what if God could be proven?

You have no proof whatsoever that there is no God ( creator ) .
Where is your proof ?!.


No such claim was made by me. Until such claim is made by me, no proof is needed to back up such non-claims.

In the meantime, we DO have people in this thread who are admitted godbots. They still refuse to say why they are godbots however. So far the most direct answer amounts to the following: "I am trying to accept into my reality the most convincing man-made story I can find, which best fits my cultural world view and alleviates most of the fears I have of death."

In other words, they're looking for a coping mechanism. :cool:
OMG 12 pages! i just started this thread last night!....
(had to skip a few pages to get caught up)

to try and clarify OP...

how God would interact with us is valid.

would he change everything to his liking? including us? would we still have our right to choose what we do with our life? or would we end up mindless automatons?(What fun would that be? for him or us,) he's got angels to do that..

or is it the other way around..
god waits on us hand and foot..whatever we want,we get?..
(it would be way cool..but i don't think so...)

forget about the form god takes he can pry be any form he wants. any argument on what he looks like is kinda wasted as it could be a matter of 'you all are right'..
for the sake of the disscussion lets assume he can be any form he wants to be..when he speaks to us we will know it is god that is speaking to us..

this topic is not about whether you agree or not IF there is a god..
this topic assumes there is one and there is no doubt he exists..
any disscussions about whether he exists or not,would only serve to distract from the topic and avoid answering the questions ..

that means you too..don't answer on autopilot..give it some serious thought or don't post! read this.. try and comply please..
OMG 12 pages! i just started this thread last night!....
(had to skip a few pages to get caught up)

to try and clarify OP...

how God would interact with us is valid.

would he change everything to his liking? including us? would we still have our right to choose what we do with our life? or would we end up mindless automatons?(What fun would that be? for him or us,) he's got angels to do that..

or is it the other way around..
god waits on us hand and foot..whatever we want,we get?..
(it would be way cool..but i don't think so...)

forget about the form god takes he can pry be any form he wants. any argument on what he looks like is kinda wasted as it could be a matter of 'you all are right'..
for the sake of the disscussion lets assume he can be any form he wants to be..when he speaks to us we will know it is god that is speaking to us..

this topic is not about whether you agree or not IF there is a god..
this topic assumes there is one and there is no doubt he exists..
any disscussions about whether he exists or not,would only serve to distract from the topic and avoid answering the questions ..

that means you too..don't answer on autopilot..give it some serious thought or don't post! read this.. try and comply please..
This is more confusing than I predicted at first.......:confused::confused:.
Theists would be closer to proving God exists if only they unanimously agreed that He is unseen, unheard, undetectable, unknown and absent. :D
really nice thread..
how would that change reality as we know it?
wouldn't that create a society where we no longer have any choices?
there would be no goals too.no thinking....no life.
i think personal responsibility would be non-existant..
would we have any more technological advances? or would we revert back to a technologyless society?
we would become animals. or whatever god wants us to be, as we won't have any choice but to comply.
what if god could be proven beyond any doubt?
what if god were to show himself so that everyone would not doubt his existence?
beyond any doubt is relative.
jesus raising the dead is beyond any doubt.
telling the future accurately is beyond any doubt.
splitting the sea in half is beyond any doubt.
traveling a week's worth distance in a night and proving it is beyond any doubt.
but here it's always through a human medium, god is told of, not revealed directly, that was "beyond any doubt" for some, others were selective and stubborn.

then the other issue, in your question, do you mean show himself to us 24/7 or for a certain amount of time?
if 24/7 then it's as most people addressed.
but i guess that even if it was for a certain period of time people would believe and invent religion for what they saw, then centuries or thousands of years later people will say there's no god at all.
Does 0 x 0 = 0 ? yes or no
If yes, Then there is proof that a creater does exist.
If no, Then you do not exist.
wouldn't that create a society where we no longer have any choices?

If you answered yes, this would make you an agnostic, (gods can't be known). Or, should you prefer, isn't known (because it can't be known).

I see most christians argue this which actually makes all christians agnostic theists. But then...

Those very same christians typically argue that god has personal relationships with them making them non-agnostic agnostic theists. Oh, christians, such a silly bunch.


we would become animals. or whatever god wants us to be, as we won't have any choice but to comply

Which is, interestingly, exactly how this god wanted us to be. It was only because of a talking snake that things changed and we became aware of good, evil and nudity. In short, before such time, we had no concept of that which actually separates us from other animals.

And yes, we got cursed for it in good all-loving fashion.
this isn't a 'prove to me' god exists thread..
this is a 'what if' thread..

what if god could be proven beyond any doubt?
what if god were to show himself so that everyone would not doubt his existence?

how would that change reality as we know it?
wouldn't that create a society where we no longer have any choices?
i think personal responsibility would be non-existant..
would we have any more technological advances? or would we revert back to a technologyless society?

I would buy a bottle of booze sit this god down at a table , and say what the heck are you doing , we have problems and for the most part they are because of you , lets discuss :D
this isn't a 'prove to me' god exists thread..
this is a 'what if' thread..

what if god could be proven beyond any doubt?
what if god were to show himself so that everyone would not doubt his existence?

how would that change reality as we know it?
it would be clear under what authority we are existing
wouldn't that create a society where we no longer have any choices?
existing under an authority, regardless whether it is malevolent or benevolent, simply means choices get influenced

i think personal responsibility would be non-existant..
I mean for instance, how does knowledge of the president's prerogative reduce one's personal responsibility?

would we have any more technological advances?
technology strives to fulfill our needs, which at the moment are mostly geared at trying to fix some sort of stability in a temporal medium.

If we transcend that need, arguably technology would simply take a different form than what it is at the moment.

or would we revert back to a technologyless society?
If you accept that god has perfect knowledge, there's a good argument for us having perfect technology
You logic is astounding.... you've managed to merge the worlds of logic and stupidity. :bravo:

Peace be unto you ;)

Hopefully one day he'll wake up.
Mind you, this kind of mentality is spreading like wild-fire.
Soon, reasoning with these guys will just be a thing of the past.
A daunting, and dark future awaits.
