee for? What justification is there to apply this fee to you?