Using XBox Kinect to interact with spirits

What types of things would set off the sensor? Could a temperature change do it? Some of these ”ghosts” could be nothing more than a heat duct, or radiator. Maybe a window being warmed by the sun.
What types of things would set off the sensor? Could a temperature change do it? Some of these ”ghosts” could be nothing more than a heat duct, or radiator. Maybe a window being warmed by the sun.

Nope. The figures move around and react to people by raising their arms and squatting and so on. So no, it's not a radiator or a heat duct or a window.
If you thought something was a ghost, and it was revealed to be a machine that actually models human movement based on sensor information, you would have to dismiss the ghost hypothesis as invalid. It's well known technology. The actual data can be studied explicitly.
If you thought something was a ghost, and it was revealed to be a machine that actually models human movement based on sensor information, you would have to dismiss the ghost hypothesis as invalid. It's well known technology. The actual data can be studied explicitly.

Key phrase there: based on sensor information. That's how the system operates. It maps movement of figures based on infrared detection. It doesn't just make up shit and display it on the screen. It's really detecting something that's there.
Nope. The figures move around and react to people by raising their arms and squatting and so on. So no, it's not a radiator or a heat duct or a window.

THe xbox could be making a temperature difference look like a figure. I'm going to have a friend of mine do some experiments with his kinect.

Your post #22 video, the ghost is right in front of an appliance. that easily could be heat coming off of said appliance.
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I cited only three among the thousands of cases of this happening to Xbox users. So no, I'm not making anything out of it. People are reaching their own conclusions.
You say that you are not making anything out of this Xbox phenomena; in other words, that you don't believe in it, correct? And yet you go on to say that you do believe it really is ghosts - or have I misunderstood? (my emboldenings)
These figures are also known to intelligently interact with actually present people. You can watch this in the 4th video. So no, it can't be a glitch.
He only made one video about a real phenomenon. There's tons more online demonstrating this phenomena if you'd bother to check. Remember the last three I posted?
Here's an article on the phenomenon:
Key phrase there: based on sensor information. That's how the system operates. It maps movement of figures based on infrared detection. It doesn't just make up shit and display it on the screen. It's really detecting something that's there.
It does try to interpret data as a human figure, so if you see a human figure that doesn't necessarily have anything to do with a person being there.
It does try to interpret data as a human figure, so if you see a human figure that doesn't necessarily have anything to do with a person being there.

I've yet to see evidence of that, especially when the figure is moving its arms and reacting to a live person. A chair or appliance isn't going to do that.
This is the worst case scenario for evidence of ghosts, a machine that models human figures on purpose from incomplete data.
Intelligent how?
I said the figures react intelligently, like I've been telling you in the last 2 pages of posts. Haven't you been listening?
Oh! He means the spooks! But there are no spooks. It is he who hasn't been listening, and even if there were spooks why assume they react intelligently when people are around? Is shouting 'boo!' acting intelligently? I suppose now he will accuse me of stereotyping that downtrodden minority group, the dead.