What does everyone think about genetic enginering?


Registered Senior Member
Well what does everyone think?

I think that some problems could happen like.

Wars between animal hybrid humans and regular humans.

Also diseases could be passed from on creature to another easier.

But there would also be good things like.

More food for everyone.

New creatues that can live on other planets that don't already have life.

And there would also be the chance of making pets that can talk.
Like a talking dog or horse or mix between both.

It would be a dorse.:)
Genetic engeneering: yes!

I think that we should get on this as soon as possable, I want to get to a point, before I die, where they have gen engeneering outlets in the mall, just like they have those laser eye surgery places. I want to walk in, and be able to walk out with a fox tail, or retractable claws, or something like that.
great god if i cant grow a magestic pair of antlers and hold a fistful of burning magnesium by 2030 then science needs to stop sitting on its goddamn thumbs!

wars between animal/human hybrids and humans wouldnt be any more likely than peace/intigration of animal/human hybrits and humans right? Why stop because something bad MIGHT happen, when there is no reason to think its more likely than something good happening.
I saw a show a while ago that talks about how 2100 or so you be able to do things like get cats eyes which give you night vision or get snakes eyes which give you heat vision or even birds eyes that would let you see the magnetic field of the earth.

So is you want to know which way is north you wouln't need a compass. All you would have to do is just look for it.:)
Originally posted by dinokg
Well what does everyone think?

I think that some problems could happen like.

Wars between animal hybrid humans and regular humans.

only in the movies
Originally posted by dinokg

Also diseases could be passed from on creature to another easier.

In general the biggest threat concerning interspecies crosseover is keeping different animals close to humans and each other. See for instance China, where flues sometimes spread quite easily from one farm animal to another and to humans.

Originally posted by dinokg

But there would also be good things like.

More food for everyone.

apparently the huge increase in farm yields in the US were not really due to modern technology, but mainly to improvements of the climate during the last decades. Makes you wonder...
Originally posted by dinokg

New creatues that can live on other planets that don't already have life.
We can hardly get a rocket out of lower earth orbit.
Originally posted by dinokg

And there would also be the chance of making pets that can talk.
Like a talking dog or horse or mix between both.
It would be a dorse.:)

It would probably be easier to make a dogs that farts all the time...since no gene or small set of genes is known that could possibly make the necessary structures for talking by themselves.
You're right about how its easier to make a creature make more gas than for a creature to talk.

Talking uses brain, nervous system,and muslces to be interpreted. And all have to work together just right.

With farting its mostly the microbs in the digestive system that affect the amount of gas produced.

So technically you could make super fart micro organisms that could be ingested by even non genetically modefied creatures.

So instead of just beans causing gas anything could. :D
Mankind's Hubris

The scientific age has been characterised by a succession of supposed "experts" at their unique and compartmentalized branches of knowledge. Each generation of scientists has been proven to have had, at best, a partial hold on the truth of things as it were. You only have to go back 30 years to find experts telling us that life can not exist without photosynthesis for example. Tube worms at the bottom of our own ocean have proven them wrong. Experts can't even predict the weather with any reasonable degree of accuracy. How can they calculate the random permutations in a native gene pool when it becomes contaminated with alien genes?

The crux of the matter is not whether science has gone too far with G.E. but why has it gone down this road in the first place. There is hardly any pure science for the sake of knowledge going on anywhere in the world today. Science has been coopted by industry to serve its' purposes. No grant no work for the scientist- and where does the grant come from? Big Business.

So should we be prepared to go down a road we are told is safe by scientists who have generations of errors and mistaken judgements behind them, who are only saying what they are saying because they are getting paid to?

What is really at stake is total control of the food chain from farm to shop and all points in between. I would also add that a less than healthy population serves everyone's purposes here as well - as the G.M. corps. are all in bed with Big Pharma.

All of the truly independent science being done on G.M. has pointed to alarming threats to our species' very own genetic identity. That's right- ours. Bees who consume G.M. pollen have been found to have mutated digestive enzymes. What is more they pass this trait on to their offspring. What function do these enzymes fulfill other than digesting? They are the first stage in our immune system and actually consume vast ammounts of bacteria, mold spore and other microbes we come into contact with. Any one notice the virtual epidemic of allergies sweeping the world over the past few years. It's gotten to the point that a dinner party for several guests requires the cooking skills of a professional juggler.

If that isn't bad enough how about the Dutch teenager who fed over the counter G.M. breakfast cereals to mice in a controled experiment and found at the end of the experiment that 95% of his subjects were either seriously unhealhy or had perished. (see the Ecologist and nexusmagazine)

We must all learn to do our own research on almost any issue in this world that really matters because the Great and the Good have abdicated their responsibility to protect the common welfare. Anyway I've said my bit and will get off the soap box for now.
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Re: Mankind's Hubris

Originally posted by the scribbler
The scientific age has been characterised by a succession of supposed "experts" at their unique and compartmentalized branches of knowledge. Each generation of scientists has been proven to have had, at best, a partial hold on the truth of things as it were. You only have to go back 30 years to find experts telling us that life can not exist without photosynthesis for example. Tube worms at the bottom of our own ocean have proven them wrong. Experts can't even predict the weather with any reasonable degree of accuracy. How can they calculate the random permutations in a native gene pool when it becomes contaminated with alien genes?

Theory gets revised, science is not about knowing the truth but about finding it. Newtons laws were proven wrong by relativity even so Newton’s laws are very accurate until you reach speeds near light. Photosynthesis represent the most abundant energy source out there with out it life would not live on land. So a dogma is proven to have exception woop-tee-do.

Predicting the weather does not have a relation to Biological science and that comparison is a fallacy.

And I don’t know where you’re going with the alien thing?

the crux of the matter is not whether science has gone too far with G.E. but why has it gone down this road in the first place. There is hardly any pure science for the sake of knowledge going on anywhere in the world today. Science has been coopted by industry to serve its' purposes. No grant no work for the scientist- and where does the grant come from? Big Business.

Well then the science of breeding and hybridizing should also be banished.

So should we be prepared to go down a road we are told is safe by scientists who have generations of errors and mistaken judgements behind them, who are only saying what they are saying because they are getting paid to?

The science of breeding and hybridization have also ended in may failures that resulted ecological and health disasters. In fact error have been made in many technologies over the last few thousand years, should we not partake in them as well, despite the fact that what good did come from it allowed us to thrive? You should be careful of your generalization fallacy.

What is really at stake is total control of the food chain from farm to shop and all points in between. I would also add that a less than healthy population serves everyone's purposes here as well - as the G.M. corps. are all in bed with Big Pharma.

business is the problem, please change the corporate structure and laws. GM it self is not evil but many want to use it for their own good not others.

All of the truly independent science being done on G.M. has pointed to alarming threats to our species' very own genetic identity. That's right- ours. Bees who consume G.M. pollen have been found to have mutated digestive enzymes. What is more they pass this trait on to their offspring. What function do these enzymes fulfill other than digesting? They are the first stage in our immune system and actually consume vast ammounts of bacteria, mold spore and other microbes we come into contact with. Any one notice the virtual epidemic of allergies sweeping the world over the past few years. It's gotten to the point that a dinner party for several guests requires the cooking skills of a professional juggler.

Actually the epidemic of allergies was noted to have started happening in the early 1950's Long before the first GM product by 30 years! This epidemic is most likely cause by over cleanliness preventing children from getting exposed to allergens at a young age and resulting in very allergenic adults, also lung pollution as been citied for over simulated the immune system.

Also I would like you to explain a possible mechanism to how GM product mutate people or other organisms?

It isn't bad enough how about the Dutch teenager who fed over the counter G.M. breakfast cereals to mice in a controled experiment and found at the end of the experiment that 95% of his subjects were either seriously unhealhy or had perished. (see the Ecologist and nexusmagazine)

Was there a control involved? What cereal? how much was feed? could you provide a link please?

We must all learn to do our own research on almost any issue in this world that really matters because the Great and the Good have abdicated their responsibility to protect the common welfare. Anyway I've said my bit and will get off the soap box for now.
As far as things dieing from GN foods listen to this.

I remember reading about how GN modified corn pollen blew on to milk weed the monarch catapillars eat. When they ate the milk weed they also ate the GN corn pollen and they DIED.:mad:

I think before GN crops are implemented there should be more testing.

Also in the U.S. about 1/3 of all food at least have some GN modified food incorporated into the ingredients.
Re: Mankind's Hubris

Originally posted by the scribbler
... Bees who consume G.M. pollen have been found to have mutated digestive enzymes. What is more they pass this trait on to their offspring... how about the Dutch teenager who fed over the counter G.M. breakfast cereals to mice in a controled experiment and found at the end of the experiment that 95% of his subjects were either seriously unhealhy or had perished. (see the Ecologist and nexusmagazine)...

Are these sources reliable? I would not trust a teenager doing an uncontrolled experiment. Heck, if I ate only "organic" breakfast cereal and nothing else I'd be seriously protein defficient and prone to disease, regardless of the healthiness and purity of the cereal.

As for the bees... I fail to see how they could pass that trait to their offspring. If there are any articles on peer reviewed literature I'd like the references.
possibly my career as well

I am fully for it. It has an enormous potential. Just imagine.......(drool).......:)
we have been blessed with the greatest gift already, sentience, thus the fastest (and probably best) way to go is to genetically alter ourselves , unfortunately radical genetic mutation would lead to class seperation (such as someone being genetically altered to mine, would be a miner all their life, as several other things such as possibly speed and or dexterity would be taken away) this is just an idea mind you.
Another thing that would change would be the olympics.

I don't think it would be fair for a regular athlets if a cheetah/human beat everyone else just because of genetic modifications.:)
Nope only natural humans can compete. No Cyborgs, biorobots or the genetically modified.
let's go back to the present and count the amount of transgenic humans right now...

anyone know?

I have a notion on how many....
Would it be around ZIPO, ZILCH, ZERO?

There are over 50,000 people with cybernetic implants (cochlea ear implants for the deaf represent the majority)
Depends probably on the definition:

they have been injecting some modified cells into patients, so there are people walking the planet that are partly genetically modified.

But the amount of human transgenics in which the germline is also modified is most probably zero. Unless there was something on the news recently and I missed it.
Even though there aren't any official hybrids there could be some we don't know about.

There could have easily been some secret project that some government or businus tried that worked.

If it did happen who ever did it could have destroyed the evidence and made the project appear like it never happened.

Now theres a good plot for a video/movie/book/or game!:)

Even though there is already alot of those already made!:D
Of Mice and Men

The full story on the Dutch Student taken from The Ecologist Vol 5, June 2002. No website. Back issues: theecologist@galleon.co.uk. In addition Vol 28, Sept 1998 "The Monsanto Files" edition was forced off the press by Monsanto but they went with another publisher. A frightening issue.

The dutch experiment in brief: It involved 30 mice from a herpetology center. The foodstuffs were Kellog's and Quaker cereals, GM free oatmeal and GM maize and GM soya. Phase one - the mice were let loose in big cages with two bowls- one GM the other conventional. The mice wouldn't touch the GM. They all gained weight on the conventionasl diet. They were then devided in half and one group allowed only a GM bowl and the other only conventional. At first the GM mice gained weight but by the end of the experiment had lost weight. The rival group actually ate less but gained more weight and continued to gain weight. They used the exercise wheel more often and appeared calm and for lack of a better description "normal". Most worrying however was the behaviour of the GM mice. They scrabbled desperately in the sawdust, and frantically climbed the sides of the cage continually seeking escape. They appeared to the Dutch undergraduate to be distressed and exhibiting behaviour he had never seen before. One of the mice died. His research was presented to the Dutch parliament on Dec. 11, 2001 and can be found at http://www.i-sis.org.uk

I also read about the monarch butterflies dying from GM pollen but can't find the article. Same for the digestive enzymes of bees mutating. probably www.nexusmagazine.com back issues or the Ecologist again.

Just like to say that I'm not anti-science. This forum wouldn't be here without it. But when you remove the sense of awe and mystery from scientific endeavor you run the risk of straying out of bounds. The original scientists, those medieval alchemists who birthed metalurgy, chemistry and astronomy never forgot this. The gold they were working on was not necessarily a metal but often themselves. The refining was of the human nature and a distilation of the more subtle elements of our spiritual selves. If modern science could align itself to such an ideal the world would have a lot less to worry about and everything to gain.