What is free will?

So the curiosity killed the cat ?

The curiosity of the cat was stifled by the person not willing to provide a comprehensible version of a explnation to the cat to respond to because "other cats out there" can understand the explnation


The curiosity of the cat was stifled by the person not willing to provide a comprehensible version of a explnation to the cat to respond to because "other cats out there" can understand the explnation


It is not comprehensible.
explnation is not a word from the dictionary.

To expell a nation ? :biggrin:
I can expell some demons if exorcism is needed, but a nation, i dont know if or how.
I am not sure about the "vibrational levels" or about the "energy".

In my opinion, energy is what remain when we have associated all other measurment to facts.
So yes, one could understand energy as the non physicalist part of this world, so spirit etc, but talking about this like that, refer by contradiction to "the material world" (the contradictor, the adversary) , so using the same type of knowledge as the contradictor, saying spirit exist by comparison to matter...

I prefer to speak more clearly : Spirit is, and do not need matter to be.
Same for God, He exists, without the need of Man.
Word (conceptual tought) is sufficient to make something existing.

Now... i remember some ancient toughts, where trying to understand God's situation (because i experienced myself some special situation where i was totaly disconnected from anything) i have imagined that knowing all, be capable of anything, with nobody else around, this would be a very lonyless situation and i even surprised myself having some pity for God (yes that sounds silly but i love God...).
Without any other free will... you would be lonely.

So ok, God with His creation, with Man other creatures makes God how He actually is.
I am not sure of that, because i am only a very very little one, so i appologise if did some stupid mistake trying to understand whats about (but at least it is the truth about what i think about this subject).

These quotations regarding String Theory may help?

"It was not until 1920 that the idea of linking electromagnetism and
gravity resurfaced. At that time a new theory of gravitation had been proposed by Albert Einstein (1879-1955), called the general theory of relativity. It was a replacement of Newton's theory, which had stood unchallenged since 1687. Inspired by Einstein's work, a young German mathematician named Theodore Kaluza was seized by a curious idea. The theory of relativity links space an time together to form a four-dimensional space-time continuum. What would happen, mused Kaluza, if general relativity were formulated in five rather than four dimensions? This is what Kaluza did, and to everyone's astonishment it was discovered that five-dimensional gravity obeys the same laws as
four-dimensional gravity as well as Maxwell's laws for the electromagnetic field. In other words, gravitation and electromagnetism are automatically unified in five dimensions, where electromagnetism is merely a component of gravity!"

The only drawback of the theory concerns the extra dimension. Why
don't we see it?
An ingenious answer was provided by Oskar Klein. A
hosepipe viewed from afar looks like a wiggly line, i.e. one- dimensional.
However, on closer inspection it can be seen as a narrow tube. It is, in fact,
two-dimensional, and what was taken to be a point on the line is actually a
little circle going around the tube. In the same way, reasoned Klein, what we normally regard as a point in three dimensional space could in reality be a little circle going around a fourth space dimension. Thus Kaluza's extra
dimension might well exist, but be impossible to detect because it is closed
(circular) and rolled up to a very small circumference. In spite of
these bizarre overtones, it seems probable that in future a "theory of everything" will make use of the idea of unseen higher dimensions."

"Although nature manifests four distinct forces, physicists believe that
each may be part of a smaller number of more primitive forces. At high energy, the electromagnetic and weak forces appear to merge into a single "electroweak" force. Some "grand unified theories" suggest that a further amalgamation takes place between the electroweak and strong forces at as yet unattained energies. The most ambitious unification schemes envisage an amalgamation of all four forces into a single "superforce" at ultra-high levels of energy."...
"The real burden in the next three centuries will not be the development of fancy mathematics, but the experimental testing of these ambitious theories. All current thinking about total unification assumes that the effects of linking all the forces and particles together will only become manifest at energies that are some trillion times greater than those currently attainable in particle accelerators. Probably we shall never reach such energies directly" ( A Theory of Everything" Volume 21 of "The World of Science)

So maybe it is impossible for us here in four dimensional space - time to even begin to imagine a level of energy where we cannot sin......
but as we go closer to our Creator... the Love and Gratitude and Humility of our Creator... may rather overwhelm us?!​
Correct not a word from any dictionary

It's a typo


I know it is not a typo (twice the same "typo" ?)
But i try to understand even if there is some fantasy in the writing, because i want to understand.

Dennis Tate said:
These quotations regarding String Theory may help?

I know the principles of string theory (not the detail of the theory, i am not mathematican).

Dennis Tate said:
So maybe it is impossible for us here in four dimensional space - time to even begin to imagine a level of energy where we cannot sin......

It is possible for us to invent some theory, having fun to understand (we have been given a brain, so why not use it ?) but we need to have the humility to always remember that all we think about that is ... shit.
I like to discuss shit, and i know it is.

but as we go closer to our Creator... the Love and Gratitude and Humility of our Creator... may rather overwhelm us?!

I dont expect anything from my Creator.
I only know He is the one who determine what is equity, the world itself bend before His Words to match His will.

I dont think we need special intellect (like comprehend string theory) to be aware of God.
"Even" an insect can do that (perhaps better than man because the insect is not so sophisticated...).
To the OP , freedom to question .... And Think For Your Self . But not with stupidity .
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