
It's a small amount of radiation (esp in the proposed vehicle nowadays compared with Apollo). Most Apollo astronauts are living to rip old ages.

You preach fear in almost every post, it's sickening to me.
I was wondering do you guys think Human Resources would be good to go back to college for? I was thinking I'd rather do the hiring and firing than be the one under scrutiny by HR.

Human Resources is a very broad general term. In corporate Human Resource positions, the following may be some of the tasks required:

Purpose and role

In simple terms, an organization's human resource management strategy should maximize return on investment in the organization's human capital and minimize financial risk.

Human resource managers seek to achieve this by aligning the supply of skilled and qualified individuals and the capabilities of the current workforce, with the organization's ongoing and future business plans and requirements to maximize return on investment and secure future survival and success.

In ensuring such objectives are achieved, the human resource function is to implement an organization's human resource requirements effectively, taking into account federal, state and local labor laws and regulations; ethical business practices; and net cost, in a manner that maximizes, as far as possible, employee motivation, commitment and productivity.
[edit] Key functions

Human Resources may set strategies and develop policies, standards, systems, and processes that implement these strategies in a whole range of areas. The following are typical of a wide range of organizations:

Maintaining awareness of and compliance with local, state and federal labor laws
Recruitment, selection, and on boarding (resourcing)
Employee record-keeping and confidentiality
Organizational design and development
Business transformation and change management
Performance, conduct and behavior management
Industrial and employee relations
Human resources (workforce) analysis and workforce personnel data management
Compensation and employee benefit management
Training and development (learning management)
Employee motivation and morale-building (employee retention and loyalty)

Implementation of such policies, processes or standards may be directly managed by the HR function itself, or the function may indirectly supervise the implementation of such activities by managers, other business functions or via third-party external partner organizations. Applicable legal issues, such as the potential for disparate treatment and disparate impact, are also extremely important to HR managers.


Only you will know how strong your interest is and what direction it may point to. I do some Human Resource work for the union and I can state unequivocally that being involved in making decisions at the level that decides the fate of another can be a tough call at times.

It's a good idea to do plenty of research before one starts down the path, as a great many jobs may not be what one expects.
To the thread : Girls like potential in a man . If you have potential success in your future you become desirable.

You are correct in that most women like a man who is confident (not over-bearing or arrogant) with some sense of purpose and direction.

2 incomes are better than one in this modern times of not enough money . Work together to build security . A common goal that will bring you closer together . You and her against the world

Sometimes a relationship of room-mates sharing costs can open one's eyes to the greater potential of a long term satisfying relationship that may not have been the original plan.

There's no faster way to get to know someone than to share living arrangements. ;)
Cute. But I do enjoy a woman who smells better than I do and don't enjoy combing through armpit hairs.:D

I think they just needed a word to rhyme with 'care', lol....

It's summer and all the ladies are in sleeveless and short sleeved tops. Haven't seen an armpit braid yet.... :D

As for scent, I have to be quite selective even of laundry and dish soaps, as some of the chemical bouquets give me a headache. 'Clean' is a pleasant smell in my opinion.
You are correct in that most women like a man who is confident (not over-bearing or arrogant) with some sense of purpose and direction.

From my experience (short and sweet) and from what I heard, arrogance and egomania gives a image of insecurity. The best way is to be in control of oneself and one's surroundings, be confident that you can handle anything that comes your way, and always have a plan, but is adaptable and have to be sometimes spontaneous.

Humor is a great mix with reasonable arrogance, it balances it out.
From my experience (short and sweet) and from what I heard, arrogance and egomania gives a image of insecurity. The best way is to be in control of oneself and one's surroundings, be confident that you can handle anything that comes your way, and always have a plan, but is adaptable and have to be sometimes spontaneous.

Humor is a great mix with reasonable arrogance, it balances it out.

True to the last sentence, if you are very good at what you do. Guys will disdain you for it, mostly out of jealousy, but many women find it attractive.

She turned to the field of competitors and asked, "Which one of you is placing second?" :D
True to the last sentence, if you are very good at what you do. Guys will disdain you for it, mostly out of jealousy, but many women find it attractive.

She turned to the field of competitors and asked, "Which one of you is placing second?" :D

I will be like

"Which one of YOU is placing second? Because I know it sure the hell ain't me,"

Body language is important for humor but the most important the the surroundings and the situation, so you might not find it funny.

Yeah, some of the dudes will be jealous and all, and there will be some will tell you to shut up to "defend" the girl, because they think you are being rude sometimes and want to take the opportunity to kiss the girl's ass.

I got a friend that always try to hit on my girlfriend (he doesn't know she is my girlfriend and we keep it that way because it is funny as hell) and defend her every time I use humor.
Why? You admit to it. You are afraid for others doing manned spaceflight and never hesitate to remind everyone how your ex fucked you over.

Show me ALL of those posts that you say I'm always being negative in. Otherwise your just wasting my time with your foolish accusations and innuendo.

So far all you do is complain and I see no one else doing so. That's a problem that YOU have since YOU are the only person here that says that. Again I'm waiting for all of my negative posts that you say I am writing all of the time. So far I see nothing to back up your statements and would wish that you stop saying things that are without merit.
I think they just needed a word to rhyme with 'care', lol....

It's summer and all the ladies are in sleeveless and short sleeved tops. Haven't seen an armpit braid yet.... :D

As for scent, I have to be quite selective even of laundry and dish soaps, as some of the chemical bouquets give me a headache. 'Clean' is a pleasant smell in my opinion.

Yes, a fresh scent from a good bath is was I was thinking about. ;)
Show me ALL of those posts that you say I'm always being negative in. Otherwise your just wasting my time with your foolish accusations and innuendo.

So far all you do is complain and I see no one else doing so. That's a problem that YOU have since YOU are the only person here that says that. Again I'm waiting for all of my negative posts that you say I am writing all of the time. So far I see nothing to back up your statements and would wish that you stop saying things that are without merit.

Who said anything about negative? I'm saying you are too chickenshit to try to love again. Cause one person burned you , so all people can possibly burn you...your logic sucks. And yes you are scared to let astronauts risk their lives, they love that shit, at least the olde school ones did.
Who said anything about negative? I'm saying you are too chickenshit to try to love again. Cause one person burned you , so all people can possibly burn you...your logic sucks. And yes you are scared to let astronauts risk their lives, they love that shit, at least the olde school ones did.

There you go again with your childish temper saying things to me that only make you look foolish. You should learn how to communicate without using such vocabulary because few people really care to listen to things like that. You are correct in one thing that I won't ever love again, at least another woman , for now I see the real beauty of nature and have fallen in love with it. So even if I have no other women in my life I have something that , to me, is far more precious and gives me great satisfaction that no human ever can again. Nope, no longer am I going to have to be watching over my shoulder as to where a knife is going to come from. But you go right on with your life and good luck as well, you'll be needing it.

I wish you would become an astronaut and take the risk of radiation poisoning that intersteller space has to offer. I'm always a safety first type of human and try to keep others lives protected as much as I would want mine.
There you go again with your childish temper saying things to me that only make you look foolish. You should learn how to communicate without using such vocabulary because few people really care to listen to things like that. You are correct in one thing that I won't ever love again, at least another woman , for now I see the real beauty of nature and have fallen in love with it. So even if I have no other women in my life I have something that , to me, is far more precious and gives me great satisfaction that no human ever can again. Nope, no longer am I going to have to be watching over my shoulder as to where a knife is going to come from. But you go right on with your life and good luck as well, you'll be needing it.

I wish you would become an astronaut and take the risk of radiation poisoning that intersteller space has to offer. I'm always a safety first type of human and try to keep others lives protected as much as I would want mine.

I'm not mad. So what if I swear, I don't really care if it offends your sensibilities. I'm not making a dollar from posts on this site, so what do I care if people think I'm right or not. It's just a conversation.

Basically you are giving advice about "love" and you admit you will never have it for another person again. So I think you should STFU about it, but of course you don't have to.

I would take that high risk Astronaut job immediately. No problem.
I did. The only path for a Canadian is Pilot/Scientist. Since I couldn't be a pilot(military) I gave it up. It wouldn't have mattered it would have been impossible our last astronaut is about 55 years old now. It doesn't happen anymore.