Vatican fears feminism "lethal" for families

Leo Volont said:
I'm a Marian. And I am a Father of a Daughter.
You have a daughter? And here I thought you'd been advocating that sex is a sin...

But I do not think women are doing themselves a service by making themselves into semi-quasi-men. It sounds patronizing, but I think women are better then that.
You're right. Women are better than that. And because women are better than that, women should also be given a choice. Actually, it is not a matter of being given a choice, because to say so would mean that they needed a form of permission to have the choice or that they were given a range of options from a man or male dominated society to choose from. Women should be able to work because they choose to, not because they are given the choice to do so. Just because a woman goes to work does not mean that she is becoming a man.

I also think men should limit their interactions with women. Most of the problems between men and women arise because no effort is made to maintain a discreet distance. Honestly I wonder why husbands and wives find it necessary to live in the same apartments. If the husband shows up for an occassional meal and social hour, that should be plenty, and most marriages would be the happier for it. Too much socializing together makes Women out of Men and Men out of Women, to the detriment of both.
Oh good Lord! :eek:
Leo you appear to have a significant unhealthy and pathological psychological ailment. Your attitudes towards sex and women are quite bizarre and perverted. I cannot entirely tell whether your Catholic extremist indoctrination is the cause or you are just using that as an excuse for your unhealthy perspectives.

It is difficult to know how to respond to your posts, and it is difficult to believe that you are serious but your tone indicates you are. Your ideas really do seem to reflect the attitudes when Christianity ruled the world, otherwise known as the dark ages.