You are so CORRECT...but we have imbeciles that jump in... who do not want Knowledge....hence anything advanced...I do not provide here...
I havn't taken much notice of this thread so, not really sure who these imbeciles are and why you call them such.....
My stance remains as it always has been. I'm quite optimistic with regards to science and our future.
I firmly see it as logical, that given time, our species could achieve all that is allowed by the laws of physics and GR.
That possibly may require new physics. Yes, in all probability, it will be a long time before we would be able to achieve warp velocities and capabilities.
At the same time, I abhore YEC's and God Botherers, along with individuals that would have us believe they can rewrite 21st century cosmology, the conspiracy brigade, elves, gnomes, fairies and even Leprachauns!.
I see science not as a God, as some short-sighted person said the other day, but as a continuing path to more and more knowledge and achievements.
Science has shown us the way. It has pushed back the need for mythical beings, and explained the Universe around quite simply from an evolution of space and time, to energy and matter, and to what we observe today.
It's not absolute nor is it infallible, but it does thrive on logic and common sense, and will I believe continue to do so. It's also human, well at least the humans that practice it are, and the ones that are leading the way, are at the coal face of these continued new discoveries.
I also logically see any visitation from an Alien species would not result in aggression. On that score, I vehemently disagree with Stephen Hawking.
Firstly no advanced species would really "want" for anything, and secondly, I see the same logic surface with regards to the futility in fighting and war.
I believe we could even be on Mars at this time, if not for the two terrible variables of politics and economics.
Taking all that in, our Earthly problems will in time, I believe be solved.
Two points to ponder.....
Where would we be without the first rather simple applicable hardware from our space endeavours so far?
The simple Satellite is now seen as indispensable.
And how much better off would we be, if overnight all religious propaganda and myths simply just vanished?
And to facilitate that last point, start science/cosmology lessons from the day we are able to walk!
It may help rid people's minds of the web of deceit that religions are weaving...well most of them anyway!