The three main principles of Falun Dafa Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance


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The three main principles of Falun Dafa Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance

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Thanks but no thanks . I will stick with Me Kempo, Tie Quan do , Hop keeto , and the likes . Better exercise Me thinks . Mind Body and Spirit as they say
I went to a meet-and-greet once.

Falun Gong people worship their human leader. Claim he has healing powers.

I found it disturbing...The basic principles seem ok, but it smells culty to me.
Please see this web:

What is Falun Dafa?

Falun Dafa (also called Falun Gong, or just Dafa) is a high-level cultivation practice guided by the characteristics of the universe—Truthfulness, Benevolence, and Forbearance.

"Cultivation" means continuously striving to better harmonize oneself with these universal principles. “Practice” refers to the exercises – five sets of easy-to-learn gentle movements and meditation. Cultivating oneself is essential; practicing the exercises supplements the process.

Over time, the principles of Dafa unveil the deepest and most profound truths of the universe. Following the principles, practitioners of Falun Dafa are able to reach very high realms, enlightening to the true meanings of life, and finding the path of return to their origins and true selves.

While the exercises have deep inner meanings, they also help to reduce stress and can bring great improvements in health and fitness.
The Beginnings

Falun Dafa has an ancient history. It was passed down over the ages from a single master to a single disciple in each generation. The disciple would later have a disciple of his own, to whom he would pass on the teachings, thereby quietly passing the practice down throughout history.

In 1992, Mr. Li Hongzhi (referred to respectfully by practitioners as "Master" or "Teacher") first taught Falun Dafa publicly in the city of Changchun, China, and then continued to lecture all across the country. Those who attended experienced such profound benefits that they told friends and family. As a result, the number of practitioners grew very quickly, solely by word of mouth. By 1998, at least 70 million people had taken up the practice in China alone.

Today, Dafa is practiced and cherished by over 100 million people in over 100 countries, and has received a plethora of honors.

More About the Practice

Cultivators of Falun Dafa strive to cultivate their xinxing [mind-nature, or character] and remove their attachments to become kinder, more honest and more patient people. The higher one is able to elevate xinxing, the deeper the understanding one has of the teachings presented in Zhuan Falun (Falun Dafa’s primary text).

Falun Dafa practitioners cultivate themselves while living normally in the complex environment of secular society. People of all nationalities, races, socio-economic backgrounds, gender, ages, occupations, and different faiths are welcome to practice, and do so entirely of their own free will, at their own pace, and for as long as they choose.
never heard of it . Who is Falun Dafa ? Got to go see what kind of pussy they are spidey . Google google

After you watch above video. maybe you can understand what is Falun Gong. and Why somebody tried to persecute Falun Gong.

After you watch above video. maybe you can understand what is Falun Gong. and Why somebody tried to persecute Falun Gong.

Your teetering on preaching . I don't care cause I am tolerant , but others might . It is against the forum rules .

Please don't believe this guy's talking. you can go to Internet search related info for "Stop persecute Falun Gong in China"

or watch this:
I am a musician so harmony is a natural thing to me , but what I consider Harmony you may consider discourse . Plus Me first American forefather was named Herman which by the time it got to the 3rd generation Herman became Harmon . Get it ? I am The little Harmony to Harmon . Ha Ha Ha Ha . I think it was some English bloke that heard the Name Herman as Harmon as Harmon him self appeared to spell it in different ways also .
Any way don't lie if you can help it
I will go with that .
Flat 5 learn it like it get use to it . Sharp 5 also Minor 3rd. you probably already like unless you are the permanent giddy type . 1,3,5,7, yeah chord rudiments are fun
I am a musician so harmony is a natural thing to me , but what I consider Harmony you may consider discourse . Plus Me first American forefather was named Herman which by the time it got to the 3rd generation Herman became Harmon . Get it ? I am The little Harmony to Harmon . Ha Ha Ha Ha . I think it was some English bloke that heard the Name Herman as Harmon as Harmon him self appeared to spell it in different ways also .
Any way don't lie if you can help it
I will go with that .
Flat 5 learn it like it get use to it . Sharp 5 also Minor 3rd. you probably already like unless you are the permanent giddy type . 1,3,5,7, yeah chord rudiments are fun

Dear Me-Ki-Gal

I am so sorry for that I quote a wrong name.

the name should be "spidergoat's Avatar spidergoat"

This guy try to make hate, and try to attacking another good people.
you know the chinese communist party still is Persecuting Falun Gong in China.
and this guy "spidergoat" is helping CCP to make hate to Persecute the good people.

thanks for you comment. I am so sorry that I quoted your name.
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Dear Me-Ki-Gal

I am a Musician too, I like the traditional Chinese culture. you can go to blow channel of youtube. maybe you can get a surprise.

Dear Me-Ki-Gal

I am so sorry for that I quote a wrong name.

the name should be "spidergoat's Avatar spidergoat"

This guy try to make hate, and try to attaching another good people.
you know the chinese communist party still is Persecuting Falun Gong in China.
and this guy "spidergoat" is helping CCP to make hate to Persecute the good people.

thanks for you comment. I am so sorry that I quoted your name.

Spideys O.K. He is American from Portland Oregon . Orgonian to the core . Very liberal in his speech . He follows a Master named Roger Malar . He is not there planner anymore but he left and His Ideology Spidey follows and a good part of his clan can agree on so they still sever Him by bringing his dreams to reality .
He barks good , but his bite is just little nibbles of love . China persecutes lots of people is the word on the street . After reading some one else post just today by one of Me S.F. pals it is even more evident if true . What I think they said was that domestic growth is a lie the Government spins on the world stage . There is a lot of talk these days about China Manipulating there currency for the good of the Government but bad for the Chinese national ( The Working Man/Woman ) Growth won't happen cause the worker is not compensated enough to cause internal growth . So you see what I am saying ? Liberty does not exist in China . That is what we call the foundation of Freedom and why even Spidey can act the way He does . We hold liberty close to our hearts for we are represented by the Great Eagle. Like air gods of the past where we dare to dream dreams of a thousand generations . One of our own came up with a working flying machine that change every thing . 2 brothers . Anyway I hope China gets over persecution of its Natives soon . I don't know what is in-store for the Great country , But thiungs have a way of escalating in funny ways