What if History has been turned Upside Down?

I bet I know more about electricity than you. Chemists tend to know a certain amount of physics.

Seriously, this is a discussion forum. If you want to raise an issue for discussion, raise it in your own words, here on the forum, where we can debate it. Like most readers, I am not going to waste 20 minutes watching what on the face of it is a crap video for the credulous. You may not realise it, but those of us who have been around a while are wearily familiar with the pyramids being used for all manner of preposterous crank notions. This looks like just another one - and in fact one of the more ridiculous.

So yes, we will go on negging your thread until you can be bothered to put your arse in gear and express in words, for yourself, what the argument (if there is one) is, for us to read quickly here.
Thing is most of you have problably spent over 20 minutes negging instead of watching the video.

Dont know if you are all from america but nowadays everyone is so adhd, always on their phones 24/7.

He's actually too embarrassed to put forward the ideas mentioned in the video. Act in haste, repent ... nah, that's unlikely.
Not embarassed, just lazy. It would take me more time to transcribe than it would for you to watch the video.
anyone know how they lifted 70 ton stones ?
From the Wiki article it seems uncertain: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egyptian_pyramid_construction_techniques

But it is worth keeping in mind that they need not have lifted them vertically or in their entirety. They knew how to use ramps and how to lever corners and/or sides in turn.

I find it interesting that, in the case of the great pyramid at least, graveyards of workers have been found, suggesting it was not slave labour but thousands of artisans.

(No electricity cables have been found, strangely enough....:D)
Thing is most of you have problably spent over 20 minutes negging instead of watching the video.

Dont know if you are all from america but nowadays everyone is so adhd, always on their phones 24/7.

Not embarassed, just lazy. It would take me more time to transcribe than it would for you to watch the video.
No it took about 2 mins. But there's a general point here about forum etiquette, which makes it worthwhile for me to respond to you. It is lazy and bad manners to demand that people watch lengthy YouTube videos, instead of summarising an argument yourself in words, especially when, as we we all know, YouTube is full of junk. If you can't be bothered to explain the argument, why should we be bothered to waste 20 minutes on what is most likely a junk video, just on the recommendation of someone on the internet who may very well be a nutcase?

The converse of this is that, if you can put together a coherent argument about it, that will be useful evidence that you are somebody worth corresponding with - and a decent debate may then ensue.
Cleopatra's Needle didn't need miracles to be erected, just wood, sand, and lots of labor.
you maybe have not seen the extended internal surveys of the great pyramids.
70 ton stone suspended in a interlocking leaning cieling.
i cant recal the precise math but there was a lot of confusion about how the mechanics could possible work without any ability to lift at least 50 or soo tons directly upward.

if you do have an actual explanation for that i would be very keen to read it.
no one has been able to explain how they did that and most avoid that for the very reason they cant explain it.

maybe they were better mathamaticians than modern scientists ?
maybe they had giant flying domesticated dinosaurs that could hover while caryying 30 ton blocks.
Well, either they figured out a mundane way to do it, which would be the way to bet.

OR IT WAS ALIENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, either they figured out a mundane way to do it, which would be the way to bet.

OR IT WAS ALIENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Could be human made, anti-grav?

I have a new idea, maybe the ancient humans left and colonized other planets, and they took their tech with them, and we are some kind of social experiment to them.
anyone know how they lifted 70 ton stones ?
Lots of hot egyptian women, to boost their testosterone?

Or elephants. Very large gears?
The converse of this is that, if you can put together a coherent argument about it, that will be useful evidence that you are somebody worth corresponding with - and a decent debate may then ensue.
Im not an electrician, I figured an electrician would have easier time just watching the video than debating the likely numerous errors of my transcription.
He's actually too embarrassed to put forward the ideas mentioned in the video.
I get the impression that he is unable to extract the main points from the video. He talks about transcribing the whole thing, which is mere copying. What is needed first is comprehension - extracting the most pertinent information from the video. The ability to sum up the main arguments for the benefit of readers here would also be useful.

Threads are much more likely to generate discussion if they have some kind of focus. Naively, you'd think that when somebody starts a thread, they have something specific they want to talk about, beyond "Look! I saw this neat video on youtube!" I mean, I'm glad to hear that you managed to fill that 20 minutes of your life, but why should I be at all interested? Is there anything that might motivate me to spend 20 minutes of my life on this?
On topic: if the contention is that the Ancient Egyptians knew how to control and use electricity, it would be good to hear at least one piece of evidence that supports that contention.
On topic: if the contention is that the Ancient Egyptians knew how to control and use electricity, it would be good to hear at least one piece of evidence that supports that contention.
That would be von Daniken's big ass light bulb thingy. It's not a light bulb, of course, but if one lacks scholarship then it sure seems like one. The fact that the infrastructure to support electrical distribution has never been found is oddly ignored.
On topic: if the contention is that the Ancient Egyptians knew how to control and use electricity, it would be good to hear at least one piece of evidence that supports that contention.
Its just, now I have to watch the video twice, while y'all won't even watch the video once.

In a minute I am about to edit my original post and post a briefing of the video.

EDIT: cant edit it, so I will post it here.

1. She claims the pyramid was not likely used for a tomb for several reasons: No mummies, no ornate decorations, and also the entrance to the tomb is not sealed, but instead has a door. She says that according to what we know about ancient Egypt, tombs ought to be sealed. She states that it is unusual that a tomb would have a deep angled passageway that is so absurdly deep.

2. She then says that the Egyptian pyramids were covered in a casing that works as an insulator, this is historically proven that the casings were indeed real.

3. She mentions the pyramids contain many specific conducting materials, such as granite which contains quartz compound, and dolomite which has pressure based conductivity.

4. She provides ancient artifacts, that prove ancients that were nearby egypt had use of electricity, as proven on mythbusters with lemon juice.

5. There is more stuff, but you have to watch the video, she provides pictures and diagrams of how the pyramid worked.
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1. So why would they build a bunch of "usual" pyramids that looked exactly like the Power Plant but were used as tombs?