What is backstop?

The problem with Brexit is that it was a decision by the English people. Scottish and Northern Irish opposed. If they leave the U.K, they can join the European union.
Can you use Scottish pound note in England?
You can use the Scottish pound most places in England, but some establishments might not accept it. It is technically not legal tender, which I think means that it can be refused. But it is backed by Sterling so most (99.9...%) do accept it.
You can use the Scottish pound most places in England, but some establishments might not accept it. It is technically not legal tender, which I think means that it can be refused. But it is backed by Sterling so most (99.9...%) do accept it.

It certainly is legal tender, and you can't refuse it neither.
Then I Wikipedia'd it and...holy cow! It's not, not even in Scotland!


Quote....Scottish banknotes are unusual, first because they are issued by retail banks, not central banks, and second, because they are technically not legal tender anywhere in the United Kingdom-not even Scotland. As such, they are classified as promissory notes, and the law requires that the issuing banks hold a sum of Bank of England banknotes or gold equivalent to the total value of notes issued.

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Now going from ireland to northern ireland need passport or not?
Not at the moment, no. We’re still under the same laws and regulations as for the last few years. We only formerly end the “transition period” at the end of the year, and no idea yet what the formal rules will be then.
No huge difference in culture. But NI has been defined by a conflict between religious beliefs (Catholic v Protestant) and between Unionists and Nationalists (I.e. those who want NI to rejoin the rest of the island of Ireland as a single country, and those who want to remain part of the UK).
and lets no forget that brexit could fuck up the good friday agreement
What is backstop?

A backstop can also refer to a small boy or similar that decides to pick a fight with a much bigger opponent, who is unaware that what he sees as an easy victory against the small boy, does not realize that the small boy/opponent also has a far bigger mate hiding behind a tree, ready to lend assistance....He is the small boy's backstop.