To be gay and a Muslim

There is no "reform" required in Islam; rather, what we need to do is revert to our traditional and conservative outlooks. Politics will change, but the Qur'an will not; by this standard, no truly devout Muslim will ever accept homosexuality.

There is no "reform" required in Islam; rather, what we need to do is revert to our traditional and conservative outlooks. Politics will change, but the Qur'an will not; by this standard, no truly devout Muslim will ever accept homosexuality.


Like I said, it's only a matter of time. Islam is an outdated religion.
Islam is not just a religion - it's a way of life. It's also timeless.

Sorry, but it will be a cold day in hell before all 1.5 billion Muslims embrace your savage perceptions of life.

Islam is not just a religion - it's a way of life. It's also timeless.

Sorry, but it will be a cold day in hell before all 1.5 billion Muslims embrace your savage perceptions of life.


My savage perceptions of life ? Where did that come from ?
You constantly talk about how harmful humans are, and how you wish nature was left to itself - something that can only be accomplished by our permanent removal. If you ask me, that's pretty savage. Not to mention you admitted you wouldn't die for 100,000,000 people, yet you considered dying for 100,000,000 animals, which is absolutely terrifying. I think your views are savage and barbaric, Enmos. You're selfish and misinformed, I'm sorry to say.

You constantly talk about how harmful humans are, and how you wish nature was left to itself - something that can only be accomplished by our permanent removal. If you ask me, that's pretty savage. Not to mention you admitted you wouldn't die for 100,000,000 people, yet you considered dying for 100,000,000 animals, which is absolutely terrifying. I think your views are savage and barbaric, Enmos. You're selfish and misinformed, I'm sorry to say.


I think you misunderstood a few things here and there :rolleyes:
I see Kadark’s point about Islam remaining the same traditional religion it has always been and let’s say that it stays as rigidly conservative as it has always been throughout history. The problem here is that if you allow it to stay the same then Islam becomes outdated with the current times and the people.

Whether you leave Islam or Christianity the same and do not allow any flexibility in its treatment of others or their sexuality because of the religious core values or beliefs of the church, it won’t matter because the people these religions ostracize and outcast will simply leave to form their own religions, therefore either way in time ridged conservative religions will eventually self implode because they do not support others in a loving and accepting manner.

Others in the church who might not be gay but have gay relative might also leave the church as their persecution or being ostracized by others who know they have gay family members might be too much for them to handle, then others in the church who see the treatment that these family members are getting might also leave as they fear the church is too ridged or out of line.

In the USA most church members in Christian churches are two faced hypocrites but that is my opinion and only based on my own experience with dealing with them as they are the same people who claim to be so Christian and self righteous but are the same ones sinning in the corner in the dark, or judging others and condemning them to a fate they feel themselves are above, why often engaging in such sin as extramarital affairs and even homosexual activities. In the 80’s Jim baker was accused of having a gay sexual relationship and an extra marital affair with another woman, his wife Tammy Fay cried and we have seen that photo then she went on to become a gay supporter and it caused so many problems for her with some select groups of people. This too will happen to Islam just like the people of Westboro Baptist Church how they teach their child to hate and this behavior although justified by the church because of their beliefs is very hateful and un Christian in my opinion and one reason I feel these people picketing her funeral are no better than Tammy Faye who supported gay people…
Here are two different views regarding Tammy Faye and I only use her as an example of what could happen to any religion or group of people…..

Tammy Faye (Baker) Messner memorial. Hatemonger’s protest
westboro baptist church members. child taught to hate.

The controversial church is known for condemning gays and picketing U.S military funerals across the country
While we can argue over whether or not homosexuality is right or wrong, we cannot argue that religion is usually against it. And religion has helped shape society to be what it is. Therefore homosexuality would be a drastic change to society, is it worth it?
kadark said:
A few Christian patriots remain, namely Ron Paul, David Duke, and the Storm-front members. If Muslims are to allow homosexuality, then it won't be long before Islam becomes a version of Western Christianity.
The identification of Islam with David Duke and "Storm-front" (apparently that word is censored here ? !) is kind of revealing.
norse said:
While we can argue over whether or not homosexuality is right or wrong, we cannot argue that religion is usually against it.
Some are, some aren't. No point in confusing the ME Abrahamic religions with some kind of universal human entity.
the islamoarab definition : bottoms=young boys
the islamoarab premise : adult bottoms are gay, others are not
the islamoarab conclusion : no one is gay

There is a basic and common sense empirical human reality: wherever humans construct and perpetuate an environment in which females and their sexuality are demonized and are pushed into invisibility, homosexual behaviour among men and the sexual abuse of young boys by older men always increases. Islamic-Arab culture serves as a perfect example of this paradigm, seeing that gender apartheid, fear of female sexuality and a vicious misogyny are the structures on which the whole society functions.

It is no surprise that John Racy, a psychiatrist with much experience in Arab societies, has noted that homosexuality is “extremely common” in many parts of the Arab world. Indeed, even though homosexuality is officially despised in this culture and strictly prohibited and punishable by imprisonment, incarceration and/or death, having sex with boys or effeminate men is actually a social norm. Males serve as available substitutes for unavailable women. The key is this: the male who does the penetrating is not considered to be homosexual or emasculated any more than if he were to have sex with his wife, while the male who is penetrated is emasculated. The boy, however, is not considered to be emasculated since he is not yet considered to be a man. A man who has sex with boys is simply doing what many men (especially unmarried ones) do. And this reality is connected to the fact that, as scholar Bruce Dunne has demonstrated, sex in Islamic-Arab societies is not about mutuality between partners, but about the adult male's achievement of pleasure through violent domination.

While secrecy and taboo surround this phenomenon, some courageous Arabs have dared to discuss and expose it. Walid Shoebat, for instance, a former Palestinian terrorist, has openly related the abuse of young boys in Palestinian Muslim society. He himself witnessed a line of shepherd boys waiting for their turn to sodomize a five-year-old boy. Amnesty International has also reported that Afghan warlords routinely sexually victimize young boys and film the orgies. (The sexual abuse of young girls in this environment is also obviously widespread).

While she was in Afghanistan in 1961, author and scholar Phyllis Chesler saw homosexuals roaming the streets, holding hands in broad daylight and gazing into each other’s eyes. “One of the pair,” she writes, “might sport a flower behind his ear; another might be wearing lipstick or have rouged cheeks.” At the same time, Chesler observed that everyone, including her Arab husband, was in denial about this common social reality, refusing to admit that this widespread behaviour was, in fact, homosexuality. (jamie glazov)​

Taliban Rule Book # 19

Mujahideen are not allowed to take young boys with no facial hair onto the battlefield or into their private quarters​
you know what
i am shocked at the depravity and sheer evilness of the islamoarab street
i mean, i weep for these poor little boys
can they not have a normal childhood playing with toy trains rather than taking it up their tender little asses?

furthermore as an american of pakistani descent i used to bugger little boys back home all the time. we all did!
y'know, peer pressure and cultural norms and whatnot

i quit that shit after coming to america
got educated
i then married my dad's sister's daughter
my cousin that is
sweet sweet 14
so tender and juicy

/blissed out
this one time
back in the old country
my sister was holding hands with this guy
i then like..... hacked the guy to death

family honor

Men who are homosexual and get turned on checking out other mens bodies BUT have also been taught it is religiously wrong, often become aggressive and hateful towards gay men.

In a sense they BLAME the gay man for MAKING them get a boner looking at the gay man.

Here I'll give you an example:


Don't forget Norsefire
You can't make assumptions about my sexuality unless you are me. I could call you gay, does that make it true? No.

You assume anyone who finds homosexuality wrong is gay themselves, which is a baseless assumption.

There is nothing wrong with it. If people are born that way then it is none of your business. NONE.