What if...

jcarl said:
My interpretation of a religious/supernatural event would be anything that gives the observer an inkling of a reason to believe that there is a deity. My ideal situation would be where something traumatic happened(car wreck, etc) and the person avoided death or maiming. If I were that person, and this is probably a reflection of my bias, I would be hard pressed to not see something divine in that. Some of you may call it luck, but I personally don't believe such a thing doesn't exist.
thats interesting,b/c serious head on accident happened to me once,on friday 13th no less, :eek:
(coincidence imo since on friday and saturday many people are in a big rush and usualy have few drinks too,,no superstitions here!)

...and since Im smart enough to always buckle up when driving,
I dont think I can thank god or my lucky stars for saving me.

now if god reached down and straightened up the mangled wreckage returning it to its original shape,also instantly curing the big bruise on my chest where I hit the steering wheel,it might qualify as some kind of miracle,

but then, who knows if there arent some highly advanced alien beings observing our planet,who can manipulate/shape matter into any form? ;)

wouldnt they seem like gods to us?
RosaMagika said:
Now that ain't Christian, and you know it.

Psalm 119

12 Who can discern his errors?
Forgive my hidden faults.
13 Keep your servant also from willful sins;
may they not rule over me.
Then will I be blameless,
innocent of great transgression.

antifreeze said:
there actually is a chance of this happening. one that is so remote i don't have the endurance to type out all of the zeros.

i have seen chairs levitate and spin in mid air. i have seen dark figures walking through my room. i have seen hats disappear and reappear a second later. supernatural events? i would call them hallucinations.

and southstar, if a guy with horns and a pitchfork appeared in your room to say he'd see you in fifteen years, what would you call that?

I would first remind myself that the devil does not have "horns and a pitchfork".

And then I would pat myself on the back for being a Christian.

:D just kidding.

I'd pray.
stretched said:

Quote Adstar:
"Even when they did see a miraculous sign they reacted like this:

Mark 3
22And the scribes who came down from Jerusalem said, "He has Beelzebub," and, "By the ruler of the demons He casts out demons."

Why does your god feel the need to impress folk by using smoke and mirrors, and a David Copperfield floor show?

Quote Adstar:
"LOL There is no pleasing some people."

Yup, David Copperfield can never please me.


I hear Sigfried and Roy put on a great show..