We could make more go/D


Valued Senior Member
If we took the effort to "combine" the southern Rockies and the southern Apalachian wouldn't the lands between (and this is a complicated statement because demography only allows so much chemistry) allow more harvest of minerals. allow all of the new York train "minerals" to escape upon the lands between Alabama and California and plateaus to form between our American rivers?
That unfortunately is the most intelligent coment in your silly ramblings.
Eh at least I didn't park a train full of shyt from New York in Alabama....

You know if ideas had to pass through this forum first the would would be a smarter place. Or at least more intelligently criticized.
Eh at least I didn't park a train full of shyt from New York in Alabama....

You know if ideas had to pass through this forum first the would would be a smarter place. Or at least more intelligently criticized.
OK, this is weird, cuz now you're sounding like a person.

Your opening post makes absolutely no sense. No one can figure out what you're trying to say.
Eh at least I didn't park a train full of shyt from New York in Alabama....

You know if ideas had to pass through this forum first the would would be a smarter place. Or at least more intelligently criticized.
Actually I would like to appologise to you as my comment was unfair and uncalled for.
In reflection I should have indicated that I did not understand what you were talking about and given you the opportunity to make your proposition clearer.
I am sorry.
I am not clear what you were driving at in your OP are you able to explain it in other terms please.
The similarities between rock layers of the Ouachita Mountains and the Appalachian Mountains indicate that they were part of a massive mountain chain formed by this collision. Once elevated, the mountains soon commenced eroding. About 200 million years ago, north america tried to rip it'self apart separating the western portion of the Appalachians on the other side of the Mississippi valley.
Portions of that old rift are still extant, and a section of it can be seen at the bottom of lake Superior.

Absent controlling continental drift
How do you propose creating your mountain range?
The similarities between rock layers of the Ouachita Mountains and the Appalachian Mountains indicate that they were part of a massive mountain chain formed by this collision. Once elevated, the mountains soon commenced eroding. About 200 million years ago, north america tried to rip it'self apart separating the western portion of the Appalachians on the other side of the Mississippi valley.
Portions of that old rift are still extant, and a section of it can be seen at the bottom of lake Superior.

Absent controlling continental drift
How do you propose creating your mountain range?
Kudos for trying to insert some science into this thread.
Actually I would like to appologise to you as my comment was unfair and uncalled for.
In reflection I should have indicated that I did not understand what you were talking about and given you the opportunity to make your proposition clearer.
I am sorry.
I am not clear what you were driving at in your OP are you able to explain it in other terms please.
Eh no apology necessary. I was pretty drunk and in a humorous mood. I guess the main solution my drunk mind was trying to communicate is how we should use our own excrement as furtilizer. Possibly for trees. That and how far the railway has gone from transporting gold, coal, and supplies to poo...
Eh no apology necessary. I was pretty drunk and in a humorous mood. I guess the main solution my drunk mind was trying to communicate is how we should use our own excrement as furtilizer. Possibly for trees. That and how far the railway has gone from transporting gold, coal, and supplies to poo...
It is such a shame we waste our waste.
While taking advice from Scarface, " Don't get high on your own supply"
Well take advice from me...do your tax returns and do not avoid paying the tax the law demands.

Why take advice from someone not smart enough not to keep out of gaol?

But start your shop one more should not be a problem...I wonder just how many coffee shops exist only to launder money?

I look at some of these places and think mmmm say they make $2 per coffee and their monthly overhead is $35,000 now thats 70,000 cups of coffee and that means they need to sell 2600 cups a day or 260 an hour ...
But start your shop one more should not be a problem...I wonder just how many coffee shops exist only to launder money?

Not enough... I use hundreds to wipe my ass before I spend them...

Someone should feel sorry for the coke head who rolls up one of those.
Not enough... I use hundreds to wipe my ass before I spend them...

Someone should feel sorry for the coke head who rolls up one of those.

Yes, yes indeed but have I got great news for you...they make special paper for that and you can buy it at the super market just ask for "toilet paper" the only draw back it does not come with directions but if you interact well with others wait until you see someone buying some and then ask then to explain how to use it.

When you get friends you will be able to tell them as well.

I have heard money sticks to some people and now I understand the mechanism so thanks for your story.