Unf**king Believable, A mosque to be built at Ground Zero

wow wow wow, did you forgot tunisia? morroco? algeria? libya? lebanon and sirya? and others?
go educate your self first!!
also, don't think that the oil rich arab countries don't have any thing or any plans to back up it's economy without oil, they started the industrulizing, in other domains, not just oil and oil relateds
including the maghreb, for example tunisia is an industrual country by 2016

All countries have such small cottage industries - but they don't have oil. The Isamic world basically survives by the exploitation of the earth and fostering corruption via blackmail. There is no excuse for leaving Regime families to rule forever, mostly via the clock and dagger ascension mode, and only their sons can assume control. The notion of monarchs in today's times should be seen as archaic and abolished - starting with the Jordanian dwarf who has barred the rest of the Arabs in Palestine from entering where they belong. Gaddafi and Asaad are illegitimate, depraved rulers - and so will their sons be when they ascend: the issue of not wanting democracy has no other reason than the dictators wanting their thrones. Freedom fighters must start at home - not in cafes and schools of other countries.

You want to sacrifice an already fragile situation because you are nostalgic for an old building that doesn't exist anymore? Just let it go already, you have Israel.

ok, who said that muslims destroyed those buildings? if yes, why didt they destroy thelm to fall down on the other buildings and fall like dominos? also, how could they, plann and do stuff, so they only dstroy one building, you said they are terrorists, they should"ve destroyed it to fall on a side, and the other on, on the other side,how do you know that it wasn't bush who did it to make muslims look like they did it and make a reason to invade palastine and make more wars? also, why all jews didnt go to work that day? and maked a party?

All countries have such small cottage industries - but they don't have oil. The Isamic world basically survives by the exploitation of the earth and fostering corruption via blackmail. There is no excuse for leaving Regime families to rule forever, mostly via the clock and dagger ascension mode, and only their sons can assume control. The notion of monarchs in today's times should be seen as archaic and abolished - starting with the Jordanian dwarf who has barred the rest of the Arabs in Palestine from entering where they belong. Gaddafi and Asaad are illegitimate, depraved rulers - and so will their sons be when they ascend: the issue of not wanting democracy has no other reason than the dictators wanting their thrones. Freedom fighters must start at home - not in cafes and schools of other countries.

wooow, go educate your self!
go educate your self more about tunisia and the arab maghreb! pephetic
we tunisians, are very very gelous about their country, and about our arab maghreb!!! so don't try me, or don't try us! ok?
also our brothers algerians, libyans, morrocans, are very very gelous about their countries and our arab maghreb!
Why - is there a mass of Muslims marching against its terror groups?

We're talking about a group that's stated Mission is to show Americans that Islam doesn't condone the alleged acts of the "terrorists," and to better relations between the Muslim "world"/community and the West. Also, to better gender relations and equality and so forth. Not to mention there is those whome disagree even within states where is Islam is supposed to be the state religion and so forth. Case in point, Imam Muhammad al-Shirazi (RA) whom opposed the policies of Imam Khomeini and the Iranian state. This entire family, which has produced many marji is famous for this. Imam Sistani also disagree with the politics of Imam Khomeini. There is opposition, just because in the Western media they only show a certain hegemonic image of Islam and Muslims doesn't mean this doesn't exist. Not only this, you might as well ask, if Russians hated Stalin so bad, why didn't they have protests?

Just because you don't know of and or deny opposition to X doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Why do we not see a fatwah for Osama - because he is Muslim?


Wow, really, wow. Do you not realize just how hilariously stupid what you just said was? So, to you, this "fatwah," (and I'm assuming here) means "death sentence," right? Well, just so you know, a fatwa is merely a ruling by a scholar. It's not a "death sentence." Fatwas cover many topics and really, they are religious opinions that are supposed to be based on religious education and so forth. Not only this, just because X scholar makes X fatwa on X topic doesn't mean it's binding to the whole of the ummah.
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But you do have to admit, some fatwas are influential, such as the one against Rushdie. I think they don't do it because they are afraid of being attacked. And futhermore Osama is a hero in many parts of the Muslim world.
When it's cited as the basis for misogynist, minority-baiting laws, what do you want me to say?

To not conflate X with X. Anything can be used as justification for anything but it doesn't mean that it's correct or that X, in which they are citing (in this case Islam) condones this. Again, you're treating Islam as one giant homogenous entity, when it's not. How fucking hard is this to understand?

So what are you bringing it up for?

I'm not, that's you.
It is Islam characteristic and Islam does condone it, among millions of Muslims all over the world.

This is absurd on it's face.

I'm beginning to wonder whether your version of Islam actually exists anywhere.

In other words because I'm presenting Islam that conflicts with your own view of what Islam is, then it must not exist anywhere, right?

On my planet, and in my neighborhood, misogyny and persecution of apostates - especially women - is routine and characteristic of the Muslim community, and overtly justified on religious grounds.

Oh, I'm sure it is.
No need.Morality is not a logical demonstration.You are born with it or not.

OK, so you are illogical and therefore beneath debate.

Why do you think are different situations depending on the religion of those killed?

I don't. I don't think that it matters what the religion of the people wanting to build this centre is. You seem to think it does, however. You have a problem with them being Muslims. I doubt you wouldn't have a problem if it were a Christian church being built. So you are a bigot.
....how do you know that it wasn't bush who did it to make muslims look like they did it and make a reason to invade palastine and make more wars? also, why all jews didnt go to work that day? and maked a party?
1. Bush was far too stupid to make up such a complex plan.
2. The only thread of truth in the Jews stayed away rumour is that some Jews were late getting to work that day, because of special prayers said before Passover. Hundreds of less orthodox Jews did die.
3. This is the subject for another thread, which would probably be closed down anyway.
4. My goat is asking how your goat is. How is Kiki?:)
OK, so you are illogical and therefore beneath debate.

I understand you have no idea what is morality,what can be seen from your posts.

I don't. I don't think that it matters what the religion of the people wanting to build this centre is. You seem to think it does, however. You have a problem with them being Muslims. I doubt you wouldn't have a problem if it were a Christian church being built. So you are a bigot.
Déjà vu?

No it's not, unless you're a bigot. In 'The Land of the Free' these AMERICAN CITIZENS, can buy property, and put it to whatever use they think fit. If you do not agree with that, you are an oppressor of freedom, and just as bad as the Taliban.

If the required respect for the dead to 911 is considered bigotry ,then yes, I am a bigot,what I can not say about you.
1. Bush was far too stupid to make up such a complex plan.
2. The only thread of truth in the Jews stayed away rumour is that some Jews were late getting to work that day, because of special prayers said before Passover. Hundreds of less orthodox Jews did die.
3. This is the subject for another thread, which would probably be closed down anyway.
4. My goat is asking how your goat is. How is Kiki?:)

Many Jews erished on 9/11.
We're talking about a group that's stated Mission is to show Americans that Islam doesn't condone the alleged acts of the "terrorists," and to better relations between the Muslim "world"/community and the West. Also, to better gender relations and equality and so forth. Not to mention there is those whome disagree even within states where is Islam is supposed to be the state religion and so forth. Case in point, Imam Muhammad al-Shirazi (RA) whom opposed the policies of Imam Khomeini and the Iranian state. This entire family, which has produced many marji is famous for this. Imam Sistani also disagree with the politics of Imam Khomeini. There is opposition, just because in the Western media they only show a certain hegemonic image of Islam and Muslims doesn't mean this doesn't exist. Not only this, you might as well ask, if Russians hated Stalin so bad, why didn't they have protests?

Just because you don't know of and or deny opposition to X doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Islam is openly and blatanly promoting a Nazi like attitude towards the Jews and their country, and condonding the world's greatest falsehoods as history. Wearing a pretend Pal mask does not dent this fact. When one reads some of the sermons by Islamic clerics - it is so chilling it even surpasses the Nazis. And all Muslims are silent of it.


Wow, really, wow. Do you not realize just how hilariously stupid what you just said was? So, to you, this "fatwah," (and I'm assuming here) means "death sentence," right? Well, just so you know, a fatwa is merely a ruling by a scholar. It's not a "death sentence." Fatwas cover many topics and really, they are religious opinions that are supposed to be based on religious education and so forth. Not only this, just because X scholar makes X fatwa on X topic doesn't mean it's binding to the whole of the ummah.

So anyway, why do we not see any scholars doing so? Why do we not see billboards and media in Islamic countries describing him as a mass murderer and that Muslims have a duty to apprehend him? My reading is that he has been made akin to a neo Islamic prophet, so excuse me for not buying any today.
But you do have to admit, some fatwas are influential, such as the one against Rushdie. I think they don't do it because they are afraid of being attacked. And futhermore Osama is a hero in many parts of the Muslim world.

Why was Rushdie targeted and not the Muslims, who desecrate and insult all other beliefs? Why was the Buddhist relics destroyed in Afghanistan and not the Pagan pyramids? Where were the Muslims when Jordan barred Jews from Jerusalem and Hebron, and placed signs DOGS & JEWS FORBIDDEN? Why are Muslims calling Christians and jews as infidels - which law do they not follow?
To not conflate X with X. Anything can be used as justification for anything but it doesn't mean that it's correct or that X, in which they are citing (in this case Islam) condones this. Again, you're treating Islam as one giant homogenous entity, when it's not. How fucking hard is this to understand?

One of the mistakes I've made on this forum is to be too nice or understanding to crap when it's posted. Instead of just calling an elephant an elephant, I've sometimes tried to get the other party to invest in the shape and size of the elephant, and proceed from there. But as I've gone on, I've learned there's never any return on investment, if you follow me. I'll make this short and simple: when it's common to every Islamic state the world over, you have to presume some kind of a connection to the issues they have in common. It doesn't have to be that way, but it is.

There we are: all better.

I'm not, that's you.

Wrong again.
I understand you have no idea what is morality,what can be seen from your posts.[/SIZE]

Your morality exists solely in your head. You have failed to explain it, or substantiate it, or that there even is moral aspect to this story.

But you have demonstrated you are an anti-Islamic bigot, and anti-freedom.
Your morality exists solely in your head. You have failed to explain it, or substantiate it, or that there even is moral aspect to this story.

But you have demonstrated you are an anti-Islamic bigot, and anti-freedom.

If I may butt in re morality. There is no such thing as morality unless preceded with ethicality. For example, one cannot imprison a woman [unethical], then boast that she is moral.
If I may butt in re morality. There is no such thing as morality unless preceded with ethicality.
How strange, bearing in mind that ethics concerns itself with questions of morality.
I wonder how many other disciplines that concern themselves with questions on a subject actually preceded that subject?
How strange, bearing in mind that ethics concerns itself with questions of morality.
I wonder how many other disciplines that concern themselves with questions on a subject actually preceded that subject?

Ethicality is aligned with law - there has to be just laws at the top preamble before one can shout IMMORAL! This is the point here.
I disagree. Laws are concerned with legality, not morality, or ethics.
One can shout "immoral" at anything one considers to be immoral, but it need not be an illegal action that one is condemning.