Theory of Everything.

Thanks for responding.
I'm sorry. I have no clue what it is about and I must have been tired or fooled by the official looking Category; "Science and Technology".

It looked interesting and I hoped for a comment on the science. If it does not ring a bell with you, I'm sure it has no Scientific or Technological value......:eek:
Well, anyone who talks non-ironically about "quantum leaps" does not know any physics. And anyone who thinks that electrons moving to a higher energy state emit energy does not understand the principle of conservation of energy. And anyone who thinks the plural of antenna is antenna's [sic] has no education.

So whoever he is, he's a berk, basically.
river said:
What physical properties does this zero-point particle have ?

There are an infinite amount of these zero-point particles. These zero-point particles have an infinite spacetime curvature on their location in spacetime.
Around the particle the amount of curvature of spacetime is calculatable using the formula sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2)*curvature=1.
Two or more moving zero-point particles lead to interesting interactions which can be observed. What is being observed is explained in the article.

Didn't answer my question .
Didn't answer my question .
What kind of physical properties do you mean?

Maybe those following:
Size: Does not apply.
Temperature: Does not apply.
Appearance: Is described in my answer to you.
Color: Does not apply.
Melting/boiling point: Does not apply.
Density: Of a particle itself is infinite, of the amount of particles; unevenly spread throughout the universe.
Solubility: Does not apply.
Polarity: Does not apply.

You have to be more specific in your questions to me, since english is not my native language.
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What kind of physical properties do you mean?

If your post was directed to me, the following list are non existent for time

Visual - none
Audio - none
Frequency - none
Mass - none
Position on the periodic table - none
Position in the electromagnetic spectrum - none
Detectability - none
All those properties I have missed - none of those either

in addition to your list

Temperature: Does not apply.
Appearance: Is described in my answer to you.
Color: Does not apply.
Melting/boiling point: Does not apply.
Density: Of a particle itself is infinite, of the amount of particles; unevenly spread throughout the universe.
Solubility: Does not apply.
Polarity: Does not apply.

As regards to appearance sorry I don't recall your description

If you could repeat perhaps would jog my memory or reference the post where your description can be found

What kind of physical properties do you mean?

Physical properties is self explanatory and I will take any you care to provide

Sorry I cannot provide any because, according to myself TIME DOES NOT EXIST

Hence my request for some other person to put forward evidence, in any form, that TIME does exist

I will accept a property would be a good start

What kind of physical properties do you mean?

Maybe those following:
Size: Does not apply.
Temperature: Does not apply.
Appearance: Is described in my answer to you.
Color: Does not apply.
Melting/boiling point: Does not apply.
Density: Of a particle itself is infinite, of the amount of particles; unevenly spread throughout the universe.
Solubility: Does not apply.
Polarity: Does not apply.

You have to be more specific in your questions to me, since english is not my native language.

Simply its very fundamental physical properties . Physical form .
Simply its very fundamental physical properties . Physical form .
There is the problem. The term zero point energy means that the object has NO distuingishable physical properties. There is no such thing as a zero point particle. There are energy fields of various kinds from which massive particle emerge.
Zero point energy;
Zero-point energy (ZPE) is the lowest possible energy that a quantum mechanical system may have. Unlike in classical mechanics, quantum systems constantly fluctuate in their lowest energy state as described by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
As well as atoms and molecules, the empty space of the vacuum has these properties. According to quantum field theory, the universe can be thought of not as isolated particles but continuous fluctuating fields: matter fields, whose quanta are fermions (i.e. leptons and quarks), and force fields, whose quanta are bosons (e.g. photons and gluons).
All these fields have zero-point energy.[2] These fluctuating zero-point fields lead to a kind of reintroduction of an aether in physics,[1][3] since some systems can detect the existence of this energy. However this aether cannot be thought of as a physical medium if it is to be Lorentz invariant such that there is no contradiction with Einstein's theory of special relativity
Simply its very fundamental physical properties . Physical form .
The point particle itself is a singularity (infinite curvature) but has no physical dimensions in spacetime (no length, no width, no height) but it does have an influence on spacetime around the point particle. It curves spacetime around the point particle. The amount of curvature on a specific place in spacetime around the point particle can be calculated with the following formula: sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2)*curvature=1
In this formula x, y, z, are the coördinates in spacetime where the point particle has the value x=0, y=0, z=0. The curvature of spacetime on a certain distance from the point particle is less (a fraction of infinity) than the curvature on the location of the point particle (infinite curvature).
So based on the formula above one could get a picture (or draw a graph) of the bending of spacetime around a point particle, this giving an insight in the form of spacetime surrounding the point particle. Thus the point particle has no physical form but its surroundings do because of the presence of the point particle.

(Examples of plots of spacetime deformed around point particles according to the above formula can be seen in the article).
There is the problem. The term zero point energy means that the object has NO distuingishable physical properties. There is no such thing as a zero point particle. There are energy fields of various kinds from which massive particle emerge.
Zero point energy;
Eh? What are you talking about? Zero point energy means no such thing. It is simply the energy remaining when a system is in its ground state, in all its degrees of freedom, i.e. at absolute zero. That obviously does not mean it ceases to have any physical properties, distinguishable or otherwise.

But you are right that the term "zero point particle" has no obvious meaning. Our eccentric friend has attempted to give it one.
Eh? What are you talking about? Zero point energy means no such thing. It is simply the energy remaining when a system is in its ground state, in all its degrees of freedom, i.e. at absolute zero. That obviously does not mean it ceases to have any physical properties, distinguishable or otherwise.

But you are right that the term "zero point particle" has no obvious meaning. Our eccentric friend has attempted to give it one.
My response was based on the term "zero point particle" which I did not introduce. I spotted a problem with that posit.

But in response to your welcome correction, what do you mean by "it does not mean it ceases to have any physical properties". What do you mean by "it"?
what do you mean by "it does not mean it ceases to have any physical properties". What do you mean by "it"?
He said "system":

"...when a system is in its ground state... That obviously does not mean it ceases to have any physical properties..."

In this case, system simply means the collection of interacting objects that are of interest.
He said "system":

"...when a system is in its ground state... That obviously does not mean it ceases to have any physical properties..."

In this case, system simply means the collection of interacting objects that are of interest.
Just to clarify, if I have a scale where one side holds 1lb of sugar and the other side holds 1lb of salt, the system is a zero ground state? Is the term used for all balancing systems or only for Quantum-Mechanical systems. where the measurements is made in energy units.

Energy levels for an electron in an atom: ground state and excited states. After absorbing energy, an electron may jump from the ground state to a higher-energy excited state.
If more than one ground state exists, they are said to be degenerate. Many systems have degenerate ground states. Degeneracy occurs whenever there exists a unitary operator that acts non-trivially on a ground state and commutes with the Hamiltonian of the system.
According to the third law of thermodynamics, a system at absolute zerotemperature exists in its ground state; thus, its entropy is determined by the degeneracy of the ground state. Many systems, such as a perfect crystal lattice, have a unique ground state and therefore have zero entropy at absolute zero. It is also possible for the highest excited state to have absolute zero temperature for systems that exhibit negative temperature.
What is the physical property of energy?
You know Ex was simply providing an analogy - as an example, right?
He's simply making it obvious that things in their ground state don't stop having physical properties.
What is the physical property of energy?

This is what I see.
What are the properties of energy?
Then this:
2) Energy comes in many different forms, which can generally be divided into Potential or Kinetic energy.

What are the measurement units of energy proper? The following answers the question;
Energy is an ABSTRACT quantity. It is not real. Another term which is just as real (or unreal) is "Entropy". How do you measure "entropy"? There are many ways to measure it, in fact there are several ways to define it, so you don't get just one answer. Energy is just the same. We use the term every day, so we a familiar with it, but it is in some ways like a number.
We use numbers every day (mentally) but if I asked you to show me one, you couldn't. You might be able to show me a digit - a symbol - but that is not the number - it stands for the number. The number itself is an abstract concept.
Energy is an abstraction. It is the (invented) property that is conserved in a closed system and it is the "stuff" that is used to force a change in a system. But what is it? It is heat, light, mass {E = mc²} and "potential". A wound up watch has energy, so does water at the top of a waterfall, and a battery, and a candy bar. But the types of energy have almost nothing in common you can point to nor can you take those things apart to show "where" the energy is.
Energy is measured by:
heat - temperature or temperature change
light - photocounter or spectrometer
mass - a balance
watch spring - strain gauge
waterfall - laser rangefinder
battery - integrating ammeter
candy bar - calorimeter
and on, and on.
what is truly amazing is that some genius figured out that there is some "hidden essence" which all these things have in common. Or more accurately, the essence, energy, is something which can be considered to be in common (mentally) among these things but in all of them is nowhere to be found. It is a generalization from the things in everyday life which we can touch.

I thought this was eloquently explained, no?
Isn't it funny that two of the most important terms in science are "time" and "energy"?
Neither concept has any actual measurable physical properties, but everyone knows that time and energy are connected to every physical object or function.
Isn't it funny that two of the most important terms in science are "time" and "energy"?
Neither concept has any actual measurable physical properties, but everyone knows that time and energy are connected to every physical object or function.

What is more fundamental ?

Energy .

Time is a concept . Energy is not .