what if God could be proven?

Read posts 298, 300, and 304.
My own posts? :shrug:

You keep claiming that roses smell different to each individual, but that does not matter, that is useless junk, that is your belief of what a rose might smell like.
It happens to be a fact.

You are gone dude, where is your head at???
And you still resort to insult rather than engage in the subject.
Congratulations on your stubbornness and refusal to discuss the topic.
My own posts? :shrug:

It happens to be a fact.

And you still resort to insult rather than engage in the subject.
Congratulations on your stubbornness and refusal to discuss the topic.

I told, if we were to follow your mind set, humanity would have been gone as soon as you gained your ability to reason.
LOL, why would you? You want cheap magic tricks instead of truth. If you were to see magic you would not believe in God regardless.

I’m laughing too. You asked “believe in magic”? I am acquainted with spiritual magic and thought maybe you could be one practicing it.
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I’m laughing too. You said “ever heard of magic”? I am acquainted with spiritual magic and thought maybe you could be one practicing it.

LOL. Yeah, I don't do that. I work in the ways and means of absorbing energy, transfering energy, and using energy.
I told, if we were to follow your mind set, humanity would have been gone as soon as you gained your ability to reason.
Which is nothing at all to do with anything I said.
As previously stated you have failed completely (deliberately?) to understand and have therefore put a ridiculous interpretation on it.
Which is nothing at all to do with anything I said.
As previously stated you have failed completely (deliberately?) to understand and have therefore put a ridiculous interpretation on it.

I don't think so. You and I both know you are wrong. You just refuse to accept the inevidable.
what is magic anyway? an effect with no cause? there's no such thing...

Spritual gifts are mentioned in the bible and is common among those having the spirit. The way gifts of the spirit are used one can easily think of them as magic.
Spritual gifts are mentioned in the bible and is common among those having the spirit. The way gifts of the spirit are used one can easily think of them as magic.

hm...i think i just have an aversion to the word magic. i'm of the everything happens for a reason mindset.
hm...i think i just have an aversion to the word magic. i'm of the everything happens for a reason mindset.

As an example, tongues, Oral Roberts, rest in peace, said he spoke in tongues and that it would rise up from his stomach.
As an example, tongues, Oral Roberts, rest in peace, said he spoke in tongues and that it would rise up from his stomach.

my grandma used to do that. if i understand it correctly, it's a language of the spirit, brought on by spiritual influence. spirits aren't magic. they're just spirits.
my grandma used to do that. if i understand it correctly, it's a language of the spirit, brought on by spiritual influence. spirits aren't magic. they're just spirits.

Spirits are conjured up through some sort of practiced ritual whether it is religion or séances or psychic abilities.
Spirits are conjured up through some sort of practiced ritual whether it is religion or séances or psychic abilities.

people are influenced by spirits all the time whether they conjure them or not.
i know my communication skills are not on par with the majority of educated ppl out there..i only wish someone would come and post here to elaborate the OP..maybe we won't get so off topic..(glaucon where are you now with your off topic hammer?)

nd, dwr. do we need to get you two a preacher or something?
whether it be to exercise your demons or to join you two in marriage. i don't know..as long as you continue to slam each other, neither one of you will gain any understanding..