Time Travel

Nobody could ever timetravel because the journey through light would leave nothing on the otherside, no universe, no dimensions, nothing.Timetravel would unbalance the very nature of our universe and other universes alike.
According to mr.titor his unit moves through time not space,he said we would be correct to assume if you moved through space with it that youd no longer be on the planet.

Moving through time alone,no problem,he accuratly described the distortion and how it only is instantanous to where you end up however from your relative point of view it takes you 1 hour to move 10 years,he said a device checks the gravity around it to locate you in free space im guessing,and to keep divergence from this world line to the next at a minimum.

I think it makes great sci-fi although maybe thats all it is,you should look into it as its interesting,even as entertainment value it is one of the most interesting things i have seen on the web
HONEST this struck a chord.

I cant say to you i believe it,im sorry the rational part of my thinking cant accept it any more than i can accept god,i dont believe in god either.

However to disprove or prove is difficult,especially to the lay person,in a court of law with all evidence handed and a good lawyer id imagine this area would come unamously undecided
while everyone will agree nobody believes it.

As a lawyer id remind the jury that personal belief has nothing to do with evidence and proof.

Its the same thing if you took "god" to court,apparently god is imagined although the evidence can be said as the universe,it would certainly come out undecided.

Thats what happens when anything imaginary is invented.

For instance i cannot prove the afterlife does or does not exist untill after the fact,which im sorry to say means i can only prove it when im dead,dont do you much good.

In john titors story after the fact will be after 2005,2008 and ultimatly 2015.
Actually from my UFO research, time travel is impossible as many have prooved, but using the type of dimensions we are using now.
What happens if i walk into a time machine go back 5 seconds then kill myself before i walk into the time machine :confused: :m:
Originally posted by moving
What happens if i walk into a time machine go back 5 seconds then kill myself before i walk into the time machine :confused: :m:

According to titor nothing happens to YOU on YOUR worldline,you have just killed the other you in another worldline.

He descibes the universe as a whole as being a multiverse,but more from the point of the big bang,like all physical probabilities exist within each worldline from that point.

One worldline exist where you are dead,he says theres no possible way of travelling in time on the same worldline,theres always a minimal % of what he calls "divergence" in other words the time you enter is the past of your worldline with certain divergence=difference.

A 100% divergence might suggest there is no earth,or things are so different they are nothing like where you came from.

Basically travelling to the past yeilds NO effect on YOUR future,you are only changing the future of an alternate history.

So yes under this hypothesis you could quiet easily kill your younger self/prevent yourself being born.

Although these theories predate mr.titor by about 20 years,its fairly old news to me,but might sound impressive talking to a lay person (no offence to lay people im technically one myself).

Although more recently the parallel worlds idea has become more possible,it started out fairly tongue in cheek but does explain certain things,id say the true scientists in this field of expertise are cut 60/40,60% believe this is how things are,while the other 40% are either not sure or think theres more to it/dont believe it.

Time travel is at least in theory possible,and if many histories/multiverse is interconnected it at least makes it plausable when dealing with paradoxes.

Ill go as far to say that time travel is actually natural.

Its like saying its unnatural to fly a plane,while this could be considered correct,it dont break physical law.

If time travel dont break physical laws,then the debate over if we do it or not may aswell be cancelled out,as you could say everything infront of you is not natural.

Would a laptop computer seem normal,possible,natural 200 years ago,no chance anyone would believe such a device could exist,perhaps they would even debate the physics.

Remember a computer only works on the basis of physical theory not really feasable till the beginning of last century.

We make new discoveries all the time,right round the corner from us that can change the way we percieve space and time.
Originally posted by MrMynomics
Timetravel would still react with spacetime.

Id like to point out that most people like you and probably 99% the people who look at his story argue it in the offence,attempting to prove its a hoax,hes a liar.

However the defence can be just as strong or stronger,you make a bad lawyer,or maybe youd make a bad laywer on the defence.

Mr.titor says he is not all that well up on physics or describing how it works.

His defence says "would you expect someone who flys a plane to know everything about aerodynamics and the inner working of a plane"

this argument is quiet strong,his knowledge of time travel may just rest on his knowledge of the hows and why's it came about with just a limited understanding of physics.

Its easy for the offence to then say "well thats convenient"

bad argument

In defence i would call upon people who fly planes and what knowledge they have and dont have,i would prove from that
that some of the people who fly planes have limited understanding of inner workings,but possibly more so on the history of how planes came about.

Id argue that mr.titor has seen the invention in his lifetime with the actual date of the invention in 2034.

While people who fly planes may know limited knowledge,they would certainly know more if it
a)all happened in there lifetime
b)the main device invented only 2 years prior to him time traveling.

The offence would stress he should therefore know more

Weak argument

The time period of mr.titors knowledge would be more relavent in longer periods of time,perhaps thats why he did know quiet alot

At this point the offence would probably attempt to call up people in the know that deal with "theories" to debunk anything titor has said

As the defence i would say that the knowledge of what a man has may not prevent or increase his ability to do his job.

In other words id argue that just because someone dont know every detail about the device dont mean he dont know how to use it.

Id also stress that mr.titor never said he invented the device and should not be expected to know how it works in any extreme detail any more than a lay person on the street wearing a watch knows how there watch works,i know how to operate a watch but ask me how it works and id be stumped,but maybe i know certain things but not necessarily accuratly.
Energy from a microsingularity?

I'm quite astonished about the time-travel machine of John Titos being powered by microsingularities.

In that case how were these micro-singularities created?

Natural origin and captured in space?

Created by charging from another source of energy, a thermonuclear reactor for instance?

How can the machine be lon-term stable?
The singularity could absorb gradually atomes from other components of the machine, which could then defect?
Technically, we're travelling through time right now. The earth is moving, and when you move, time slows down when compared to another speed (static space). So ever since the earth has been moving, we've been slowly travelling through time. We would only notice a difference though, ,if we compared now, to the time out in space where something is moving at a different speed. So yes, it is possible.
Re: Energy from a microsingularity?

Originally posted by zira
I'm quite astonished about the time-travel machine of John Titos being powered by microsingularities.

In that case how were these micro-singularities created?

Natural origin and captured in space?

Created by charging from another source of energy, a thermonuclear reactor for instance?

How can the machine be lon-term stable?
The singularity could absorb gradually atomes from other components of the machine, which could then defect?

CERN is the place where time travel device is supposed to be developed,which makes sense as in my opinion CERN and GE are the only people id think of capable of doing it.

He says CERN find something out when there large hadron collider goes online.

According to CERN the LHC goes online in 2007.

He did predict certain things 6 months and 2 years before CERN or anyone else developed them.

In other words the seeds are being sown for time travel as we speak at CERN,this can be classed as the first year,
so according to him in 2034 CERN and GE have developed the device you see in the pictures.

I must admit im not so sure about the physics as he explains it,and the device could seem fishy.

Theres still something that bothers me about the whole thing,maybe its fear that its the real deal,ive said on many occasion that NOBODY would want to believe this is all true.

I suggest you look at these pages:

this one came out 6 months after john left

and this one 2 years

He did mention technology relating directly or indirectly to this
If Moores law hold up, barring any WWIII, by 2036, we should have a 40 petabyte hard drive in a 1024 128-bit processors motherboard running atleast 100GHz with raw memory of 512 GB.

That should be enough power to have your personal AI.
Computer in 2036

The 1024 x 128bit computer of year 2036 will be a nano-computer size of a coffee-cup,
no keyboard, no mouse, no TFT,

The computer will be integrated in sort of a helmet which you put on your head for use.

You will control the computer with EEG from your brain,
the computer will render information to you by ear-phones and by a semi-transparent plasma-visor in front of your eyes.

Maybe that the computer will be powered not with a hydrogen-capsule, but with a small quantity of milk you must fill in before you start it.

And maybe the computer will NOT produce heat and noise of fans while running,
but some bad-smelling liquid.
At the end you can then put that liquid into the toilet.

And the computer will certainly be not need a hard-disc.
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Re: Energy from a microsingularity?

Originally posted by zira
In that case how were these micro-singularities created?

You don't create microsingularities, silly, you catch them! Duh! ..............:p

Probably with a butterfly net.
Re: Time Travel if possible by Humans

Originally posted by passive observer
If Humans could time travel from future to present then we would have another tourist industry.

Where do you think all those UFO's come from?


oh well, a lot is falling in place rigth now :)
Originally posted by MrMynomics
Nobody could ever timetravel because the journey through light would leave nothing on the otherside, no universe, no dimensions, nothing.Timetravel would unbalance the very nature of our universe and other universes alike.

This would be the case DURING the travelling itself yes.
I think,....

They should be verry carefull with creating these 'black holes' since they have an akward reputation of sucking their surroundings in them, no?

:) LOL

as the news brakes today we have an unusual happening over at the CERN lab: @ the place where it's suppose to be there's a great big hole in the ground, this mistery is mind bogling! What happened?

Addictive said:
I always found this arguement to be immpossible so iwanna see what u guy can come up with.
(considering time travel is possible)
If i go back in time and kill my grandfather, than since my grandfather doesnt exsist, i wouldnt exsist,so my grandfather would exsist again, because if hesdead i couldnt have gone back in time 2 kill him.
If u find this story confusing its basiclly saying that u cant kill ur grandfather, because if he didnt exsist u wouldnt exsist, and if u didnt exsist u couldnt have gone back in time 2 kill him. If u ca find a way out of this, please let me no.

Ok, consider this possibility. What if you could reverse everything that is happening in the universe down to the most minute detail. Let's also suppose that this reversal goes back one hundred years from 2004 to 1904.

So what you would have is not a parallel universe, but an isometry of the past. So another words you are still in the same universe and techniqually you are in the year 2104, but everything is actually reversed to exactly the same form as 1904 not only on earth but everywhere in the universe!!!

Was time reversed? At this point it may depend upon what you are talking about, but there are a few tricky problems with this one. If I go inside a time machine how can you reverse me and the materials that make up the time machine? One solution is to have a field which produces a quantum copy of everything that entered the machine to go out of it. Furthermore if you reverse time things would happen in the space that the machine occupies so things would have to be able to occupy the same space without interacting with that space.

One way around this is to go into outerspace which has the least interference and then reverse time and hope this doesn't change the 'past' to much! Then when things have been reversed enough, you can leave the time machine and visit your surroundings.

Another possibilty is that you may be able to actually go back in time and say kill your grand father and still exist but you might merely cease to have a genesis, that is a quantum appreance of you appears in the past. This may seem counterintuitive but so is teleportation.
Why is everybody that brings up a grandfather paradox so willing to kill their grandfather?

Imagine it like this, one day you might be a grandfather, do you want the son of your offspring coming back to bump you off? I think not.

You should note that the human mind is a great thing, since it is a "Virtual Machine" or at least has the capacity to act as a Virtual Machine. This is why we have the capacity to problem solve, why programmers are able to realise how the code of a program runs before it runs on through a real programming language interpreter and of course why we have the capacity to turn back the clock with our mind and envisage all the possibilities.

The thing is with your explaination of reversal of 100 years back by going forwards isn't something new, I've seen it crop up a few times and even I at one point thought of it too. If such a system was possible it could allow access to the same timeline, however if you from a future point were to cause any change in that timeline you would end up with a parallel.

You have to understand that matter is made up of string, and the suggestion for why this string exists is to apply that matter through multiple universe generating a multiworlds effect of multiple reoccurances generating solidity. If you generate a deviation you cause something similar to a Particle-Waveformation Duality (which is usually discussed as "Schrodingers Cat"), The normal state of the universe would be in particles however your interaction and creation of a paradox would generate the particle to act as a waveformation and in such a state it creates a "fuzzy" vector of existance as appose to being an outright particle.

Very small alterations within the universe could potentially allow for this "fuzzy" vector to coexist, considering that their would be alot more string defining the "Mean" of the universe. However you could question that if the nature of chaos was to begin to creep into the actual metaphysical outlay the very substance of your percievable universe could be threatened if not anticipated correctly.

What I mean here is that if you were to keep going back 1 minute before you first managed to generate a paradox and alter something in that universe in comparison to the previous one, you would generate so many differences within a localised space that eventually the universe you see would disappear into nothingness, yet still exist.

However this is all conjecture until either we as a human race grow up enough to be able to throw our differences aside for progress or we just give up looking to answer such things and kill each other like primatives.