Magical Realist:
Wow..graininess as the new excuse for denying video evidence.
Why is your "compelling" footage of UFOs always poorly shot, so that you can't see any details of the objects being shown? Why are so many of them so blurry and of such resolution that the objects in the videos could be just about anything?
Graininess doesn't mean it's not an alien spaceship. But if graininess means you can't really tell what it is, then you can't call it an alien spaceship. Understand?
I thought your excuse was they were all faked?
A few points:
1. I don't need to make excuses. You are usually the one doing that. What is your excuse for the poor quality of these videos? What is your excuse for the fact that the claimed Mig-21 cockpit is not in fact the cockpit of a Mig-21?
2. You know very well that I have never claimed that all purported UFO footage is faked. All I have said is that none of it convincingly shows alien spacecraft.
Some of them, of course, are fakes - some better fakes than others.
Maybe the graininess means they are fake? lol!
If you're on a low budget and you want to cover up cheap fakery, graininess is certainly one way to do it.
It doesn't matter how many videos or photos are taken. You will just lie and insist they are all faked.
You will notice that I have not made any claims about the videos in this thread being fakes. They may be, but it is not up to me to show that. It is up to you to establish that they are real.
Thousands of people out there spending time faking photos and videos of ufos.
Yes, there are. Do you really not know this?
Big conspiracy to deceive all the smug little science nerds. Right? lol!
Us science nerds have never been deceived by this nonsense. You are the one being deceived. And worse - you're deceiving yourself.
Oh? And what details don't add up that entails the whole story is made up?
One detail was pointed out to your previously. The footage was claimed to have been taken from a Mig-21 jet. Any yet, the cockpit controls shown in the video do not match those of a Mig-21 jet. Did you not understand that point?
Gawd...Just shut up. You don't know me or what my gut feelings are or how uncritically I think.
Sure I do. I've seen your posts here. You're so gullible and so desperate to believe the woo that it's almost impossible to convince you that something is a fake even when the evidence is right there in front of you.
Look. This is what you wrote above:
I have no reason to doubt military jet video just because there is an equipment appendage that doesn't match the google image I found of other Mig 21 cockpits. The video looks real to me. The jet looks real to me. The story sounds real to me. End of story.
The fact that the equipment is wrong in the video is
precisely a reason you should be skeptical about the authenticity of the video. But you're not. You're desperate to believe it is real. Based on what? Because "It looks real to me." I've seen all your comments here.
Everything looks real to you, no matter how obviously faked it is.
Everything is "compelling" to you, because you never stop for a minute and turn your brain on. What's more, you're hooked on these anecdotes you keep throwing up. Somebody tells a story, and it just
has to be true, because why would the person make it up?
I mean, here's a guy wearing a hat and other labels all over him saying that he's a UFO nut, going on a woo TV show all about woo, and apparently being taken seriously while he tells third-hand stories that probably aren't true. The navy denies the events talked about in the opening post, but of course
that can't be right, because Mr UFO Believer is telling us they happened. And we all
know that there's a big government/military conspiracy to hide the "truth". We know that because the government and the military say that alien spaceships aren't visiting Earth. But
we know they are. Because. Because videos can't be faked. Because people never tell lies for notoriety or monetary gain. And what are the chances of hundreds of people all making faked videos for notriety and/or monetary gain? Surely such a thing would be impossible. Nobody makes money out of selling the story of aliens visiting Earth. It's not like there is money to be made from selling TV shows or videos, or books or magazines about UFOs. It's not like anybody could make money selling UFO Believer hats or t-shirts. Nobody makes money from holding a convention for UFO believers. No. All these people are just ordinary, honest, hard-working Americans (almost always Americans - don't you find that weird?) who see alien spaceships about 100 times as often as anybody else. But we all know that nobody can take a clear photo or video of a UFO. Alien spaceships invariably make photos blurry and videos jumpy and granulated.
Remember those crop circles, and the guys that came out saying they faked them all? Well, of course it's true that
some crop circles are faked, but that doesn't mean
all of them are. No, clearly there are lots of
real ones. And we know this. Because. Because there just can't be that many fakers out there. And once there was a guy with a metal detector that beeped in just the right way when he waved it around over a crop circle. So that proved it was caused by an alien spaceship. Obviously. What's more, one of his friends said he saw a strange light in the field the night when the circle appeared. It couldn't have been flashlights of people making the circle. It must really have been an alien spaceship. Because, you know, flashlights don't make the same kind of light as alien spaceships. And people never lie or make mistakes about what they see.
Let's face it: if it looks real to you, then it's real. "End of Story". That's what you wrote above, and that really is the maximum investigation you do on these things, isn't it? "Oh, that looks real. Must be real, then. End of Story."
Do you think
Star Wars is real? It looks real to me. Why would anybody make it up?