What damages their credibility for you?
Nothing specific, yet. But I know nothing at all about these people, other than that have reported seeing something they say they can't explain.
What makes you so confident they are (a) accurate observers; (b) honest; and (c) accurate interpreters of what they saw?
Do you know more about them than I do? I notice that you carefully avoided addressing the question of what - if anything - you know about this case, other than what's in the video. I'm going to assume that you know
nothing more than what's in the video, unless you can point me towards some other source of additional information about the case (that you have investigated).
There could be lots of reasons. Maybe they wanted the publicity. Maybe they are attention seekers. Maybe they are all members of the local UFO club and wanted to get their message out there. Maybe they hoped to be paid for their stories.
What do
you know about them? Anything beyond what's we see in the video? I'm expecting you know nothing.
The accounts corroborate each other and were all reported to the police station on the same day.
Did they talk to each other before filing reports?
How do you know when they reported to the police? Where are the records of those reports? Do you have them?
There is absolutely zero evidence they made anything up.
Has an investigation been done to confirm that? Has any effort been made by anyone to check their stories?
What evidence do you have of it being a helicopter?
The witnesses reported a very loud noise. Do you have any details of what kind of noise it was - what it sounded like? Did it sound like a helicopter, or not? Was this possibility put to them? How did they respond?
Also, helicopters are known to hover and make loud noises. Some have lights that can face down towards water. Some can even suck up water with hoses.
What have you done to rule out the helicopter possibility?
How is it possible that all the eyewitnesses mistook a helicopter for a silver sphere with lights underneath it?
For lights underneath, see above. For silver sphere, I'm not sure. Maybe some or all of them didn't get a good look at it, what with all those bright lights underneath and stuff. Maybe they all got together before reporting it to the police to compare notes, and the "silver sphere" story was what they settled on. Did that happen? Did it
not happen? Are you able to confirm, either way?
A helicopter makes quite a distinctive and unmistakeable noise. Why did they not recognize it as a helicopter?
I don't know. Who asked them whether they thought it could have been a helicopter? Did
anybody ask that? Seems like an obvious question. Did
you ask them?
If nobody put that question to them, tell me how
you ruled out the helicopter possibility.
Was there a bush fire happening near there on that day?
You tell me. Was there? Or don't you know, either way? You don't seem to know very much at all about this case.
None of them claimed to have seen a flying saucer.
Well, that's interesting, if true, because I've seen some UFO sites report them as describing a saucer-shaped object with a silver sphere underneath and lights etc. Did the UFO reporters get it wrong then? What steps have
you taken to check which story is correct?
There is no way they could all make up the same thing and then report seeing it to the police station on the same day.
Stupid, or a troll? It's so hard to tell.
You should ask Mick West first. He seems to be the authoritative expert for all the armchair skeptics around here .
Do you have any data about the case that can be analysed? (Of course you don't.)
Weather balloons don't fly around with lights on them and suck up water from rivers. But then you knew that didn't you?
Maybe it was a helicopter.
I'm posting in the UFO subforum under a thread about UFO's on the topic of UFO's. There is no reason for me not to post here. Why are you posting here?
To help keep the bastards honest.