Virtual Reality is reality


Valued Senior Member
When more and more people have their daily activities in the virtual world (metaverse),
you make decisions and take actions in virtual world.
Then the virtual world has become a reality, no longer virtual anymore.
It is indeed real.
When more and more people have their daily activities in the virtual world (metaverse),
you make decisions and take actions in virtual world.
Then the virtual world has become a reality, no longer virtual anymore.
It is indeed real.

Indeed .

And that is the worrying thing .

When the outside , where we actually live , outside world , Universe , becomes alien to us , we are in deep trouble .

Virtual world , electronic world becomes reality , then you need to pull back . Take a break .
But in virtual world you cannot enjoy sex as in real world,
a man can't screw a woman.
This is the shortcoming. :D
When more and more people have their daily activities in the virtual world (metaverse),
you make decisions and take actions in virtual world.
Then the virtual world has become a reality, no longer virtual anymore.
It is indeed real.
In my opinion, the virtual world is just a more sophisticated way of communication, entertainment, etc.

Virtual world is real as real is hearing the news from TV.
When more and more people have their daily activities in the virtual world (metaverse),
you make decisions and take actions in virtual world.
Then the virtual world has become a reality, no longer virtual anymore.
It is indeed real.
But that's like saying that Star Trek is real, because so many people (people who work on the show) have their daily activities revolve around that world, and make decisions and take actions in that world.

Doesn't work.
Is it possible that this world is a 3D virtual world?
The answer to your question is a definite "maybe".
Well, okay, the link is about us all being in a simulation, rather than a 3d virtual world but, hey, anything to get the link out there! ;)
As for living in a "virtual world"... if one thinks that we live in an objective reality but perceive it through a layer of subjectivity, then that subjectivity is, in essence, virtual. So in that regard also, the answer might be "yes".
Parakeet pecking at its reflection in the mirror.

Cardinals are rather aggressive birds.
One decided that it's reflection in a window in my shop was an enemy.
It kept flying aggressively into the window until it broke it's neck----so it actually did kill it's perceived enemy.

One of my sons got a virtual reality headset with games.
While playing one, he ran into a wall and tore a tendon in his shoulder.
Virtual reality caused real world pain.