ufo buzzes plane

A star/planet is but one possibility. I live next to an airport and see a lot of airplanes, frequently at high altitude, that have very bright reflections off of their windshields during sunrise and sunset. This, I think is as much a plausible explanation as star/planet.

|Yes but that airplane would at lest move, this "UFO" seem totally stationary. Perhaps a high altitude balloon?
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
|Yes but that airplane would at lest move, this "UFO" seem totally stationary. Perhaps a high altitude balloon?

True! But that's the interesting thing about this effect: the airplane is moving toward you. So, in a sense, it is stationary in position, but only relative to the observer.

I've seen this effect several times, and the first time, it can be a bit unsettling... continued observation soon reveals the aircraft and eventually you can even hear it's engines. But the brightness of the sun's reflection off of a small window is tremendous, even at long distances.

Still, I think that it is probably more likely to be a planet or star. My point, which I hope any lurkers who haven't decided to become "complete believers" will understand is that there are many, many plausible explanations that are very quickly overlooked by those who choose to see what they want to see. In other words, they choose the hypothesis that they like simply because it is possible (even if not probable) and summarily reject other hypotheses, often before condering their existance.
Skinwalker: "And therein lies the next problem with this UFO "researcher:" you cannot be both a researcher and a capitalist".

I do not consider myself a 'ufo researcher' (any experience I have in this field is only through the photography...). I have not, or do I intend to, join any 'ufo organisations' or other organised UFO activity. I am not that sort of a person. While I recently had pleasant meeting with four members of a Sydney UFO Research group, and we enjoyed comparing notes on similar sightings in the Northern Beaches, I have to date declined any invitations to speak or discuss my material at any UFO gatherings.

I am a 57 year old Product Designer with my own company. I have a new fin system to complete (my last one won a Bronze Medal at the Geneva Inventions Exhibition) and I have been offered a part as a Surfboard Design Instructor in an upcoming video on Advanced Surfboard Design for a US video company. I am already in the field of distributing products I believe in, and the CD must be considered one more. My credibility in the Surfing Industry is unquestioned, having worked for the major companies in the world at some time or another over the last 40 years during which I have travelled to many countries. That is what I am, someone who loves what he does for a living.

Talking to people about UFOs isn't my bag, but when I see good people being insulted and humiliated by those who are nothing more than modem delinquents, I post images. Despite much bluster nobody on this bb or any other has found my images to be hoaxed in any way ( and they never will..). I have also had some satisfaction in supplying material to Astrophysists, Authors and UFO Researchers already studying the phenomena.

There was a point when the material deserved a wider audience and I would have been irresponsible not to release it. It's a simple as that. If I get my costs back I will be delighted.....

"In other words, they choose the hypothesis that they like simply because it is possible (even if not probable) and summarily reject other hypotheses, often before condering their existance".

I would suggest you first view the UFO material before rambling on about something you obviously know nothing about.
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Originally posted by chris beacham
My credibility in the Surfing Industry is unquestioned,

And no one is questioning your surfing credentials now, either, we are talking about UFOs.
Originally posted by chris beacham
Skinwalker: "And therein lies the next problem with this UFO "researcher:" you cannot be both a researcher and a capitalist".

Originally posted by chris beacham
I do not consider myself a 'ufo researcher'

Nor do I, hence my use of quotation marks on the word "researcher." That statement wasn't meant to refer to you personally, but to the many individuals I've observed selling their "proof beyond doubt."

Originally posted by chris beacham
Talking to people about UFOs isn't my bag, but when I see good people being insulted and humiliated by those who are nothing more than modem delinquents, I post images.

And when I see the intellects of average people being insulted, even vandalized, I post alternate possibilities. I didn't say that your image was not an alien "craft" or that your video was a hoax. I said there was a more probable hypothesis and that it is likely a hoax or at the very least, lack of proper scientific method.

But I would like to point out that I never insulted or humiliated anyone. I only addressed the evidence and the motives of many of those who hoax as well as the ignorance of those who do not invoke scientific method. If you felt insulted or humiliated.....

Originally posted by chris beacham
Despite much bluster nobody on this bb or any other has found my images to be hoaxed in any way ( and they never will..).

I believe we did a fairly good job of pointing out the lack of evidence in the image/video you linked here. As for you site that is mentioned in an earlier post, there didn't appear to be any images other than the bright light that resembled an eclispe of the sun.

Originally posted by chris beacham
I have also had some satisfaction in supplying material to Astrophysists, Authors and UFO Researchers already studying the phenomena.

Then you certainly won't mind offering some citations to the peer reviewed literature that I'm sure they've informed you that your work is being discussed in. That way your peers can review it.

Originally posted by chris beacham
I would suggest you first view the UFO material before rambling on about something you obviously know nothing about.

Sure... I'll be happy to review whatever you have in the spirit and tradition of science. Without original media, whatever review I offer will be pointless, however. Digital media is far to easy to manipulate and, as you so eagerly point out, one can never prove otherwise.
i am not doubting you by this question
why do you think it was not in view until you took the footage?

is there a scientific reason for the camera to observe what is not possible by the naked eye and if so it may help you identify the
huge variables
what do you think?
i am not doubting you by this question
why do you think it was not in view until you took the footage?"

Because it was too brief, too far away and I wasn't expecting it. It was completely outside the pattern I had established for myself. I suspect the craft are flying around out there every day unseen.

"is there a scientific reason for the camera to observe what is not possible by the naked eye and if so it may help you identify the
huge variables
what do you think?"

Certainly. The shutter speed of the camera is the main reason, and it offers a huge range of variables ( eg. 4 secs - 1/1000 sec) for introducing light that usually appears 'out of phase' to us, or plainly, too bright. The 'scope' is also important in diluting light source for photography, as well as getting in closer.
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
smonkey will be heart broken! s/he must have spent months acquiring those amazing UFO videos…

I (he) spend about 10 minutes per animation. I'm not heartbroken, because I used one to post on the messageboard of B3TA.com. And I also put it on my own website as animation of the day.

It does show how easy it is nowadays to make fake pictures and animations. Everybody with a bit of knowledge can do a lot on photoshop. My animations were quite crude, but that is because I was unwilling to spend too much time and effort on them. But not everybody is like me. That makes potentially every picture of an UFO doubtful (today more than ever before), not even taken in account other explanations for this UFO.

The only valid evidence for UFOs would therefore be a public contact event.
Chris claims:

If you are genuinely interested in viewing UFO material my own CD is finished and I will be launching it shortly. It will comprise of about 300 images of several different aspects of the phenomena, and 12 videos clips totalling about 40 mins.

I find it interesting that so many people in the world never witness anything out of the ordinary in regards to UFO sightings, yet Chris has hundreds of images taken by him alone. And guess what? He wants to sell them to you and me for a mere $25.

Despite much bluster nobody on this bb or any other has found my images to be hoaxed in any way ( and they never will..)

Hoaxed? Maybe. Plausible, believable, credible? I don’t think so.

I have also had some satisfaction in supplying material to Astrophysists, Authors and UFO Researchers already studying the phenomena.

I’m sure the UFO researchers loved your stuff but I doubt the astrophysicists were at all impressed. Who were these scientists? Can we contact them and get their opinions on your material? Has your material ever been commented and published by these folks?

If I get my costs back I will be delighted

Costs? Of course, you never considered turning a profit, right?

rambling on about something you obviously know nothing about… those who are nothing more than modem delinquents

That is the typical ranting of a “believer.” They aren’t interested in other explanations aside from alien crafts.

And besides, I suppose other plausible explanations might cut into your sales margins, right Chris? ;)
Q: I’m sure the UFO researchers loved your stuff but I doubt the astrophysicists were at all impressed. Who were these scientists? Can we contact them and get their opinions on your material? Has your material ever been commented and published by these folks?

Ah Q . I don't publish my private discussions.. but this excerpt will have to suffice...

CB: The images I have been registering are
different in many ways to what I have seen of the Hesselden material.

Astrophysist: : Very interesting. I am just keeping an archive of those light-phenomena all over the world, not only in Hessdalen.

CB: If you wish to consider analysing more images I would be happy to send you a few.

Astrophysist: Very kind of you. I have seen some of your australian ones at
http://www.surfin.com.au/nbsightings.html . They are splendid, and the
photos are really professional.
I would be very grateful if you could send some of your images for analysis.
Unfortunately, in this period I am almost totally engaged in searching for
water (the 22 GHz spectral line) in 3 extrasolar planets and I have very
little time to follow the other research on the strange lights. There is an
ongoing observation campaign together with the Socorro VLA
radiointerferometer just now...".

Q: And guess what? He wants to sell them to you and me for a mere $25.

Don't worry Q, in a better world all CDs will be free...keep voting
Originally posted by chris beacham
I don't publish my private discussions.. but this excerpt will have to suffice...
There is always a problem with anonymous testimonials:
  • A.G. - "I gained 1/2" in 60 Days! And after 90 Days I had gained 3/4" !! I almost gave up on improving the size of my penis."

    L.M. - "After 150 Days, give or take, I have gained almost an INCH!

    V.P - "I have gained about 2 inches in my flaccid state and about 1 inch in my erection. The thickness has also increased nicely."
I mean no disrespect. Would you rush out and buy based on these excerpts?

:m: Peace.

I am a 57 year old Product Designer with my own company… I am already in the field of distributing products I believe in, and the CD must be considered one more… having worked for the major companies in the world… 40 years during which I have travelled to many countries…

Ah Q . I don't publish my private discussions…

If you claim those things that you are, you should know (Marketing 101) that testimonials from well-known scientists would greatly help the sales of your CD, don’t you think?

Don't worry Q, in a better world all CDs will be free...keep voting

In a better world people wouldn’t prey on the uninitiated.
Originally posted by chris beacham
I don't publish my private discussions.. but this excerpt will have to suffice...

It's okay... just the names of the "astrophysists" will suffice... I can do a search of their publications and perhaps see where you are mentioned.

Originally posted by chris beacham

Could we please have this person's name?
dude that just looks like a white dot or piece of dust not a UFO. Definately not convincing, but nice try
Originally posted by chris beacham
wrong again dude....

As if you are some authority? How do you know he's wrong? If you know, you should be able to prove it right? Otherwise where do you get off acting like you know something that you don't?

Oh yeah, you're the idiot trying to sell retarded videos.

What a jackass.

PS: you should note that even if your videos aren't fakes, that doesn't mean your equipment was functioning correctly or something weird other than a UFO created the image.
wes morris:
"As if you are some authority?"

I am far closer than you'll ever be, if your posts are anything to go by....
Originally posted by chris beacham
I am far closer than you'll ever be, if your posts are anything to go by....


That's quality debate right there.

Okay, what do you know about my posts and how is it that you think that somehow they are evidence that you are more of an authority than I am regarding anything?


Dude, you are the biggest idiot on the fucking planet if you think that in this day and age anyone should believe anything about anything based on someone else's claim of "photographic evidence".

Oh jeez, you being the authority and all I should just be quiet and astounded by your incredible photographic insight. Damn I just can't control myself. Sorry boss, I'll work on it.. promise! :rolleyes: