Time & the Science of Perception & Human Behaviour

You wouldn't perceive without the logic of biological mechanisms which are clocks.

You wouldn't be able to ask any questions either. I mean, what would you need to know?
You wouldn't perceive without the logic of biological mechanisms which are clocks.

You wouldn't be able to ask any questions either. I mean, what would you need to know?
Lost me already

These sort of brain fart idea threads go down there gurgler fast and become a argument about definitions

I'm out

What is a "quite back channel"?
Dummy. You're so level 2. Don't feel bad, 95.38% of all people are at that level
Thanks for the question gmilam. I had never heard the term either . I must also belong to that 95.38 % stupid people.
I did a little research and cannot find the expression quite back channel anywhere. Perhaps the specific wording does not exist.

However, I did find the definition of the term backchannel , which is actually an interesting tidbit for general knowledge. And does not deserve derision, merely for asking clarification.


Definition and use[edit]
The term was coined by Victor Yngve in 1970, in the following passage: "In fact, both the person who has the turn and his partner are simultaneously engaged in both speaking and listening. This is because of the existence of what I call the back channel, over which the person who has the turn receives short messages such as 'yes' and 'uh-huh' without relinquishing the turn."[1]
Backchannel responses are a part of basic human interaction because to have a productive or meaningful person-person interaction humans must cooperate with one another when participating in a conversation. Meaning, when two people are involved in a conversation one person is generally the one talking and the other is listening and the listener can show the speaker they are cooperating through backchannel responses.[2]
The term "backchannel" was designed to imply that there are two channels of communication operating simultaneously during a conversation.[3]

i.e. a continuous referential feedback from the listener to the speaker.
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asking itself what perception of time is.

asking yourself to make a valuation of time & then apply it subjectively to gain cyclic reason of self validation

is self validation(actuation) a part of a frequency of timing ?(bit more advanced subject)

biological timing
electrical timing
consciousness timing

You wouldn't perceive without the logic of biological mechanisms which are clocks.

You wouldn't be able to ask any questions either. I mean, what would you need to know?

logic ..
applied frame works of perceptional interpretation for communication purposes

what life forms demand as an artistic frame work a form of communication to be explicitly required as a species format ?

some birds
whales dolphins & humans (i dont know about primates)

logic of biological mechanisms which are clocks
queue the inverted electrical universe theory
mathematically it makes a lot of sense, but physically it doesn't stand up to biological reality

yet humans are a complex mix of biology & electricity & mathematics

additionally not referring to whom in was replying
i have observed on many occasions
non verbal conversations going on in groups while group conversations are going on
different subjects
back channel narratives are concepts in this instance of the assumed additional conversation of terms going on
in spite of alternate conversation forms(body language non verbal verbal acoustic etc)

often bullys use back channel absolute conversation forms to assert control of individuals
work place psychopaths tend to be a little bit more complex but use the same type of thing.
we cant really go any further into that subject without giving tools to abusers
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Thanks for the question gmilam. I had never heard the term either . I must also belong to that 95.38 % stupid people.
I did a little research and cannot find the expression quite back channel anywhere. Perhaps the specific wording does not exist.

However, I did find the definition of the term backchannel , which is actually an interesting tidbit for general knowledge. And does not deserve derision, merely for asking clarification.


Definition and use[edit] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backchannel

i.e. a continuous referential feedback from the listener to the speaker.
Honestly, I assumed he had just misspelled quiet.
Perception is biological.

It depends apparently on the existence of timers, biological clocks, and a whole lot of them (how do neurons communicate without timers?).

So you're essentially a clock, a biological one, asking itself what perception of time is.
There is no perception of time.

We are to perceive motion.
You wouldn't perceive without the logic of biological mechanisms which are clocks.
Isn't that called the circadian rhythm?

Circadian Rhythms
Circadian rhythms are physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a 24-hour cycle. These natural processes respond primarily to light and dark and affect most living things, including animals, plants, and microbes. Chronobiology is the study of circadian rhythms.
