Theists suggest: Experiment, fake it till you make it - Really??

Somehow, they have it in them to say anything in order to get elected, indeed.
I find this really fascinating, that drive for success, and how to justify it. What there must be in a person to act like that, and whether this is willed and can be learned - or whether one simply needs to be born for such things. because I am definitely not, and I feel the painful consequences of it.
Somehow, they have it in them to say anything in order to get elected, indeed.
I find this really fascinating, that drive for success, and how to justify it. What there must be in a person to act like that, and whether this is willed and can be learned - or whether one simply needs to be born for such things. because I am definitely not, and I feel the painful consequences of it.

the painful consequences of being yourself and being honest?!?! honey! that is the best you or anyone can possibly achieve!! :confused:
*kicking myself in the ass*

i quit for 4 years. it was a "side-effect" of all of that weird shit that happened to me in 2005. i didn't even have a withdrawal, and that was after a pack a day for about 20 years. i never thought i'd be able to quit; it was a miracle.

and then i went to new orleans, and after a good 16 hours of drinking, decided to dabble.

and then i moved in with my mom while my house was being remodeled. she was handing them over like candy.

i'm not really looking for another miracle. *sigh/puff combo*

Your not looking for another miracle, because you love smoking and don't want it removed? or Because you went back to it and feel guilty and you got no right to ask for another miracle from God? Or for some other reason?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
If one talks to someone about God, then the very fact of talking to them about God implies that that person indeed is (considered by the listener to be) an adequate/good/competent source of knowledge about God.

This can be a very unfortunate situation, as the outsider/beginner might get stuck with the wrong person and unable to get out.

It is my experience that a "begginer" can have the wool pulled over their eyes for a time. If they simply give over their seeking to just make a preacher their pope on earth then a long time. But the deception never lasts when the seeker is genuine and places God above any religious leader. Of course there are those who agree with what is being given to them and they will remain in deception. But the fact is their minds always agreed with a lie and therefore they condemn themselves by believing a lie.

People are not as hopeless as you think.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Your not looking for another miracle, because you love smoking and don't want it removed? or Because you went back to it and feel guilty and you got no right to ask for another miracle from God? Or for some other reason?

She retratcted that statement about not looking for another miracle later in the thread!
Somehow, they have it in them to say anything in order to get elected, indeed.
I find this really fascinating, that drive for success, and how to justify it. What there must be in a person to act like that, and whether this is willed and can be learned - or whether one simply needs to be born for such things. because I am definitely not, and I feel the painful consequences of it.

It comes natural to a clinical psychopath.

A lot of people think Psychopaths are crazy eyed madmen running around with 12 inch daggers in hand looking for the next thrill kill. But a good number of them are Politicians, Policemen, and CEO's of multinational companies. If you are without empathy, have no conscience and have at lest half a brain then you will have no difficulties making it to the top in this world.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Somehow, they have it in them to say anything in order to get elected, indeed.
I find this really fascinating, that drive for success, and how to justify it. What there must be in a person to act like that, and whether this is willed and can be learned - or whether one simply needs to be born for such things. because I am definitely not, and I feel the painful consequences of it.

Painful Consequences for you because of the outcomes of having those kind of people ruling the world?

Or Painful Consequences for you because you wish you had the same kind of attributes they have so you could join them in the power elites?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
In another thread a poster is considering to "religiously brainwash" his troubled son in order to get him to behave more normally.
Many posters there have expressed themselves negatively about such an experiment, including some theists.

However, some of us have actually been given this sort of advice by theists. We have been told to "experiment" and to "fake it till you make it".

I don't see anything wrong with experimenting but that is way different to faking it. I would never advise or agree with people faking it.

For an example i would encourage an agnostic to pray to God as an experiment. But i would never encourage that agnostic to feign belief in the God of Abraham. If the agnostic believed that some kind of God might be out there and was open to that God being the God of Abraham, then their prayer would not be faking it. It would be an experiment.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Painful Consequences for you because of the outcomes of having those kind of people ruling the world?

Or Painful Consequences for you because you wish you had the same kind of attributes they have so you could join them in the power elites?

I just want to lead a peaceful life, I don't want to be in any conflict with anyone, I am not interested in being rich or beautiful or perfectly healthy or influential, I wish "minding my own business" would not be so damn difficult, given the many philosophical, moral and practical problems that I face, problems connected with others or that arise in dealing with others. I wish to be simply average, to not stick out, to fit in. But that has been proving impossible to do, and I have no idea how other people do it, and they won't say either.
you are confusing god with religion. of course, someone that has been schooled in a particular religion can explain what that religion's take on god is better than one that isn't.

as for the qualification to know anything about god is a greater context. heck, a child's honesty or love can be construed as something of god by some. a homeless person could have an insight about god ad infinitum.

Your not looking for another miracle, because you love smoking and don't want it removed? or Because you went back to it and feel guilty and you got no right to ask for another miracle from God?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

more like the latter...but then i realized that wasn't really correct. i just feel like the reason and means that i quit before was so bizarre that the likelihood of something like that happening again is next to nothing. but that doesn't mean god or i can't find another way. shit, i could just bite the bullet and have some discipline. i act like that's not a possibility, but it is. i got off easy before (in regards to the smoking anyway). i just don't feel like it could ever be that easy again. but who said it has to be easy? it makes me feel pathetic.
I just want to lead a peaceful life, I don't want to be in any conflict with anyone, I am not interested in being rich or beautiful or perfectly healthy or influential, I wish "minding my own business" would not be so damn difficult, given the many philosophical, moral and practical problems that I face, problems connected with others or that arise in dealing with others. I wish to be simply average, to not stick out, to fit in. But that has been proving impossible to do, and I have no idea how other people do it, and they won't say either.

you want to fit in to THIS world? seriously? why? are you ok with the way things are in this world? come on now...

i'm going to make a suggestion. stop worrying about fitting in with the cesspool. stop trying to be someone else. and start trying to love people no matter what. it isn't emotionally driven, and it's a lot harder than you might think. but god made you just the way you are for a reason. you are entirely unique for a reason. you are valuable. if you realize that, you can put that value into action and change the world. you're powerful whether you like it or want to be or not, so you may as well embrace that and do something good with it.
I, powerful?!?

yeah. it's inherent in your creation. even if you do absolutely nothing, your choice to do absolutely nothing affects the world in a big way. you can't escape that.

are you a christian? i thought you were. if you are then, why are you a christian? some of the things you've said lately make me curious.