US District Judge Aileen Cannon...

How happy do you thank this makes Trump.!!!

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  • Very Unhappy

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I think you might be mistaking a sense of justice for hate. There is an important difference.

Do you value justice?

I thank you might be mistakin... "I want him [Trump] to live a long, miserable life in jail." for justice.!!!
I thank you might be mistakin... "I want him [Trump] to live a long, miserable life in jail." for justice.!!!
Yes. Serving time in jail for crimes is what we mean by justice in the 21st century. Bigger crimes mean longer sentences and more miserable lodgings.

No! We no longer throw criminals in pits with wolves - or cut off their hands - as forms of justice. Good Lord - what kind of savage country do you come from?? I'm not sure I want to know what constitutes justice there!