Silent Bob
Registered Member
Guilt and love, both seem to plague most of humanity's minds all the time. Those who don't feel one, the other, or both... have a "problem" Which technically is probably true. What causes us to feel guilt and love? What was the purpose. Is guilt implanted with the need to not damage existance, to not damaging anything in it? You don't feel guilty because you stubbed your toe... simply because the damage done was to yourself. Guilt is only derived from hurting other living things... and sometimes not even living things... which is weird, but it's done, as I have felt guilt for destroying inatimate objects, but even then it relates to me giving life to the inatimate objects. You know what I'm talking about... like teddy bears for kids or something... Guilt varies greatly from person to person... so it's hard to pinpoint the meaning behind it. Again, I'm no expert for sure.