dare I try to answer?
I don't know man, but it seems to me that people use music for a variety of reasons not just to have something to listen to....
What I mean is that people may use music to motivate themselves, identify themselves with something (lyrically or musically as music can evoke emotions without lyrics.....like a composition in minor key can evoke sadness or make you feel creepy), validate their feelings, and so on.
When I'm pissed, the last thing I wanna hear is Mozart or soft classical music (or any kind of jazz for that matter)....I'd rather hear hard core classic rock. When I feel peaceful and in the mood for thinking...I like Bach....when I'm in the mood for love and sadness I feel like listening to love ballads or Chopin's Nocturnes. When I'm in the mood to clean the house I listen to Madonna (don't ask me why). LOL
I think younger people identify with rock and roll music more than classical because they are in a stage in their lives where they are frustrated in a lot of ways and rock music can be soothing since it can make them identify those feelings with a song that meshes well with what they are going through. Same thing with Pop music....it's easy, radio friendly (repetitive enough to remember)...and talks about things kids can relate to, THINK they can relate to, or wish they could relate to. Does that make any sense?
BY THE WAY, what ever happened to those studies they did with classical music eliciting activity in parts of the brain that are not normally used in everyday life?