What do you think is the funniest thing about religion or athiesm?

A young woman teacher with obviously biased tendencies explains to her class of small children that she is a Christian. She asks her class if they are Christians too. Not really knowing what Christianity is but wanting to be like their teacher, their hands explode into the air like little fleshy fireworks.

There is, however, one exception. A beautiful girl named Lucy has not gone along with the crowd. The teacher asks her why she has decided to be different.

"Because I'm not a Christian."

Then, asks the teacher, "What are you?"

"I'm a Athiest."

The teacher is a little perturbed now, her face slightly red. She asks Lucy why she is a Athiest.

"Well, I was brought up knowing honesty is the best policy. My mom is a Athiest, and my dad is a Athiest, so I am a Athiest."

The teacher is now scornful. "That's no reason," she says loudly. "What if your mom was a moron, and your dad was a moron. What would you be then?"

She paused, and smiled. "Then," says Lucy, "I'd be a Christian."
See that is the funny pat thinking there is life after this have ou ever stopped to think that perhaps yp are living in Heaven/Hell and that there is nothing beyond this world.

I never think there is something beyond this world.
That is good to know I misread your post and appoligize I mistook your sarcasm as an expression of your belief in the after life.

It wasn't sarcasm. I was mentioning one of the reasons for believing in a religion. Apparently it wasn't clear. My mistake.
What's so funny about that? It exists in the minds of people who act on these ideas in sometimes very bad ways.

huh, you say "it" and then you refer to "ideas"--i know you're not questioning the existence of the ideas, but when you say "it exists in the minds," you seem to be granting "it" some sort of existence. are you suggesting that "it" does in fact exist in the minds of some, or the idea of "it"?
huh, you say "it" and then you refer to "ideas"--i know you're not questioning the existence of the ideas, but when you say "it exists in the minds," you seem to be granting "it" some sort of existence. are you suggesting that "it" does in fact exist in the minds of some, or the idea of "it"?

The ideas/beliefs exist in their minds.
What's so funny about that? It exists in the minds of people who act on these ideas in sometimes very bad ways.

I just realized that I am not sure whether you mean "atheism" or "theism" existing in the minds. My previous reply was only explaining why I find it (atheism) funny.
I know, it just doesn't seem that funny to object to a belief (theism) that has such influence in our lives as well as no scientific backing.
I think it's absolutely hilarious that people argue for theory. We all have our own opinions. Some believe in religion/god, some don't. Neither can be proven wrong or right. So why bother even bothering with it?

Also, when it all comes down to it, why can't we just accept others for believing or not believing? If someone is a Christian or Muslim or whatever, and it doesn't affect me, and it makes them happy, why should I care what they believe or do?
The funniest thing about theist is all the praying they do before sporting events. As if god has a favourite team.
I think it's absolutely hilarious that people argue for theory. We all have our own opinions. Some believe in religion/god, some don't. Neither can be proven wrong or right. So why bother even bothering with it?

Also, when it all comes down to it, why can't we just accept others for believing or not believing? If someone is a Christian or Muslim or whatever, and it doesn't affect me, and it makes them happy, why should I care what they believe or do?

It's not really true that neither can be proven correct. Certain conceptions of God can be disproven. This wouldn't be a mathematical proof, more like proof in a court (beyond a reasonable doubt).
It's not really true that neither can be proven correct. Certain conceptions of God can be disproven. This wouldn't be a mathematical proof, more like proof in a court (beyond a reasonable doubt).

"Proven" by majority rule. But not scientifically. And that is my point. Again, I'm not saying anyone belief is right or wrong, scientifically. Is there more evidence to support one belief and not the other? Certainly! But there are theories like that of "god" that, at this point in the evolution of our scientific knowledge, cannot be proven or disproven.
Well either you believe in an after life or you don't which is it.

I don't believe, but sarcasm is not the only expression I use to mention other people's psyche. I prefer the term empathy. Makes it easier to imagine what another person might be thinking.

In addition, "knowledge of death" and "a miserable life" are very human traits. I don't even need to empathize to see why these might make people believe. They are not the only ones of course, there is upbringing, belonging to a group, etc., but not as tragic and serious as the other two.
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Well if you empathize with other people you are sharing there feeling not their thoughts so by this statement you feel there is a life after death and you feel there is a GOD and you feel religion is not funny. Is that correct I still stand by my original post the funny thing about religion is religion and they way people use it as a shield instead of just being themselves.
I know, it just doesn't seem that funny to object to a belief (theism) that has such influence in our lives as well as no scientific backing.

Religious ideas are not the causes of violence and fatal ignorance. Most of the believers are not violent people and their reasons are as human as the ones I wrote above. It is about how they are mobilized by some political minds and in which circumstances they become successful.

An ordinary believer has no time to prevent scientific research or intervene the way other people use their own body. In fact, they would not hesitate to use the benefits of science. These tasks require people who make it their job. The conditions in which they thrive are subject to social, political, and historical examination.

An atheist should know better than arguing about something s/he thinks doesn't exist. This discussion has no end until the atheist creates a god and they all believe it.

I think it is an atheist's self-betrayal to spend time on an idea that doesn't change through discussion. If one values the material conditions, one needs to spends time on understanding them.
"Proven" by majority rule. But not scientifically. And that is my point. Again, I'm not saying anyone belief is right or wrong, scientifically. Is there more evidence to support one belief and not the other? Certainly! But there are theories like that of "god" that, at this point in the evolution of our scientific knowledge, cannot be proven or disproven.

If one accepts evolution and natural selection just as mainstream science has then the creation story has been debunked. Therefore, without the creation story there is no God in the first place.
I have to say it seems to me you believe in an imaginary enemy.

Not I, but those who follow it.
Due to their belief, to engage them in discussion, I must perforce, refer to said 'imaginary enemy'...

Do you really know people who dissaprove smugly of a child's belief in an imaginary friend, ...

It's fairly well known that parents, at some pooint in time or another, will admonish their child for entertaining such...

whilst - 10 points for using this adverb however - ...

Ta. :)

Are we not hallucinating a tad?

Not "we", but 'they'.