What do you think of the war in Iraq?

What do you think of the war in Iraq?

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This sounds like it is straight out of the "Collected Speeches of G.W. Bush".

Don't you ever think for yourself?

So people who disagree with you don't think for themselves?

It is possible for a person to review th data, facts, truths, and situation and agree and come to similiar conclusions. Of course it take intelligence and a mindful eye on the possibilities of the future.
i think the pro-active war by U.S. was the right decision,
Fair enough. That is what you believe then so be it.

if you are out there trying to catch terrorists;
And how has that capture of Bin Laden gone? You know, the terrorist who actually attacked you and your interests overseas, who actually posed a direct threat to said interests and your own country.. How's that going by the way?

You attacked a country under the guise that they had weapons of mass destruction. Yet none existed, a fact stated by other nations around the world. UN inspectors who'd been on the ground in Iraq stated quite frankly that such weapons did not exist in Iraq. But you went in anyway under that little banner. When it became obvious that no such weapons existed, you changed your tune and stated that you went in to free Iraq and to end terrorism. The fact that you failed to ask the people of Iraq if they wanted to be freed is ironic, and the fact that you invaded their country to free them, only to now have them living under military rule is even more ironic. But the most pathetic aspect of this? You brought terrorism into Iraq. You allowed it to enter the country. Iraq now is literally a magnet to terrorist groups such as Al Qeada who have a personal agenda against the US. The result? Iraq is now a hell hole where innocent Iraqi civilians are paying the price for your war on terror.. for your war against terrorists who have now flooded into their country to fight against you. So much for you claims of catching terrorists huh? You've allowed terrorists to gain such a foothold in Iraq that the Iraq people will not only face occupation from you, but also continued attacks from the terrorists who have gone there to fight against the US and her allies. Well done! You've taken a country ruled by a despot, turned it into a military occupied nation and opened it up to foreign terrorists who wish to attack you.

they would turn to hostile nations like iraq and eventuaally bomb states; every nation must protect itself;
The person and his organisation who had already bombed the States is still running around bombing innocent civilians and your interests in Iraq. And how exactly will Iraq now protect itself to the attacks you have brought upon it? The allied forces has been hopeless in protecting the civilians. How can a nation protect itself when it is occupied by a country led by someone who has to be the dumbest president to have ever graced the White House? How can the US now protect itself now that its invasion into Iraq has increased the risk of their facing even more terrorist attacks?

all those Liberals are Communists god dammit; if communists were treated the same way, we would have been ruled by Stalins grandsons and we all know what kind of rights U.S.S.R. had.
Secret prisons, torture as forms of interrogations, people held without trial in jails and without legal representation, etc? Hmmm has a familiar sound to it doesn't it? Hey I know, isn't that what Bush has now done in the US?

so yeah, it all boils down to freedom and democracy.
Refer to above in regards to secret prisons, torture, being imprisoned without the right to a trial or legal representation. Is this now the new catch cry for the US's claims of 'freedom and democracy'?

i fail to understand why world never appreciates what U.S. does.
Exhibit A: Iraq.

Hezbollah is a terror group which will become a threat; so yea it must eliminated; does that mean U.S,. is against religion of islam? hell no. Its only terror americans are fighting.
And terror they inflict in doing so. It's like the blind leading the blind.

and yeah president bush is honest in doing and making tough decisions and not pussying out like Bill clinton in last moments when they could have killed bin laden;
And Bush and his father, when he was president, have done better? HEH!
The war in Iraq is a farce of great magnitude. The world cared so much about Iraq that it installed economic sanctions killing off hundres of thousands of Iraqis. And then the US felt the need to secure the oil fields of Iraq.

A sovereign nation was invaded. Iraq invade Kuwait for better reasons than the US invaded Iraq. At least Iraq had historical ties to Kuwait. Kuwait a country led by another group of dictators, annexed by another dictator, however one that was rather anti-muslim extremist.

And Iraq was led into a civil war by the actions of the US. A powerless puppet regime was installed. Foreign occupation of Iraq continued by American forces and their allies. Recently a british general said they should move out of Iraq soonish. The politicians wanted his head. Corrupt to the bone, with no decency.

Iraq was no threat to the world. Iraq was no threat to the US. In fact no country is a threat to the US. All enemies have been carefully cultivated by the US.

Needless to say US policy concerning Iraq not only caused a rift between ME countries and America, also Europe is not on the same line anymore with the US.

And invading Iraq created a new breeding ground for terrorism and fueled extremism all over the world.

And it set off North Korea.

what a fucking fuck up. Humanitarian and politically.
What do you think of the war in Iraq?

Was it justified? Give your opinion in the poll and a few reasons why you hold that opinion.

Would it be justified if after Saddam was gone the Iraqi people were able to live in peace?


If i paint a work of art and someone throws shit on it would you blame the artist?
Would it be justified if after Saddam was gone the Iraqi people were able to live in peace?


If i paint a work of art and someone throws shit on it would you blame the artist?

If I shoot myself in the foot, do I blame the gun?:rolleyes:
You might, but you would be wrong.:)

Would it be justified if after Saddam was gone the Iraqi people were able to live in peace?

I don't know. Ask the 655,000 people what they think. I don't live there.

(I could make this purple and 6 feet tall, but I assume you can read)
You really dont know S.A.M?

Sure, hypotheticals are all very nice as an indulgence(e.g. there may be WMDs in Iraq, I may win the lottery tomorrow).

Reality is usually very different, and what we have to actually deal with.

I would not risk thousands of lives on a hypothesis.
i think the pro-active war by U.S. was the right decision,

Let me take a wild guess based on your opinion and handle, you are Jewish. Saddam was actually a danger. Not to the US, but to Israel.
The removal of Saddam was a good thing for Israel, specially that they didn't have to do it...
Few wars can be justified. Few wars are necessary.

The Iraq War is far from justifiable, and its necessity is arguable at best.
The Iraq war was a bad move, based on lies, and a violation of UN declarations. Saddam did let weapons inspectors in, and Bush wanted to invade Iraq so much, that he didn't care. Bush is like a retarted child poking a hornet's nest with his finger. Someone needs to send him to his room without supper.
It's interesting. I just had a look at the population of Iraq - about 26 million - and the cost of the war - about 336 billion. If they'd given each person a share of the 336 billion, they'd have over $12,000 each. I'm sure if the US gave everyone in Iraq $12k they'd have taken down Saddam quickly and efficiently and would probably think the US were alright.
As I voted yes I will provide reasoning for my position.

Some people are of the opinion that wrong is ok so long as it is restricted to small areas that don't have any direct or even indirect influence on themselves. They may say that it is wrong, but given the opportunity to change such a situation they would more often then not leave it alone for a number of reasons including: a. 'It's not our place...,' b. 'There isn't enough support...,' etc.

Others are of the opinion that wrong is what it is, and especially in the situations when people are unable to do something for themselves it is the responsibility of those who can do something to do something. From this point of view inaction in the face of wrongdoing is a further injustice.

I'm proud to live in a country that has been present in an era where the world was small enough that injustices being great or small have been both knownable and affectable. Throughout our history - our leaders - those people who we have chosen to lead our country have had the opportunity to help millions of people and have done so without question. In very recent history there has been a shift from large scale injustice to a smaller scale. It's my belief that it would not be possible for another invasion of europe or any other landmass of that scale. Defined conflicts are now restricted to smaller areas - and open conflicts have the capability to affect the world.

We elected (and yes I expect someone to comment on the election issues...) a person whos thoughts reflect that of the second set of ideals; that those who have the power are wrong in not using it to bring closure to and prevent human injustice. It's always been our military's ideals that there will be nobody left behind. It may seem overly patriotic but when one considers that position of someone lost behind enemy lines, I'm sure it is comforting to realize that there will be no effort spared to bring you back, no reasonable point in which someone will say that we will possibly lose more men getting you out then it is worth. Why? - because that's what we believe.

I feel that it's easy to stand back and point at results as a justification for acting or not acting - however those in the position to make such decisions have no such capability. They must look at the information at hand at the time of a decision and weigh the best posibilities. I'm glad that our country elected someone with the ideals to say what's right is right - reguardless of popularity, AND that action upon injustice is necessary.

Reguardless of the outcome I think it goes to our president's character that he isn't bailing out on the people of iraq. It would be easy to say 'this didn't go well, lets get out and rethink...' I think it takes more to commit to a cause; and to expent all reasonable resources available in the struggle to a resolution of the problem.

Whether you agree that going into iraq was correct or incorrect - I hope you at least have the decency to judge not on the outcome, but on the pre-conditions. I - as I have said - feel that there was justification for moving into iraq - and I have said why I feel that way. I'd like to hear the same out of some of you.
I have no probelm with the war on terrorism but the excuse for the war on Iraq was very stupid; one lie after the other. Our heads have spun so much we don't even know what is going on and who is shooting who. The only justifiable reason for the war now is democracy(hey we have to make up something). Even democracy is more like "demonstration-of-crazy" considering that Iraq is divided into three groups of people who should probably have their own country. They picked the wrong excuse, wrong country, and wrong action, in fact they even picked the wrong weather. I think the best thing for the U.S governent to do is to leave, they are going to have to leave sooner or later; but their current occupation is distracting any form of stability and reminding people of the war. The whole thing is too messed up to mend. Those people aren't used to elections, they are used to living in fear by a dictator, and the big dogs in Iraq are the one's fighting in order to fill Saddams shoes. Its very difficult to find an amicable democracy in the Middle East, its going to take years.
They must look at the information at hand at the time of a decision and weigh the best posibilities.

Bush didn't do that at all. He decided, along with the rest of the Neo-Cons associated with the Project for a new American Century, to invade Iraq even before 9.11, even before he was selected by the Supreme Court!

The so-called intelligence was never analyzed objectively, but was as they say, cherry picked to conform to their pre-determined objective of invasion. They exploited 9.11 to implement their plan. Saddam had nothing to do with 9.11, Bush said so himself.