What are Ghost/spirits made of?

one thing that irks me about hoaxes and hoaxers is how they view the paranormal as some type of fun excitement to prank others. if one has a real experience with it, they would most likely not want a repeat of such experience as it's usually disturbing and frightening. as with most things, people like that just make it harder for the real experiences to be taken seriously and most will dismiss it all because of these hoaxes.

for example, these videos seem like bullshit hoaxes to me, especially objects flying around. this is because that is not the 'type' of paranormal phenomena i have experienced but i can't definitively say this is impossible when i know there are others who think what i've experienced is impossible, so that makes me hold back absolute judgement of an experience i know nothing about.

from what i know of paranormal phenomena as in entities is that they have an agenda to affect a person in some way or cause harm or it's a representation of an event or mental state/agenda/motive of whoever is around or is responsible for this manifestation, not just make noises or some silly actions like that but i can't say for sure because i've only experienced the darkest types which would be best described as 'demonic'. but i've also heard of benign or positive entities so that's possible too, considering there are negative and positive forces.

even when i saw the exorcism of emily rose, i had a suspicion it was based on a true story, even if embellished in some ways because of certain particular details she mentioned which is something hollywood would usually not make up or even think to, because it's not in the usual 'ghostly' repretoire. these are the things people who have had real experiences are aware of, not that we want to be though!

i don't even think these are my real interests. had i not experienced these, i would probably be a different person. religion and paranormal is what i experienced the most in life growing up, filling my head with so many mystery's and wtf's?! messing with the concept of reality which i've had to try and figure out like a vampire who has to count all the matches in front of it or something or like ellen ripley exasperated when she mentions in disgust how those aliens been a part of her experience so long, she doesn't even remember anything else or know anything else.

i dont actually like these experiences!
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even as someone who has had paranormal experiences can be still skeptical of ones they have not experienced. for instance, whenever i read or hear about the ouija board and how the planchet moves by itself or flys around, i have to muffle a laugh because that is hard for me to believe.

i bought one once just to try it out and of course, it didn't move at all, unless you move the thing to answer your own questions, which is bullshit. i don't even see what the possible fun or even element of a possibliity of any other force or medium to be.

still, i can't say that other's different experience is impossible because i don't know what variables or forces are involved in each situation perhaps.

there are other details that can differ between people's experiences that make one or both suspicious of the validity or sincerity.

for instance, i hear this 'cold spot' or 'drop in temperature' a lot from others which makes me suspicious and i didn't experience at all. actually, it was more of a buzz or heavy, often, uncomfortable density in the air as if the air was thick itself and something was cloying etc. nothing to do with temperature.

it's interesting the various ways people pick up information. i think some people just are more intuitive than others or don't discount subtle info as easily as others. some don't consider any info unless it's blatant as well.

i did have one significant experience as an adult but this was not anything threatening or evil that i could tell, unlike the dark or more sinister shadow figures i experienced around those violent people. this wasn't something i could literally see as those, this one was more of a felt presence.

the part that i remember though that is of importance or of actual note more than the actual event was what i picked up initially which i didn't even consider at the time to be anything but my imagination but it may not have been. this was not my room and the first time i had been there. i remember at first, my back was to the wall and i looked up near the window and thought that i had a random 'thought' that some male was looking out that window and immediately dismissed it. this thought had a lot of details, as i just 'knew' it wasn't just that once. it was recurring like his post and a fixture of the room. that was instantaneous info out of nowhere. a subsequent event happened that compellingly indicated that thought was not my imagination at all but i find it interesting how i think our minds can pick up info that we dismiss as nothing or mere imagination when sometimes it may not be.
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even as someone who has had paranormal experiences can be still skeptical of ones they have not experienced. for instance, whenever i read or hear about the ouija board and how the planchet moves by itself or flys around, i have to muffle a laugh because that is hard for me to believe.

i bought one once just to try it out and of course, it didn't move at all, unless you move the thing to answer your own questions, which is bullshit. i don't even see what the possible fun or even element of a possibliity of any other force or medium to be.
The planchet or other point does seem to move of its own accord, but only when somebody is touching it. And then, what's really happening is a subconscious pushing. But it's still a very weird experience - especially when you're the only one touching the thing and you know you aren't consciously trying to push it around (in fact the opposite). I have personal experience with this. At the time I didn't know what was going on and it was a little scary. Now I have an explanation, and it's not scary any more. It's called the ideomotor effect.

for instance, i hear this 'cold spot' or 'drop in temperature' a lot from others which makes me suspicious and i didn't experience at all. actually, it was more of a buzz or heavy, often, uncomfortable density in the air as if the air was thick itself and something was cloying etc. nothing to do with temperature.
All of that is very subjective.
The planchet or other point does seem to move of its own accord, but only when somebody is touching it. And then, what's really happening is a subconscious pushing. But it's still a very weird experience - especially when you're the only one touching the thing and you know you aren't consciously trying to push it around (in fact the opposite). I have personal experience with this. At the time I didn't know what was going on and it was a little scary. Now I have an explanation, and it's not scary any more. It's called the ideomotor effect.

No, it did not move at all even if you touch the planchet and there was nothing subconscious going on. like i said, i can't speak for others experiences.
The planchet or other point does seem to move of its own accord, but only when somebody is touching it. And then, what's really happening is a subconscious pushing. But it's still a very weird experience - especially when you're the only one touching the thing and you know you aren't consciously trying to push it around (in fact the opposite). I have personal experience with this. At the time I didn't know what was going on and it was a little scary. Now I have an explanation, and it's not scary any more. It's called the ideomotor effect.
I have heard this hypothesized before, but I've never found it very plausible.

I will have to take you at your word.
I have heard this hypothesized before, but I've never found it very plausible.
I will have to take you at your word.
It reminds me of driving somewhere, and once there trying to remember certain things about the journey. Like, in the high street, what where the lights red or green at such and such a place? Your suppose to be alert the whole trip, so who the Fu** was driving?
I haven't read any of the posts here but I saw a recent You tube video by Brewstew, it was part of a series where he recounted his ghost experience, he mentioned he had a dream and that it was similar to an outer body experience, so perhaps outer body experience and dreams and souls are connected with other... things??
I haven't read any of the posts here but I saw a recent You tube video by Brewstew, it was part of a series where he recounted his ghost experience, he mentioned he had a dream and that it was similar to an outer body experience, so perhaps outer body experience and dreams and souls are connected with other... things??
Nope. Ghosts are made in fact of the tears of your high school science teachers.
I haven't read any of the posts here but I saw a recent You tube video by Brewstew, it was part of a series where he recounted his ghost experience, he mentioned he had a dream and that it was similar to an outer body experience, so perhaps outer body experience and dreams and souls are connected with other... things??

All Cowpat

Ghosts and Spirits are entirely different forms of Human life .

Ghosts are those of life energy . They imprint themselves on the energy which surrounds them . Magnetic

They haven't moved on , to the light . But what light ? And the consequences of doing so .

Spirits , are about the soul . The soul is about you . And ancestors .
Ghosts and Spirits are entirely different forms of Human life .

Ghosts are those of life energy . They imprint themselves on the energy which surrounds them . Magnetic

They haven't moved on , to the light . But what light ? And the consequences of doing so .

Spirits , are about the soul . The soul is about you . And ancestors .
Another day on Sciforums.The science of Sciforums. This is sooo mainstream ghost bollo***
Ps. The bollo*** part... if birch can swear, why not others. That is not a question, it just is.
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I haven't read any of the posts here but I saw a recent You tube video by Brewstew, it was part of a series where he recounted his ghost experience, he mentioned he had a dream and that it was similar to an outer body experience, so perhaps outer body experience and dreams and souls are connected with other... things??
