What do you think about Classical Music?

Do you like Classical Music?

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    Votes: 12 100.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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No problemo honey.

I'll bring the booze, the drugs, the loose women and the gigolo's.
the rap music , lemme see p'raps a couple of guns to pick off people on the street we don't like the look of and anyone who hates vivaldi cause he makes a great pizza.
You bring cake and lemonade and of course your sweet self :D

How many girls are you bringing?
And I want all between the ages of 15 to 25!! :D:D
No Nelson, we would have to put them in the audience beforehand....and that might distract you. ;)

You are supposed to imagine the audience naked.

Okay, that was lame.

bbcboy: What does a Brit know about guns?! I'm bringing guns. Leave that to an American. :D

Adam: Excellent taste!
Way to Go, Recovered From Brief Love

Sure hope the problem with the girlfriend gets worked out, since it's having such an effect.

I'm just guessing, are you a student, at one of those schools for the gifted? Or Julliard or Eastman? If she's also a musician, maybe she decided there'd be competitive feelings, maybe has them herself.

How long before the festival competition? Is she in it too? Tension just about that?

Maybe when it's over, one or the other of you will get back to normal. You didn't tell us how long that is.
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Xev: You know Albinoni? He seems to have been overlooked by just about everyone. That great big whopping Adagio just kicks arse. I like to listen to that one while watching storms and such, and I plan to have it played at my funeral. That and maybe the theme from H. R. Puff'n'Stuff.

Sorry disappointing you... but I'm much worse.
I wrote this message before... some things happened. And the message is a hoax. It's not seriously...

I won't have a party with lots of girls...
I, unfortunatly, really Love... :(

Something will happen...
I'm just waiting...

Well, Tomorrow's Another Day.

We'll just wait too, not disappointed.

You guys, what's Albinone? I know I should know, have heard the name before, but I forget. And what's Scarbo?

Thanks in advance.

Albinioni is a composer (italian... I'm almost sure...). His most famous one is called "Adagio".

"Scarbo" is the most difficult music ever written for piano. It's in the book "Gaspar de la Nuit" and its composer is Ravel. ;)

Oh ho ho, A New Challenge for Me!

I'll have to try to find a copy of Scarbo. Don't know how I missed it. I have some Ravel. Sonatine and maybe some other things. Checked out the Ravel Trio from Detroit Library not too long ago, may take another look at it if I haven't returned it yet. Music is checked out for three months at a time. Since 9-11 they search your purse when you go in.

Thanks for that info.
dare I try to answer?

I don't know man, but it seems to me that people use music for a variety of reasons not just to have something to listen to....

What I mean is that people may use music to motivate themselves, identify themselves with something (lyrically or musically as music can evoke emotions without lyrics.....like a composition in minor key can evoke sadness or make you feel creepy), validate their feelings, and so on.

When I'm pissed, the last thing I wanna hear is Mozart or soft classical music (or any kind of jazz for that matter)....I'd rather hear hard core classic rock. When I feel peaceful and in the mood for thinking...I like Bach....when I'm in the mood for love and sadness I feel like listening to love ballads or Chopin's Nocturnes. When I'm in the mood to clean the house I listen to Madonna (don't ask me why). LOL

I think younger people identify with rock and roll music more than classical because they are in a stage in their lives where they are frustrated in a lot of ways and rock music can be soothing since it can make them identify those feelings with a song that meshes well with what they are going through. Same thing with Pop music....it's easy, radio friendly (repetitive enough to remember)...and talks about things kids can relate to, THINK they can relate to, or wish they could relate to. Does that make any sense?

BY THE WAY, what ever happened to those studies they did with classical music eliciting activity in parts of the brain that are not normally used in everyday life?
