Is that not what happens during a quantum event?
We either know the position or the speed of a particle but not both at the same time.
IOW, we need two measurements to establish a particle's position and speed at any given time.
Am I reading that wrong?
It occurred to me that perhaps it is not the same particle at all which experiences quantum change but more of an exchange, where the original particle ceases to exist and a second particle is created to continue the chronology.
A two part step with an infinitely small gap between events where the original particle disappears in the field and a new particle is created by the field.
Would such a function create a quantum duality or a quantum continuity of a particle?
Just musing......
Agree speed or position (but not both WITH EXTREME PRECISION) at the same time
Cop can say "He was doing 100klm/hour exactly according to my radar" (close enough for the court) so let's take that as a given
Asked exactly where he was "Driving past that tree in the photo"
The more precise you make one measurement the less precise the other becomes
The mathematics at quantum level defeats me
I'm guessing it will involve Planck's length which I take to be the shortest physical length possible
How NOW (which I had noted and contend has no thickness - being only a concept between PAST and FUTURE) straddles the physical world is the puzzle
It just occurred to my 3 neuron brain - Planck's length shortest physical length possible, NOW a non physical concept (hence no physicality hence not real)
leaves me with PAST - non existent- FUTURE - non existent and now NOW not real