Unf**king Believable, A mosque to be built at Ground Zero

You couldn’t make this up. Muslims destroy the twin towers and kill thousands of people so what do you do? ……erect a monument to them in the form of a mosque at the very site of the atrocity. How Bin Laden must be laughing at you Americans now.

Not the same Muslims. You know some Muslims destroyed the twin towers and now we give other Muslims millions of dollars and weapons to fight the Taliban and Al Quida, did you know that? Or do we have to hate all Muslims now because you are too much of an idiot to know the difference?
Taken from from the new issue of Time Magazine:

dont go by "Time" magazine though. Unless you just like to look at the pictures it is written to appeal to imbeciles (edit: just saying, i doubt many people are buying magazines anymore). There are 400 million people in the u.s, so naturally you can find a few to say anything and what sells gets printed. This is a big story mostly in the media.

From the renderings i have seen it looks like a nice modern building...approved by all the boards etc. Since it is a cultural center it may have to pay taxes too. Which should be the case with all buildings regardless. But then perhaps tax them at half the rate for property taxes for places of worship.

edit: I think the problem with the media is people take what the say too seriously. i never did but i still use the media for entertainment. funnily enough i listen to conservative talk radio and its only for the entertainment because frankly most other thing arent that good. so far has not changed my opinion on anything though. i just try to keep an open mind.
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I was NPR-ing today and for a brief second I heard the commentator say something to the effect of: "Many of the union bosses--from carpenters, to plumbers to electricians to the builders--that I've spoke with have said that they are considering striking rather than working on such a project. If this happens, the center will never be built."

Then I pulled into my frakking parking spot and had the head into work. I was late.

I'm googling this to see if there is any veracity to it.

Apparently in NY this can lock the whole issue out as union workers are required for any project being built within the city limits.

I was NPR-ing today and for a brief second I heard the commentator say something to the effect of: "Many of the union bosses--from carpenters, to plumbers to electricians to the builders--that I've spoke with have said that they are considering striking rather than working on such a project. If this happens, the center will never be built."


Wow, the US is really disintegrating as we watch, isn't it?
Wow, the US is really disintegrating as we watch, isn't it?

Exaggerate much, SAM? Yes. People not wanting to build a building is a sign of disintegration!

Protests, threats of protests and stubbornness is a human trait that goes back to the dawn of time. Refusing to build a mosque for--what is essentially a tiny fraction of the population--hardly amounts to "disintegrating". I know that you cackle with glee at the though of such a thing, but get serious.

No country "disintegrates" because of stubborn workers and emotional bias. You come from a continent that has cornered the market on such things, how's Asia doing these days? Pretty good, despite this raging and undying fact about the human condition.

Exaggerate much, SAM? Yes. People not wanting to build a building is a sign of disintegration!

Protests, threats of protests and stubbornness is a human trait that goes back to the dawn of time. Refusing to build a mosque for--what is essentially a tiny fraction of the population--hardly amounts to "disintegrating". I know that you cackle with glee at the though of such a thing, but get serious.

You forget, we've seen this in India, with the Ayodhya issue. Except, it happened when the extremists were in power at both state and national levels. But in the US, this will bring the extremists to power - with 70% of Americans opposing the mosque now, it will get worse as elections come closer. It looks bad from the outside.

No country "disintegrates" because of stubborn workers and emotional bias. You come from a continent that has cornered the market on such things, how's Asia doing these days? Pretty good, despite this raging and undying fact about the human condition.

Asians don't do war well. We are a fundamentally lazy people, we change slowly and entertain much. So yes, I agree with you. But American values seem to be hollow. America already lacks a true left and is swinging right faster than Europe. How do you see the "mosque" ie multifaith centre issue progressing? I think even if it is built it will be bombed.
And I answered you, a little testily. It's a complex of several facilities, one of which is apparently a mosque. You believe that a mosque must be a stand-alone building, seemingly. May I ask why? Do Muslims object to food, or exercise, or swimming?

Now, how many "mosques" have swimming pools, gyms and food courts?

You may find this surprising, but I find no accusatios that Obama is a Muslim in the AP, NYT or other articles that I have read and/or cited. Could you be more specific? Which of these have I dragged into the conversation?
Again, you ignore the argument and focus on irrelevant things like typos. Again, typical of you.

And again, your reading and comprehension is lacking. Or you are being dishonest. Which is it, Geoff?

This is a deliberate mischaracterization. I do not "revert", nor am I doing so now. I have illustrated the (low-order) complexity of the issue, which you have ignored again in order to score (farsical) points. Meanwhile, none of you have presented anything remotely supporting your arguments: you start out on a high road, or else start to pick at erroneous particulars or false definitions, and when that fails fall back on personal attacks.
You have done it consistently throughout this thread. It is like 'go to' argument in this. And it is blatantly obvious.

As for falling back to personal attacks? Of course, you are innocent in that department, aren't you Geoff? We have provided link after link about why the debate against this centre is bigoted, hypocritical and illogical. But hey, when all else fails, you resort to emotions and fall back on the 'it's Ground Zero' argument. But really, which is amusing when one considers Muslims are already praying 2 blocks from ground zero in an actual mosque and naked women are giving men lap dances 1 - 2 blocks away from ground zero. Appeals to emotions tend to fall flat when one considers how you have completely disregarded this.

This is a dodge, so I will ask again: what is Ground Zero, Bells? Define it. How extremist is extremist enough? For example: will women be required to pray in a separate area? Etc.
Who cares? How men and women pray is really none of my business. Again, you have absolutely no proof that he is an extremist and that this building will be used to push extremism. Your scare tactics and hysteria are pitiful and frankly, beneath you. Or maybe not. You are a product of what your media feeds you. And the result is your own extremism. The people leading the fight against this building have been openly racist and bigoted towards Muslims in general.

The loudest voices in the braying chorus denouncing a so-called "Ground Zero Mosque" belong to people - many of them non-New Yorkers - with no interest in honest debate, dialogue or true solutions.

Some are plain and simple bigots, like right-wing radio host and ex-Tea Party Express spokesman Mark Williams, who on May 21, 2009, posted on his personal blog the view that "Islam is a seventh century death cult coughed up by a psychotic pedophile and embraced by defective, tail- sprouting, tree-swinging, semihuman, bipedal primates with no claim to be treated like human beings."


This is the side you are supporting.

We have people threatening to blow it up.

If the mosque gets built, "we will bombard it," Mor said. He would not elaborate but added that he believes the project "will never happen."


Again. This is the side you are blindly supporting. So how extremist is extremist Geoff?

What is termed Ground Zero is where over 2500 people died when two planes smashed into two buildings in a terrorist attack. Few bodies were able to be recovered. Ground Zero is considered sacred. Now, this building is 2 blocks from Ground Zero, you cannot even see Ground Zero from it.

So answer the question I have asked you several times now and you have dodged repeatedly. Do you support the Patriot Act? Do you support that the Government has the right to detain anyone of their choosing on mere suspicion? Do you support that those detained are often not given right to legal counsel? After all, if you are all for denying people their religious freedoms on mere suspicion, I have to ask you about the Patriot Act. So, can you answer this questions please?

Except that it's planned as a massive Islamic complex, towering over the 9/11 Memorial. Now, while that's quite legal, it's also a little unusual, even suspicious.
15 stories towers over a complex that is 2 blocks away and won't be seen from the building at all?

How suspicious..

Seriously, can you be more hysterical?

Sorry: "a host of allegations"...from unnamed "sources". In short, scuttlebutt and rumor. When the Washington Post does it, you slam it. When you do it, you seem to think it justifiable.
Actually no, the links I provided state who finds him to be an American Agent. It is not supposition at all. Rauf works with the State Department. They often send him on speaking tours. He was the Imam who delivered a eulogy at the funeral of the young man who was beheaded at the hands of extremists in Pakistan. And yes, some see him as being an American agent and others as being too soft and not Muslim enough. So which is he Geoff?

I think iceaura has answered this aspect quite well above, so I'll leave it to him. As usual, your accusations of bigotry are unfounded - and suspicious, given your previous racist comments - and also I suspect that you don't know what "hypocrisy" means.
What racist comments did I make Geoff?

Why aren't you protesting for the sacred ground of Ground Zero by seeking to have the strip club shut down, since women are objectified as sex objects in such places and how insensitive is it to have naked women gyrating their crotches in men's faces in such sacred ground? Or is that less insensitive than a cultural centre that will house a swimming pool, gym, food court, shops, amongst other things, as well as a prayer room, similar to what is in place in the Pentagon (you know, the other building struck by terrorists on the same day as those that struck the Towers)? As for the one at the Pentagon, theirs is even closer than the one that will be two blocks from Ground Zero:

For that matter, I wonder why they haven't objected to the space inside the Pentagon where Muslim prayer, holiday celebrations and readings of the Koran have gone on for nearly a decade.


So why aren't you protesting against that one? I understand it was rebuilt as it was in the section actually hit by the plane.

You asked me whether or not I supported the Patriot Act - ignoring momentarily not only the relevance of the issue, but also the fact that I'd never actually asked for Rauf to be arrested:
I have addressed this already in this post.

My response question to this is in as much parallel as your Patriot Act inquiry, which you seem to recognize. I also note that in your comment above, "because" ends up as another non sequitur.
Still cannot answer the question?

Really? Evidence, please. Here's another of those:

So apparently I have made an "I'm white" argument. Where did I propose this argument? What was my objective? What did it mean?

I need to ask, do you suffer from dementia? And I am actually not trying to insult you, nor do I mean this as an insult. The reason I ask is because you seem to forget everything you have previously stated in particular threads. Your appeal for pity? Trying to goad? Troll maybe by using this argument? Using the 'I'm white' argument against big black bells? Ah, but you have forgotten.

Or you could blame it on my being white, or Catholic, like the last time we clashed. Silly old typical bigoted me, huh? You know those white people! Am I right? And: "When all else fails" - great stuff.

(Post 457)

I call you a bigot and this is what you respond with...

Evidently you do: again - which race is Islam?
Ah, so it is not just this centre, but Islam in general? As for which race is Islam, it is a fairly obvious fact that the greater majority of Muslims around the world are not white. As are the majority who are Muslims in the US.

Which question? Your baseless assertion? That wasn't a question. Rephrase and return.
And again you refuse to answer the question.

?? I'm sorry: is there any point at all to the personal opinion of the reporter, original or otherwise?? Yes? No? In short: why would anyone care? It's a mystery.
Ah. But why does everyone care now? Why did no one care at all when the proposal to build this centre was front page news in December? In fact, not a single person protested. Nothing was ever reported about it until months later. So why do people care now but did not care at all in December 2009 when this was originally made public?

Why is this so important now? Why did the Conservative media suddenly latch onto this in May, months later?

So why would anyone care nearly 6 months later? Why did no one care from December 2009 to May 2010? Why did no one even say 'boo' about this project in all that time?

Why were you silent from December 2009 to May 2010 about this Geoff? Why was it less objectionable and "suspicious" from December 2009 to May 2010? Why is it more "suspicious" now?

Err....actually, as I explained above, that was a parallel-argument designed to point out that your question about the Patriot Act was, similarly, a non sequitur. Your answer, however, to the question was unexpected and bizarre: like any inherently misogynistic law, it can be fair?? Let's continue this on another thread, say.
I am sorry. You expect me to say that the Western legal system is not misogynistic? HAHAHAHAAA!

At least I answered the question. I am still waiting for you to answer the question I have repeated over and over again and which you continue to dodge. Why do you dodge the question, Geoff?

Correct: no discussion about a pre-existing structure, because that would be unfair. (This isn't Indonesia, you know.)
You are aware that the building is currently being used as a prayer centre? Yes? You can claim that this is not Indonesia, but the zeal against this project makes it seem like some of the most extremist and backward regions in Indonesia where people threaten to blow up a building because of religion.

Can I ask, how long have you lived in New York State?

The one that recognizes that radical strippers didn't pilot a pair of jets into the Twin Towers.
Ah. They were Muslims. Because all Muslims are terrorists? Do you think that all Muslims adhere to the same extremist ideology as those who piloted those planes? Do you have proof that Rauf shares that ideology? If so, why did Bush's Government and Obama's Government use him to go on speaking tours to Muslim countries? You are claiming the Saudis? Again, care to explain this:

A recent Wall Street Journal editorial darkly cited unspecified “reports” that Park51 has “money coming from Saudi charities or Gulf princes that also fund Wahabi madrassas.” As Jon Stewart observed, this brand of innuendo could also be applied to News Corp., whose second largest shareholder after the Murdoch family is a member of the Saudi royal family. Perhaps last week’s revelation that News Corp. has poured $1 million into G.O.P. campaign coffers was a fiendishly clever smokescreen to deflect anyone from following the far greater sum of Saudi money (a $3 billion stake) that has flowed into Murdoch enterprises, or the News Corp. money (at least $70 million) recently invested in a Saudi media company.


So tell me, which radical Muslims will be preaching in a cultural centre that contains a swimming pool, gymnasium, food court, shops, gallery, etc and preaching in a prayer room that is open to all?

I hope you don't mean for your sanity or logical processing.
It was pleasant to simply ignore your bigotry, dishonesty and hypocrisy for a bit.:D
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America already lacks a true left and is swinging right faster than Europe.

Unlike in much of Europe (and the world), there's this nifty un-bending Constitution that tends to tame even the most yappity right-wingers. But, yes, America is definitely very conservative. More conservative than I would like. But, on a social level, we are getting more liberal. More polarized at the top. But more liberal.

How do you see the "mosque" ie multifaith centre issue progressing?

I don't. Er. I mean I do.

I don't: In that I don't think people should get all worked up.

I do: In that I think that people's reaction to it is an important measure of just how ridiculous people are and how insanely forgetful Americans are of what is truly important in this world: our freedoms. In particular, the freedom of religion, assembly and property ownership (all things that are pertinent in this case).

While I'm no fan of religion--Islam in particular--I hold my Constitution to be so overwhelmingly sacrosanct that I--not even grudgingly, but proudly--accept the fact that unlike in most places on Earth, a mosque, a synagogue, a church or temple can be built on any piece of privately owned property as long as its business is peaceful and its members not unruly. And while I think that Islam does harbor the seeds of some ugly business, I refuse to believe that any Muslim is automatically guilty, or even potentially guilty, of terrorism just because of his faith. As such, I see no reason to even give this mosque a second thought, other than: I hope it's an attractive design, and I hope its members serve the community well.

This whole hullabaloo over a fucking building, one which has every appearance of being innocent--if not totally beneficial to the city--is embarrassing to me, to my country and, frankly, it sickens me a little. I have a classical liberal pride in my country. There's a lot about it that infuriates me on a daily basis, but I truly believe it will--at its usual pace--creep forward and invariably in the right direction.

Managing social issues is important for every government, so I don't ever buy into the line that "there are bigger issues to worry about." But, in this case, I can safely say, there are BIGGER ISSUES TO WORRY ABOUT than a mosque (sorry, cultural center) and supporting members who've done nothing wrong and who aim to do a lot of good. People need to grow up and move beyond 9/11 just a little.

I think even if it is built it will be bombed.

Attacks may well happen. But, this is the typical, and crucial, crucible that forms the American identity. Minorities are protected against the tyranny of the majority. Some violence inevitably happens. The power of the government is put at task to protect that minority and an important lesson is absorbed by the entire nation. It's not always the prettiest process, but it's happened before, and it's going to happen for Muslims and probably gays within the next five years here.

I'll take this process over how things are done in Europe or even Canada, where political correctness is slathered over social discontent.

Eh...I'm just going to Fisk your post anyway

Now, how many "mosques" have swimming pools, gyms and food courts?

How many cultural centres have mosques?

And again, your reading and comprehension is lacking. Or you are being dishonest. Which is it, Geoff?

This speaks to the other issue circling around these days: 'dishonesty' and who decides what that is. Tiassa's attempted this with me too: because you disagree with me, and because I know in my heart of hearts that I'm immaculately right, you must be i) ignorant or ii) dishonest. I'll pick neither for $500, Alex.

You have done it consistently throughout this thread. It is like 'go to' argument in this. And it is blatantly obvious.

Your English is slipping again. I've already described how the issue is not a series of 'fall backs'. If you don't understand this, it's not my problem.

As for falling back to personal attacks? Of course, you are innocent in that department, aren't you Geoff?

Because it was me who started in with the accusations of bigotry on this thread, Bells?

We have provided link after link about why the debate against this centre is bigoted, hypocritical and illogical.

None of which pass the fundamental test of reasonability. Your other tactic is to lump me in with actual bigots who oppose the mosque. Surprise, Bells: they really do exist. And they exist everywhere, in every demographic; outside the (proposed) mosque, with signs, and inside mosques, praying. If you're implying they control the debate, that would be something to debate. But if your argument is merely that my opinion and theirs coincides with a particular outcome, you're barking madly up the wrong tree. I ignored the part about strippers, since we've been over that.

The people leading the fight against this building have been openly racist and bigoted towards Muslims in general.

Proof, please. Thanks. Then you can figure out where my opinions and theirs diverge.

This is the side you are supporting.

"Side"? Bomb plots, bomb plots. Frankly, you'll always get those. I tend to dismiss them as hysteria. But how about death threats from the organizers of the mosque build, Bells?

Raza says she asked questions about who was financing the building, estimated to cost $100 million, and whether any of the money would come from countries other than the United States. There has been much speculation that the mosque is being funded through Saudi Arabian sources but at the Manhattan meeting Raza said there were no answers.

On Monday, back in Toronto, Raza says she received a call on her cellphone from a man who identified as Sharif El Gamal. “His tone was intimidating,” said Raza. “He accused me of 'jumping into’ the meeting he called and then said 'May Allah protect you.’ I was shocked and hung up.”

Raza says she took the phone call as a clear threat against her.

“Why would I need Allah’s protection?” asked Raza.


Why indeed? It seems the moderate are possibly too moderate. They must be moderated, these moderates. This is the side you're supporting, Bells.

What is termed Ground Zero is where over 2500 people died when two planes smashed into two buildings in a terrorist attack. Few bodies were able to be recovered. Ground Zero is considered sacred. Now, this building is 2 blocks from Ground Zero, you cannot even see Ground Zero from it.

You have still not identified the actual boundaries of Ground Zero, Bells. What are its precise physical dimensions? How is this determined?

:rolleyes: Honestly, the rigid, simplistic way in which the proponents like to pose this line of inquiry makes me laugh.

So answer the question I have asked you several times now and you have dodged repeatedly. Do you support the Patriot Act? Do you support that the Government has the right to detain anyone of their choosing on mere suspicion? Do you support that those detained are often not given right to legal counsel? After all, if you are all for denying people their religious freedoms on mere suspicion, I have to ask you about the Patriot Act. So, can you answer this questions please?

Of course not. You have answered none of mine.

Oh, very well: I would support the Patriot Act to the extent that it permits reasoned investigation, rather than conclusion-jumping and arbitrary incarceration. Sort of a better answer than "the Law be the Law", there, Jebediah.

Actually no, the links I provided state who finds him to be an American Agent.

Okay. Name them. From the article.

What racist comments did I make Geoff?

It was a while back. You implied that I believed something or was arguing something because I was white, or that my opinion wasn't wanted because I was white. I forget the exact details. Shall I dig them up?

So why aren't you protesting against [the multifaith prayer centre in the Pentagon]? I understand it was rebuilt as it was in the section actually hit by the plane.

Because it was a) already present, b) not led by people with possible connections to either international or North American religious bigots/extremists, and c) a multi-faith prayer space, not a possibly Saudi-funded mosque.

I have addressed this already in this post.

You did not. I've asked for further investigation of Rauf, and public dissemination of the international funding for this mosque if any, not for him to be arrested. This is the "fall - back" argument you have been attacking with: I request the release of details, so I must be some kind of lynch-party fanatic, demanding the arrest of Rauf. Then, when I point out that I'm not demanding his arrest, you fall back to the accusations of bigotry, the false stripper comparison, the denial of established information, and so on. There's been a slow allegation of "racism" developing; I suppose I should expect that it will come to fruition in the next week or so. You could talk to Plazma about it, if you like: I encourage you to do so, if you think you have a case. But I warn you that the shoe is on your foot, not mine.

I call you a bigot and this is what you respond with...

Actually, I was dredging up your attacks on me because I was white in the last huge fight we had about burkha wearing. That you don't remember it speaks more loudly for your dementia than mine. ;) Also, I should take a moment to remind you that - if I'm not mistaken - it's permissable (or is now at least leaning that way) to call someone's arguments 'bigoted' or what have you, but not the person themselves. I'm not certain; this may be changing. But it sounds as though you're in violation of the forum rules, to be honest. Tsk tsk.

Ah, so it is not just this centre, but Islam in general? As for which race is Islam, it is a fairly obvious fact that the greater majority of Muslims around the world are not white. As are the majority who are Muslims in the US.

Bells, any person may be Muslim. Any at all. If it is racist to argue that the choice of the mosque location is insensitive, then it is racist to propose that the mosque be situated there as well.

Why were you silent from December 2009 to May 2010 about this Geoff? Why was it less objectionable and "suspicious" from December 2009 to May 2010? Why is it more "suspicious" now?


I am sorry. You expect me to say that the Western legal system is not misogynistic? HAHAHAHAAA!

At least I answered the question.

Yes, in a manner that was very disappointing. I thought you said you worked in a battered women's shelter? So sharia, which is inherently misogynistic, is still acceptable to you. Shall I then answer you that the Patriot Act is "just another law"? :) After all, law is law, Bells. No?

You are aware that the building is currently being used as a prayer centre? Yes? You can claim that this is not Indonesia, but the zeal against this project makes it seem like some of the most extremist and backward regions in Indonesia where people threaten to blow up a building because of religion.

I'm quite aware that there's already a prayer centre. (You notice I have no objection to that - or perhaps you won't notice.) What I'm concerned about is the injection of massive amounts of cash from unknown but probably Saudi sources for a possibly triumphally massive Islamic-centre-cum-mosque at the site of the single greatest act of Islamic terrorism. I hope this distinction is not too fine?

Can I ask, how long have you lived in New York State?

No, you cannot. You cannot even ask if I live in New York State, unless you could illustrate why the answer mattered.

It was pleasant to simply ignore your bigotry, dishonesty and hypocrisy for a bit.

Running and hiding are better than lying and libel? If you say so.
Can you define the word "fatwa," for me?

It means:

Fatwahs for cartoon satires and novelists - but not for Bin Ladin.

If you want a million reasons why we see no Islamic army marching to get their mass murderers - go and ask a Saudi or Iranian cleric appointed by an Islamic Regime. :)
It means:

Fatwahs for cartoon satires and novelists - but not for Bin Ladin.

If you want a million reasons why we see no Islamic army marching to get their mass murderers - go and ask a Saudi or Iranian cleric appointed by an Islamic Regime. :)

I believe there actually is a fatwa out on Usama; I don't know who posted it. Someone at al-Ahzar? Unlikely, but possible. I doubt it would have been that asshole Khamenei.
Never forget the act of President Bush whisking Bin Laden's family safely out of the country after the incident. And kissing the Saudi oil prince on the lips. The game is more complex then on it's surface. And little of it involves the further wanted, or unwanted, spread of Islam.
not a god damn thing you have said about the history of the area(palestine) has been true or factual

Which part?

Originally Posted by IamJoseph
This is true, the Muslims initiated the crusader war by first invading Spain, after they invaded and robbed Jewish Palestine [Judea].

Not true? You want some historical datings - Islam invaded Spain before the reign of Isabela!

I say this because it is factual history, even though the crusaders were first and foremost targeting Jews.

Not true? The Pre-Christians dislodged Jews from their homeland, then sent Crusaders to rob the 'Jewish' homeland being robbed by Muslims. Syngagoes were crowded with Jews and burnt while the crusader knights chanted 'IN JC' - and killing off any Jews who escaped. The crusaders would not invest a dime on the Arabs had they not robbed Jerusalem.

There is a candy coated false presentation of history by muslims, even in documentaries of the quran - it is falsely sqeeky clean.

Yes, there is no mention of the mass murders of Jews in Medina. Here, the quran makes a cursory verse that Jews tried to cheat Mohammed [really!?] - then Mo massacred 100's of 1000's, made the women as concubines and killing all children who displayed pubic hair. Then Mohammed dumped a mosque in Jerusalem - because!

Erecting mosques in the most prominent and iconic centers of other nations is an Islamic trademark, and a first step in the negation of the inhabitants.

Not true? Where have Muslims not done this?
I believe there actually is a fatwa out on Usama; I don't know who posted it. Someone at al-Ahzar? Unlikely, but possible. I doubt it would have been that asshole Khamenei.

Call me when he is blindfolded by some Muslim martyrs on TV and beheaded. Till then....:mad:
Never forget the act of President Bush whisking Bin Laden's family safely out of the country after the incident. And kissing the Saudi oil prince on the lips. The game is more complex then on it's surface. And little of it involves the further wanted, or unwanted, spread of Islam.

LOL. I can't forget it even when trying my darndest. In a sense, hate to say so, but America is responsible for spreading the terrorism initiated by Britain and fostered by the EU. All for 30 barrels of oil. And they call the Jews as Judas! :shrug:
Never forget the act of President Bush whisking Bin Laden's family safely out of the country after the incident. And kissing the Saudi oil prince on the lips. The game is more complex then on it's surface.

All the more reason to be suspicious, then.