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I have been abducted by UFO once, She was a hot brunette. Oh trust me they exists.:)

Now seriously, I have seen them or it, Now I don't know what they/it were/was so it was a UFO for me. I have never seen anythng like that, neither there is any technology known to us that will operate something with that speed. I tell you what I saw and others with me saw that too.

It wasn't like any bright light or green people, all it was, was a bright silver triangle hovering over the "Rpindi" Small town very samll off the coast of "Karachi". I happened to be there with my father, he worked on one of the Oil Company from here. We saw that object for about 1.5 hours moving so fast that it looks like a glare sometimes and suddenly stops and comes back to original postions and then move again, drops alltitude and then increase it. The most amazing thing about all that was there wasn't any noice even thou it was very low and it constantly change positions and the shot straight up and disapear in less the 4 seconds or so.

Now I don't know what it was so it was UFO for me. Can any one tell me what possibly it could be??.
Please don't think i am calling you a lier etc but your account of seeing a UFO is not good enough for me.
Its like James R said
Just produce convincing evidence - reliable sources, good video footage, preferably a demonstration in front of reliable witnesses.

I cannot say that you are reliable as I do not know you.

Please do not take offence.:)
Originally posted by sjmarsha
Please don't think i am calling you a lier etc but your account of seeing a UFO is not good enough for me.
Its like James R said

I cannot say that you are reliable as I do not know you.

Please do not take offence.:)

I never said that I present the proof. I just gave you first hand account of what I saw. Since I have never seen anything like that, then It was a UFO for me. Neither I asked some one to believe it. Instead I asked if some one can explain me what could it be??

No offense taken.:cool:

Even yesterday I was eyewitness to a UFO,....and? Do I suddenly have to prove something,....???
preferable that 'they' exist,...???

Aren't you beign too sceptic???
don't you think that just by beign so, you are overlooking something,...that you are the ones being sceptic and that you overlook the fact that you even destroy your own judgement by beign so ignorant and prejudicise???

Since when do I or anyone else for that matter has to prove anything to eachother????

Couldn't it be that there's something more to it? no? just think of all that secret stuff that is muffled, scepted and laughed away,...???

So if I (or anyone else for that matter) seek understanding for his/her experiance: and it meets only sceptisism and agression,...
you can figgure out the consequences for yourselves or do I have to draw a picture ???

It can be a daily experiance for shure,....I'm telling you,...
and boy: if I had to prove it all to you guy's then I wouldn't have enough time even If I had 10.000 lives,....

So let's just exept from one and other that some of us have a total and I reeaaallly mean TOTAL other world to live in: with a total other reality then all the others,...okay???

That doesn't imply that our mutual world has to be forgotten: or dismissed,...but the sience and sientist of this world don't do verry much about the misgoverment and the coruption: it even serves them,..and it serves them well,...

when you go to a nutthouse and you ring the door: 'they' open up,...and you say with this look of convinced obsession that you hear the voice of god,...acctually TALKING to you,...while at the same time, convincinly waiving your arms and swing your body and head of exitement,...

You will verry quickly find yourself in a room, cussioned by soft cussions, strapped by a wamp, suduced by a strong seddative,...making littarally a moron out of you,...
bye bye life,...

but when you have a paper that says your a priest and you say the same shit as a priest,...on a tv-show,...you even get paid by the millions digging your shit,....

eventually getting rich for crying out loud !!!! so don't tell me or try to convince me of 'a' possible or 'your' reallity,...I already know what instatement can do for you,...
(or for institutions or for goverments for that matter,...)

lessons!!! And I'm not trying to convict anyone here,...I do not,...(I repeat) I do NOT redicoule anyone,...
I don't attact anyone,...
Maby I enoy many people, because it's like I always know it better and that I'm the more wiser,...but then you think wrong of me,...verry wrong,...

In fact if you think that: then you're way off men,...hehehe

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Your description is clearly of an UFO.
I already heard about this kind of UFO. Unfortunatly,I don't remember from where it come anymore... I only remember those who used to abduct me...

Have you been abducted by the UFO? How?


If I say I have an invisible dragon called Herbert living in my garage eating M&Ms, are you going to believe me just because I say it's so? Or might you want some confirming evidence that what I say is true?

Is it up to you to disprove my claim, or up to me to prove it?

What do you think?
If you can identify an UFO, it will no longer be an UFO. And by the way, if an UFO is passing overhead with great speed and taking 90 degree turns for say a few minutes and then disappears and you see helicopters so up in the area later - how do you prove it? I have taken pictures with video camera (Hi-8) of objects in the night sky moving fast, you can not tell anything from the playback except a lot of video noise (The range of human eye is way greater than a CCD chip).

May be someday, when we can auto-zoom in with a 100,000X lens, ISO rating of 1,000,000 , EV from -X to +X, Resolution in 400 Gigapixel....we will get them.

huhuh a Dragon In your Garage? hhuhuhu whoe haahhaaa!

No serious: I don't care cause it's not my garage,...aslong as your dragon is not a treat to my life,...then everything is ok for me,...

You don't have to prove anything to me,...not that it's true or false,...can you live with that?

Lovely hehehe: dragon in garage,...hehehe but,...didn't I already answer that one?:D
Originally posted by Markx
I never said that I present the proof. I just gave you first hand account of what I saw. Since I have never seen anything like that, then It was a UFO for me. Neither I asked some one to believe it. Instead I asked if some one can explain me what could it be??

I know that you were not trying to convince me with your account but as soon as you say it people are going to assume that you are presenting it as proof. I am sorry, I did not see the last line when I read it the first time.

Was the UFO in the air for the whole 1.5 hours (were you watching it all that time?) Perhaps it was only there for a few minutes at a time?
How big was it? (i.e. compared to a low flying aircraft.)
Dragon in Garage...hahahahahahahahhhahahhahahaa...
:cool: :p

whats the speed?(Hi-8,i assume you have a Sony one.?)


I'm glad you liked my example. I hope you also understood my point. It seems to me that I am slightly more picky than you about what I choose to believe. Well, good luck to you, but I fear you will waste your time and energy on things which may not exist.
Originally posted by James R

Originally posted by James R

I think I can tell by m&m boxes you will be dumping.......LOL....It was funny example thou.


It was up there for more then that possibly and I did look at that for atleast 45 minutes or so, but there were other workers who noticed it for that long. Also I am not sure about the size of it, it definately looked bigger then fighter plane or helicopter. Good thing about that sighting was, it was a bright sunny day and you can tell the difference between plane or helicopter, Since I have spend pretty much my whole life living close to airports, commercial or airforce. I know how exactly the planes look like even in the night with their bright lights on. But it was a day so there is no confusion, and then there were atleast 30 people who saw that. Since there are no centers in karachi where you can report incidents like that and no monitoring station for any thing like that it was just a sight to see.
Originally posted by Markx
Since there are no centers in karachi where you can report incidents like that and no monitoring station for any thing like that it was just a sight to see.
No evidence, in other words.
It always happens that way, darn the luck! :rolleyes:

Originally posted by goofyfish
No evidence, in other words.
It always happens that way, darn the luck! :rolleyes:


But what about the videos and places where there were UFO monitoring sations? Have you ever come across anything like that? I have seen many programs where people video taped them and pictures and even goverment documents. I gave you a huge list on that in some posts ago. But still if some one don't want to believe that's his/her choice. I just shared my experiance. It wasn't anything fancy, sorry. It was just a simple sighting.
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Originally posted by zion

whats the speed?(Hi-8,i assume you have a Sony one.?)

It is a SONY low-light, had it for several years. Works OK but not for night shots. Our mailbox barely fills the screen at 850 feet away - imagine something at 5000 feet or higher up.
Capturing a UFO would require great Camera.unless you have the best,although you"ll be able to catch a glimpse of it while recording,but due to its flying charracterstics,the focussing would be difficult,Unless off couse,it Hovers momentariy exactly overhead,and flashes that light on you and...;)

The only way you can capture an UFO in pictures is when it hovers next to where you are. That is once a life time proposition. OR you can scan the night sky looking for light objects through a telescope. With all the sightings, it is still a losing proposition to get a good picture. And if the craft is made of smooth metallic reflective stuff, the picture will not reveal anything anyway - it will look like a toy.
Does anyone knows a site with good pictures? Once I saw one taken in Mexico City... it was perfect and not very far away! Only some meters! I would Love to see some...
