UFOs (UAPs): Explanations?

What makes these eyewitness reports credible to you? What convinced you that these people didn't just make it up?

What damages their credibility for you? Why would they be lying? The accounts corroborate each other and were all reported to the police station on the same day. There is absolutely zero evidence they made anything up.

What steps did you take to rule out mistaken sightings of a helicopter, for instance? How do you know that's not what some of these people saw (if they saw anything)? Some of the descriptions appear to be consistent with a helicopter - perhaps even a fire-fighting helicopter that sucks up water to dump on bush fires.

What evidence do you have of it being a helicopter? How is it possible that all the eyewitnesses mistook a helicopter for a silver sphere with lights underneath it? A helicopter makes quite a distinctive and unmistakeable noise. Why did they not recognize it as a helicopter? Was there a bush fire happening near there on that day?
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What damages their credibility for you?
Credibility doesn't need to be "damaged". It automatically starts at zero. The more "incredible" the claim is, the less the credibility rises above zero.
Why would they be lying?
Why don't you understand the difference bet
The accounts corroborate each other...
Human minds work in similar ways, especially within a given cultural context. People in a culture that includes flying saucers are likely to describe a phenomenon as a flying saucer.
Human minds work in similar ways, especially within a given cultural context. People in a culture that includes flying saucers are likely to describe a phenomenon as a flying saucer.

None of them claimed to have seen a flying saucer. They described it as a silver sphere with lights on the bottom. There is no way they could all make up the same thing and then report seeing it to the police station on the same day.
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There is no way they could all make up the same thing and then report seeing it to the police station on the same day.
Of course there is. Even you aren't that obtuse.

There are innumerable ways they could have conjured up this story together, in any location, at any time prior to New Year's Eve.

To effectively claim there is "no way" humans can communicate - without a hint of equivocation or shame - is just one more nail in your 'bad faith arguing' coffin. A coffin ... made entirely of nails.
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Of course there is. Even you aren't that obtuse.

There are innumerable ways they could have conjured up this story together, in any location, at any time prior to New Year's Eve.

To effectively claim there is "no way" humans can communicate - without a hint of equivocation or shame - is just one more nail in your 'bad faith arguing' coffin. A coffin ... made entirely of nails.

LOL ! Is that what you are claiming happened? Where's the evidence for this nefarious collusion?
Is that what you are claiming happened? Where's the evidence for this nefarious collusion?
No, I am not claiming anything, except that you are being outlandishly obtuse.

You said: "There is no way they could all make up the same thing and then report seeing it to the police station on the same day."

You didn't say 'it's not plausible'; you said there's 'no way they could have'.

It is essentially saying 'there is "no way" way people who live near each other can communicate during an unspecified timeline'.

People walk, drive cars, meet in pubs, use phones and talk to each other.
Good. Then don't waste my time with you anal pendantry...
If you believe that you can make outlandish claims and do not have any obligation to defend them then you have no business polluting a discussion forum with your Trumpian puffery.

That's trolling, and is reported as-such.

Your claim (post 6804) stands as undefended and refuted.
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There is no way they could all make up the same thing and then report seeing it to the police station on the same day.
Sure there is. I've seen that silver sphere and a lot of people reported it as a UFO. I had already realized that it was a weather balloon but a lot of other people had given it another interpretation - the same interpretation but the wrong interpretation.
Sure there is. I've seen that silver sphere and a lot of people reported it as a UFO. I had already realized that it was a weather balloon but a lot of other people had given it another interpretation - the same interpretation but the wrong interpretation.

Weather balloons don't fly around with lights on them and suck up water from rivers. But then you knew that didn't you?
Fun fact - reports of UFO sightings increased significantly in 2020 because of the Covid lockdowns and restrictions, causing more people to be at home looking up at the sky. I guess when we’re busy and on the move, we simply don’t have time to smell the roses and look for UFO’s.
Credibility doesn't need to be "damaged". It automatically starts at zero. The more "incredible" the claim is, the less the credibility rises above zero.

I could never live in such a backwards universe, where nothing incredible ever happens, and people are all untrustworthy liars.
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I could never live in such a backwards universe, where nothing incredible ever happens, and people are all untrustworthy liars.
And that is what makes Faith your rudder rather than rationality.

It makes one ask why you would frequent a science forum since it is antithetical all to your core tenets.
And that is what makes Faith your rudder rather than rationality.

It makes one ask why you would frequent a science forum since it is antithetical all to your core tenets.

I'm posting in the UFO subforum under a thread about UFO's on the topic of UFO's. There is no reason for me not to post here. Why are you posting here?
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