Actually, for a long time, the leading model of nuclear properties was the liquid drop model, it essentially treated the nucleus of an atom as an incompressible fluid, complete with surface tension. It made a number of successful predictions regarding nuclear properties (for example, shape, and binding energy) but failed to predict phenomena such as 'magic numbers' and 'islands of stability' (isotopes with unusually long half lives, best explained if the nucleus behaves as if it has shells, or energy levels).
Having said that, the physical properties of the bulk substance are not dependent upon the way the nucleus is described.
The physical properties of the bulk substance are governed by how heavy the atoms or molecules are, how much space they take up, and how that space is arranged, and the electrostatic interactions between the atoms and molecules that make up the bulk substance.
A liquid is basicaly just a solid with constituent particles that have sufficient energy to partially, but not completely overcome the attraction between its constiuent particles.
Some portion have sufficient energy to overcome this attraction - which we call surface tension, and manage to escape if they're near a boundary and able to do so. We call this vapour pressure, and it leads to evaporation.
The precise physical properties of the bulk liquid are determined by the electrostatic attraction between particles, how heavy the particles are, and how easily the particles can become physicaly entangled with one another.
I'm not sure how to put it any simpler than that.