Weird Siht part 1: Green lights.

Ogmios said:
I'm just bitter.

Well, thank heavens for that. Thought I must have been hallucinating again -, I mean, hallucinating.

is that the time? my, where does it go.... ?

Come on, out with it. What's the other wired siht..... ;)
Ogmios, coronal discharge and green elves are both forms of lightning. Both are green in colour. Mr. A has offered you a well reasoned explanation, with evidence, that accounts for your experience. You appear to prefer to remain in a state of ignorance and bitterness than to accept the mundane explanation for the unusual. Good luck with that approach.
Ogmios said:
Mr anonymous, why are you be the hate? I'm trying to have a conversation here and you come frothing about science and weather balloons. I appreciate new views, and it's possible it was just a powerline going berserk, but there is no more convincing proof of this than any other explanation, and it does not match description given. Give us some actual input or wash your hands and walk away in disgust.

This is not a thread about whether supernatural exists or not.

Ogmios wishes to discuss his fantasies and wants others to support his delusions.

Mr. A has clearly done him a serious disservice in this regard. Bad Mr. A, bad.

Mr. A is forthwith stripped of his cognitive skills and must submit nothing but nonsense for one day as his penance.
Ophiolite said:
Ogmios, coronal discharge and green elves are both forms of lightning. Both are green in colour. Mr. A has offered you a well reasoned explanation, with evidence, that accounts for your experience. You appear to prefer to remain in a state of ignorance and bitterness than to accept the mundane explanation for the unusual. Good luck with that approach.

Mr A did not offer a well reasoned explanation with evidence that accounts for Ogmios' experience of seeing a <b>green</b> light light up the sky. As I pointed out, his "evidence" is flawed under the circumstances of seeing a green flash light up the sky.
Meanwhile said:
Mr A did not offer a well reasoned explanation with evidence that accounts for Ogmios' experience of seeing a <b>green</b> light light up the sky. As I pointed out, his "evidence" is flawed under the circumstances of seeing a green flash light up the sky.
You are correct. Mr A did not provide a well reasoned explanation. The well reasoned explanation was provided by squeak22 and demonstrated by Mr A.
Meanwhile said:
<b>Green is green</b>. And <b>yellow is yellow.</b>

And if you take a photograph of something green and luminous at night with ruddy digital camera set on low light intensity it gives the resultant jpeg a faintly yellow cast - despite which, y'can still see the fact that the actual discharge flash is green.

And yes. Thank you Q and Ophiolite, indeed. It was squeak22 who posited the explanation:

Squeak22 said:
When transformers and substations short out, they can create large dazzling light displays, that's probably what happened.

When a substation went out in the western chicago area, it lit up the night sky green and purple for about 5-10 seconds for miles and miles around.

All I did was back it up with visual evidence.

Meanwhile said:
And shabby is shabby.

Yes... you were saying?
Mr Anonymous: And if you take a photograph of something green and luminous at night with ruddy digital camera set on low light intensity it gives the resultant jpeg a faintly yellow cast - despite which, y'can still see the fact that the actual discharge flash is green.

Whatever. The point is, this is your evidence.

Now where's Ogmios? What happens next, Ogmios? What happens next?
And what's so goddamn shabby is that you cry foul and hop up and down whenever someone posts a UFO pic and here you are expecting us to swallow fare from ruddy digital cameras set on low light intensity.

Ruddy? You mean rudimentary, surely.
No. I mean "ruddy" as in "and who the ruddy hell are you a sock puppet for, anyway?" That kind ruddy.

And as for:

Meanwhile said:
And what's so goddamn shabby is that you cry foul and hop up and down whenever someone posts a UFO pic and here you are expecting us to swallow fare from ruddy digital cameras set on low light intensity.

The photograph of the electrical discharge isn't a claim for either the paranormal, the unearthly, or for that matter, the particularly unusual. Photographs of "UFO's" generally are.

Actually, if someone had the simple decency of posting a photograph of an actual UFO around here for a change, not some cheap model/photoshoped/crude optical illusion - I'd be amongst the very first to applaud. Any impression you may have of me which seems to suggest to you that I'm in someway a dyed-in-the-wool, rabid UFO sceptic indicates only that you really haven't read very much of what I've had to say on the subject around here these past few years.

But then again, why would you. You've never really struck me as the sort to let an inconvenient fact get in the way of an otherwise perfectly good supposition.

Both my own and squeak's post not withstanding...

Like you said. Shoddy. But I doubt you'll let it get in the way.


A ;)
Mr Anonymous: No. I mean "ruddy" as in "and who the ruddy hell are you a sock puppet for, anyway?" That kind ruddy.
—oh. I see. Lest I forget, you're British.

Mr Anonymous: The photograph of the electrical discharge
It's not so much a photograph but a still from a film, an electrical company's training footage, remember? In fact, you can clearly see the interlaced lines of the video. **

Now, knowing that it's part of a training film to produce efficient workers, I find it hard to understand why an electrical company ($$$$) couldn't be bothered to hire a professional filming crew to shoot something a bit more... indubitable. After all, if a green flash sparks the horizon, these good electricians from the big electrical company should be able to identify what's up, no?

** the photo editing now seems a bit superfluous hence its deletion.

Mr Anonymous: The photograph of the electrical discharge isn't a claim for either the paranormal, the unearthly, or for that matter, the particularly unusual.
Oh come off it. What a ruddy thing to say! because it was posted here in this thread as counter evidence against Ogmios' claim. Unfortunately, Ogmios has no photograph to juxtapose his evidence against yours. In effect, you rudely stated rather ruddily that what Ogmios saw was what you posted. Isn't a claim, you say?

Mr Anonymous: Actually, if someone had the simple decency of posting a photograph of an actual UFO around here for a change,
You're really too much. Ruddy Mister A. It would be decent? to post an actual? photo of a flying saucer? here?? Polite Mister A. Decent. Yeah, right.
Mr Anonymous: - I'd be amongst the very first to applaud.
Bravoing and clapping in a standing ovation. Encore! Encore! I can just picture it.
Mr Anonymous: Any impression you may have of me which seems to suggest to you that I'm in someway a dyed-in-the-wool, rabid UFO sceptic indicates only that you really haven't read very much of what I've had to say on the subject around here these past few years.
Well, I've come across you through more meaningful and in depth channels than you will ever realize.

Mr Anonymous: But then again, why would you. You've never really struck me as the sort to let an inconvenient fact get in the way of an otherwise perfectly good supposition.
Ogmios stated that this all happened "on a small army base, surrounded by immense area designated as a artillery shooting range. There was a small village close by, and nothing more. The odds of there being major powerlines is very small." Yet you all chose to ignore that fact.

Mr Anonymous: But I doubt you'll let it get in the way.
Perhaps you might consider the spirit in which facts are delivered. And the will behind them.

Mr Anonymous: Toodles.
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Meanwhile said:
Ogmios stated that this all happened "on a small army base, surrounded by immense area designated as a artillery shooting range. There was a small village close by, and nothing more. The odds of there being major powerlines is very small." Yet you all chose to ignore that fact.

I see. So in your version of events Ogmios was stationed at an Army Base run on what, batteries? He relays the power going off after the incident with the green flashes. They must have been getting their electricity from somewhere, being a permanent installation, that base would have had a sub-station somewhere there on the premises.

The only person ignoring facts here would be you, old stick.

Meanwhile said:
Well, I've come across you through more meaningful and in depth channels than you will ever realize.

Oh, I very much doubt that to be true at all m'dear. If you had, about the last thing you'd be doing would be getting all whimsical with me now, would it, old stick....? ;)
Ophiolite said:
green elves are both forms of lightning.
The what?

And no, I have no need for support for my delusions. I am perfectly capable of supporting my own. Nor did I (if you read carefully) ask for any explanations or quotes on the subject, merely asked if anyone had similiar experiences.

And in case I didn't say this already, a small village implies to smaller power cables. Capable of lesser charges of energy.

Mr Anonymous said:
The only person ignoring facts here would be you,
As for that, I wasn't ignoring facts. Neither am I assuming facts I don't know for sure, and try to formulate alternate theories.
Mr Anonymous: So in your version of events
My version of events? Did I not quote him??

Mr Anonymous: Ogmios was stationed at an Army Base run on what, batteries?
Something similar, I'd assume, since the incident originated in a small army base with not much else surrounding it except for an immense area designated for artillery range. Oh, and a small village close by. Now, I'm sure that small villages in Finland are not as tightly packed or widespread as they are in the British Isles or in America. And I suppose that in Finland there would be miles and miles of desolate land just perfect for practice shooting—making sure that no collateral damage would involve quaint small northern villages, see? So… what sort of substation is required to generate the needs for small remote villages and a small army base? and to affect a dazzling sky display so powerful that it would illuminate a room in green? And what sort of substation would be so inconspicuous in an area where nothing much happens that Ogmios and his army pals wouldn't have a clue of its vicinity?

Mr Anonymous: The only person ignoring facts here would be you, old stick.
Come again?

Mr Anonymous: Oh, I very much doubt that to be true at all m'dear. If you had, about the last thing you'd be doing would be getting all whimsical with me now, would it, old stick....?
One possibility that has not been properly explored is that of a green meteor or bolide. Green coloured meteors are reasonably common; this seems to be caused by the formation of a plasma around the meteor in the upper atmosphere, causing the oxygen to glow with the same wavelength as the ionised oxygen in auroral displays.

I understand that this is the so-called 'forbidden' line of emission by oxygen observed by Halliday in meteors during 1958 at a wavelength of 557nm.