duendy said:me))as you divide 'light' and 'dark' you also create the abstracts 'pure' and 'impure' and divide them. then you wo believe in A'pure all good god' become all idealistic and hop to become 'pure'.
is a murderer as 'pure' (good) as you are for example?
am i impure, if i believe in abstracts like pure and impure?
why shouldn't we try to improve ourselves and hope to become 'better'?
surely, a newborn child is more pure than murderers who live in darkness?
what your christian faith did was remove those associatons overtly at any rate, ad HISTORICIZE the myth to mean an ACTUAL 'godman' was ONCE crucified on a cross at ONEtime in history
the story of christ is partly based on the life of jesus. we have separated from christ, our real self, by crucifying ourselves in the material world (or body) by believing in it rather than our real being, the androgynous mind.