Moderator note: This thread was split from the following thread:
Most Americans say abortion should be legal
I find myself recalling the time when two threads over the course of something like sixteen months explored the personhood proposition, and none of the anti-abortion participants would acknowledge the humanity or human rights of women.
Dave, do you acknowledge and affirm that women are human beings and have human rights?
James, it's inherent in the argument: DaveC426913, Seattle, and James R expressed reservations; Billvon acknowledges those reservations.
Do we really need to keep score? At that point, it's four to two at best, with three unknown.
Pretending unawareness and incomprehension, as the two sentences of your reply to Cluelesshusbund did, only undermines you.
James, do you acknowledge and affirm that women are human beings and have human rights?
Most Americans say abortion should be legal
Only if you assign personhood to the unborn.
I find myself recalling the time when two threads over the course of something like sixteen months explored the personhood proposition, and none of the anti-abortion participants would acknowledge the humanity or human rights of women.
• • •
Perhaps it's not moot for the rest of us.
Dave, do you acknowledge and affirm that women are human beings and have human rights?
• • •
I don't know what led you to that conclusion.
Who said anything about exceptions to a woman's autonomy over her own body?
James, it's inherent in the argument: DaveC426913, Seattle, and James R expressed reservations; Billvon acknowledges those reservations.
Do we really need to keep score? At that point, it's four to two at best, with three unknown.
Pretending unawareness and incomprehension, as the two sentences of your reply to Cluelesshusbund did, only undermines you.
James, do you acknowledge and affirm that women are human beings and have human rights?
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